Prisoner Or Queen? by taiwandaily

Prisoner Or Queen?

Finally I'm able to give the people what they really want, nudity. It's rather shocking to see this ad. In Europe nudity is great, but violence is bad. In the states violence is wonderful, but nudity is sinful. In Taiwan both are terrible. Any movie on TV is so heavily edited for both violence and nudity that you can watch pretty much any movie in just 15 minutes.

Getting back on track, the picture is an ad for a center which caters to a very old and somewhat outdated part of chinese culture. There was this belief that after you have a baby, you are not allowed to leave the bed for one to three months after that. This is not a way of saying that mothers shouldn't do any strenuous or stressful activity, and instead should just take it easy for a month or so. This actually means you MUST stay in the bed for the whole time and NEVER get out of the bed. What happens if you do get out of bed? Well of course nothing, but if you believe in this custom than you will think that getting out of bed means that you and your whole family are doomed for generations.

For obvious reasons this is not practiced much anymore. It did used to be big business though and many upscale hotel-like centers would provide a nice relaxing environment for the time the mother is resting and provide all the care needed for her and the baby. Those who didn't have much money were forced to suffer at home and be looked after by their jailer, aka mother-in-law. I always think about if this resting period is a good thing or a bad thing, and i'm guessing it depends on what your situation is.

One place where these centers are big business is in America. Yep if you live in California especially, there are many of these upscale places where pregnant women come a few months early (getting a visitor visa without the US government knowing they are pregnant) then stay in these facilities, have they baby, are taken care of a few months after the baby is born, then travel with the baby back to Taiwan.

All of this just so the baby can be born an American. And with the price being just under 3,000 usd, i can't blame them. If you're saying that you can have six months in a luxury hotel, your baby can be an american citizen, and it's so cheap, it seems crazy not to do this. Granted the legality of these places is rather dubious, regardless they still work.
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