Curse of modern times by tinley23

Curse of modern times

They tell you not to use the same codes for everything. They tell you not to use easy-rememberable codes. They tell you not to store your codes on your devices. How on earth are we supposed to remember all our codes/passwords??? Gah!
Oh what a great rant and photo!!
August 9th, 2024  
Lol - Especially those of us accumulating a few years and losing a few marbles.... :) But I do love your image.
August 9th, 2024  
The same as passwords….our brains are full of numbers!
August 9th, 2024  
Fair comment… in a little book
August 9th, 2024  
I don't know about you, but the older I get the dumber "they" sound. :-) They want a password for everything but don't think identification to vote should be a requirement. I can't even recall a time when I voted without having to how mine. I'm rolling my eyes. Nice shot. fav.
August 9th, 2024  
Oh so funny. Many of us can relate to this.
August 9th, 2024  
Modern age problems!
August 9th, 2024  
A great pic to go with a familiar Grrrr! I have gone back to using a very insecure system because I simply can't remember everything!
August 9th, 2024  
So true! I'm just dying to bust that code!
August 9th, 2024  
codes and passwords's difficult for sure Lesley
August 9th, 2024  
nice catch of an image
August 10th, 2024  
I hear you Lesley! It is indeed one of the most exasperating things about modern living. Great image.
August 10th, 2024  
I feel your pain!
August 10th, 2024  
I love the photo with those wonderful textures and understand your rant ;-)
August 10th, 2024  
I use the same password for everything even though I shouldn't
August 10th, 2024  
Don't worry about what they say. They rule by fear and want you to be afraid.
August 10th, 2024  
Great capture and narrative
August 10th, 2024  
Nicely captured and great narrative
August 10th, 2024  
I know what you mean! Thanks for entering the "curse" competition!
August 13th, 2024  
I've been making my passwords curse words. That seems to help. FAV
August 31st, 2024  
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