Solanum and Gertrude Jekyll by susiemc

Solanum and Gertrude Jekyll

These two climbers are planted next to each other in our garden. Sometimes they flower at the same time, sometimes they don't. This year they did ! What a lovely combination.
Ooh what lovely roses. I have to tell you Sue I only have one rose out in my garden & that’s on the only rose in the garden! I look at your garden & think mine is not good. It’s big but is lacking in the flower department. We need to get to the garden centre!
June 20th, 2024  
Such a gorgeous "old-fashioned rose " and flowering in abundance so pretty next to the blue climber ! fav
June 20th, 2024  
Beautiful capture!
June 20th, 2024  
Such a pretty capture!
June 20th, 2024  
Oh wow! That's so lovely, Sue! They look great together! Clearly, you are having a super garden year! Fav
June 20th, 2024  
What a gorgeous rose. The two plants make such a pretty display.
June 21st, 2024  
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