Fool/Joke by skipt07


When I saw the word of the day for April 1st. I immediately thought of two things. 1). The joker in a pack of cards and 2). the young people this business hires to wear a Statue of Liberty outfit. The business offers tax services and these young men go through all kinds of antics to draw attention of passers-by to the business. I am somewhat surprised that the police allow them to do this so close to a major road because of the distraction they can cause. All for minimum wage. I drove by on the 1st, but no one was out.
Cool shot
April 3rd, 2013  
Great shot. Love the tones and the processing.
April 3rd, 2013  
Neat shot! I like how you processed it.
April 4th, 2013  
Great idea for the word. Our sign holders make more than minimum here. An article in the paper the other day said this one restaurant always made more money when the sign guy was out.
April 4th, 2013  
Haha! Fun shot! They make about 10 an hour here. You couldn't pay me enough to do this.
April 4th, 2013  
Guess if the weather is nice it's an easy-ish wage.
April 4th, 2013  
@danette @kerristephens @atooner @kwind @mandyj92 @lynnb
Maybe they make more then minimum, I honestly don't know. You should have see them in January and February. They had so many clothes on the Statute of Liberty outfit was rather snug on them and you couldn't see their faces. But they are pretty animated while they are out there. This guy would stop every now and then, bend over and put his hands on his knees like someone that just ran a 40 yard dash in three seconds.
April 4th, 2013  
Well done!
April 5th, 2013  
LOL.. we have them here too.
April 6th, 2013  
@jenniferruge - Thank you Jennifer!

@dmdfday - Really? What part of the 100 Acre Wood do you live? I didn't know how big an area the franchise spans.
April 6th, 2013  
@skipt07 Colorado Springs.. Not sure if it's the same franchise but it is for taxes... I'll have to get a picture, we also have a chicken flapping wings to advertise hot wings..
April 7th, 2013  
We have these same costumed advertisers where I live... what a humbling job... at least they are willing to work!
April 10th, 2013  
@calm - That it is. I have to had it to them especially when it is below zero outside.
April 10th, 2013  
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