This fungus caught my eye; its shale and texture (not that I touched it) seemed good for this week’s elemnt of the flash of red challenge. Still not certain on what works and what doesn’t in black-and-white, but I continue to persevere.
Thank you for your views, comments and favs on yesterday’s offering. Much appreciated.
Lovely find an sharp focus on the fungi , nice dof light , patterns and textures . I find this b/w quite demanding but like you , I still persevere ! I find my subject choice can be quite different -- a learning curve !
Took a quick look at your calendar and it looks really good! I think you have a better understanding of black and white than you realize. In the above shot you have just the right amount of contrast to highlight the "frilliness" of the fungus. I think if I was to improve anything it might be the dof making the background even blurrier and the fungus more in focus. That might be slightly suggestive- not everyone would feel the same, but it's a good shot overall.