The hotel resort is predominantly German & French clientele so possibly these flip flops are not that subtle. 1st year we came, out of 3,000 plus rooms, we were the only Brits; the service was, and still is, quite superb and I still, when ordering food or drink use Spanish and German with the staff (confuses the hell out of them when they hear Carole and I conversing in English)
Enjoy your weekend
Thank you for your views, comments and favs on yesterday’s offering. Much appreciated.
@phil_sandford Near perfect temp. Nice place to go. I Love the colorful thongs in front. The red lines lead right into the photo. Great juxtaposition of formal and informal.
@mave I can order drinks, say hello, good morning, good evening, thank you in Spanish. Have more vocabulary than that in German (lived in Berlin for 4 years). I am certainly not multilingual or fluent in either language, but I try.
@ludwigsdiana I believe the Germans have less vacation time than us Brits (I get 30 days a year); they tend to do 3 week holidays and expect/demand very good service (and pay for it). We (Carole & I) just reap the rewards for using a hotel frequented by our European neighbours.