Just When I Thought I Had Seen It All by taiwandaily

Just When I Thought I Had Seen It All

I've been completely swamped the last few weeks so I haven't really had the time to snap any new pictures. Looking back through all my older pictures I have yet to put up, made me think that there really wasn't anything interesting and new to take a photo of. However early this morning I was proven wrong.

While up taking my dog for her morning walk, we stumble upon this lady who was using hula hoops. I think i've said it before, but hula hoops are actually a big exercise here for older women. Many parks and hiking rest areas have them for women to hula for exercise. This lady takes it to a whole new level though.

Unfortunately because I didn't want to creep her out, I took the photo from a distance, which means you can't see the actual hoops. she is doing quite a few at the same time, body, arms, legs, etc. However even this can't compare to what I saw her doing before this....

She was hula hooping while jumping rope! it was incredible, and she was quite good at it. I should have taken a picture of this, but i really blew it. If anything I want a photo just to prove that it was real, cause I was half asleep at the time.
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