play me by sarah19

play me

Shopping in Aberdeen and we passed this piano being played by two young girls. There are lots of pianos around the city at the moment for anyone to play. It was lovely to see them having fun together and such a nice idea. Apparently there are covers near them and on wet days passers by are encouraged to cover them up for a bit of protection.
1. A good bus journey to Aberdeen with Connor while his mum and dad and little brother went by car. We met up an did a swap - they went to a movie and we went shopping with Finnley in his buggy.
3. Good bargains at John Lewis for Allan and a fab new dish rack to replace the stainless steel one we had for well over 20 years.
Yes I love this idea too. Trouble is I'm not confident enough to play anything from memory.
August 5th, 2016  
@busylady I know the feeling!! Though I did come home and practise a few tunes on my piano so maybe one of these years...... Thanks for your comment!
August 5th, 2016  
That's an excellent initiative. I've never heard of this happening in other places.
August 6th, 2016  
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