Security? by seacreature


This is from the street looking towards our front door from where my bike was stolen. I thought we were reasonably secure. But as my daughter said, "it's only a bike!" At least I hadn't gone outside to investigate when I heard the dogs started barking in the house in the early hours of the morning because then I might have put my life in danger.
I'm not sure this is helpful but I do understand why so many of my SA friends moved over here years ago...even though they miss the country big time.
August 15th, 2017  
@islambad Yes indeed. We are fortunate in not having a lot of crime in our little village, but I guess sometimes a bad element moves in and seizes an opportunity. You can't really see our front door behind the water tank and trees etc. but our neighbour was having air conditioners installed last week so there were workers high up near the roof overlooking our property. They had a clear view so we suspect they saw an opportunity to come back. It must've taken at least 2 people to lift a bike on a heavy stand over the spikes of that 2m high palisade fence!
August 15th, 2017  
@seacreature Opportunists...maybe the neighbour could deduct it off his bill if he hasn't already paid...
August 15th, 2017  
It's hard to imagine anyone going to so much trouble! I never go outside alone if I hear anything at night, I won't even answer the door after dark unless I'm expecting someone.
August 16th, 2017  
That really stinks about your bike, that does give you a weird feeling to think they were so close to your house. It's good you didn't go outside. And they certainly did go to a lot of trouble! We don't have a lot of crime here, mostly petty stuff. Like people having things taken out of their cars usually because they kept them unlocked. We always keep our car doors locked and our doors locked, specially if we are working outside in our backyard.
August 16th, 2017  
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