I was in two minds as to whether to take a walk around Priory this afternoon as it was starting to rain but I'm glad I persevered because the first things I saw was two herons and this is one of them. He looks very intent in this shot and he's probably fishing. It was only raining a little bit when I took this and after I had walked round for a while I decided to go back as it had been thundering and lightening the whole time and the sky looked very threatening. I'm glad I did because as soon as I got into the car, there was an absolute deluge and I could hardly see in front of me as I drove to Sainsbury's to do my shopping.
I was on the train to London in that and it actually caused passengers to make eye contact with each other (up North we'd all have been chatting for ages already!) Lovely heron - hope he got his dinner before the heavens opened.