The most exciting thing happened this morning when I was in the kitchen (fortunately my camera was there too!). I saw this amazing bird pecking around in the guttering on the garage at the back of the house. I was shaking with excitement as I have never seen a Jay in real life! How sad is that! Anyway, I got a couple of pics before Steve came in the back door and frightened him away. I do hope he comes back again as I would love to take some more pics. I have only ever seen them in books but I recognised him straight away. I really will have to clean my kitchen windows if lovely birds are going to appear before me
@kmrtn6 Thank you @janturnbull Janet I will be googling to see what they like to eat and then I'll buy whatever it takes but I bet I won't see him again
Wonderful capture,Rosie!! It's very strange,but my daughter,Rosie and my grandson went for a walk in the woods,nearby this morning.They saw a bird they've never seen was a Jay!!Unfortunately they couldn't get close enough to get any clear shots!! Must Fav your shot, though!!
@judithg@busylady@rwhite@leananiemand@gphelps5@cindyrez Thanks everyone. I have been looking out for him today but haven't seen him. The garden is quiet today for some reason. Despite putting loads of food out, I haven't seen any birds! I did get up late thought so maybe they have been and gone but will be back for supper!
@janturnbull Janet I will be googling to see what they like to eat and then I'll buy whatever it takes but I bet I won't see him again
@esox Thanks Martin. I've just never seen one before