A birthday present that everybody can enjoy - Top Golf is new to the Gold Coast and is perfect for a small group with a couple of hours to spare.
Basically it's electronic golf - all the ingredients of golf but with that yukky, tiring, walking part removed! Add American style food (in very large portions!) beer and wine and you have a sport for those who don't actually like sport too much...
Love that part about “sport for those who don’t actually like sport too much”. Watch out for that American food. They said on the news last night that over 40% of Americans are now obese.
This is cool but I prefer the outdoor game any time even though I have never been to a golf course and don't even know the rules of the game. I am fed up to my nose seeing everyone absorbed in their mobiles, tablets and you name it.
@shutterbug49 Hi Shutterbug - many Aussies are now overweight too - too much fast food and not enough activity - a sign of modern life with all of its issues!