I had to work from 11 until 3pm today as I was introduced to the Bishop of Bedford to tell him about the Village Agent role as well as my role in setting up Good Neighbour Schemes. He was due at 2.30pm and I usually finish work at 2pm. After I left, I went across to Priory Country Park and walked along to the Finger Lakes where I knew one of my heron friends would be and I was right, he was standing on the bank. I got a load of pics of him but then decided to go back to the car and on my way back, this fellow was standing on the lock thinking about fishing! I think because he had one thing on his mind, he didn't mind me being there because I was able to wade into the long grass to get some pics of him. I had to get above the teasels and shrubbery to get my pics and I noticed another photographer on the bridge pointing his camera in the opposite direction. He had a digiscope on and I was very tempted to tell him to point his camera my way so that he too could get some pics of the heron. Anyway, he finally decided to move (the heron that is) when other noisy people crossed the bridge so I managed to get some pics of him in flight as well. However, if you look in my Bits & Bobs album you will see yet another heron who I saw in the stream in Cardington before I even got to Priory. In total, I saw 3 herons today! Yay