Candle light vigil for Connecticut

December 15th, 2012
I know there are many candlelight vigils happening throughout the United States for the community in Connecticut. I would like to start a candlelight vigil here on 365 to give tribute to the families and community there and to let them know they are in our thoughts and prayers. I would like each of us who would like to participate to take a photo of a candle and post it to this discussion thread. This will be our community of 365ers giving our thoughts and support to the victims and families effected by this horrific massacre.
December 15th, 2012
December 15th, 2012
@dmdfday That was already going to be my picture for today. I'll add it to the thread once it's taken and posted.
December 15th, 2012
my support of the vigil, but from earlier in my project
December 15th, 2012
From a few months ago, prayers go out to all those who lost their loved ones
December 15th, 2012
Here's an appropriate one from earlier in my project, my thoughts and prayers are with all those affected by this terrible tragedy.

December 15th, 2012
Also posted this yesterday for the 20 angels taken from us
December 15th, 2012
I can't find words... for the 20 little angels heaven welcomed home yesterday... from earlier in my project
December 15th, 2012
December 15th, 2012
My thoughts are with everyone who has been affected by this awful tragedy. Here's my tribute from earlier in my project.

December 15th, 2012
This is one from my album from last year and I would like to use it to give support to the victims and their families.

December 15th, 2012
December 15th, 2012
Here's one from earlier in my project entitled "Candle in the Wind."
December 15th, 2012
December 15th, 2012

my thoughts got out to all affected by this terrible event
December 15th, 2012
December 15th, 2012
Here's my tribute, it's not a candle. But it's what I did for my community last night.

Hug Your Child Tonight

After watching the disturbing coverage of the events in Newtown, Connecticut, I decided to do something for my community instead of watching the repetitive recounts by the newscasters.

I handed out 100 cookies to Caltrain commuters heading home.

There were quite a few who declined. Some had diabetes, some had come from a holiday party filled with sweets, some had lots of cookies with them, some probably questioned the safety factor. Some avoided eye contact, some talked on their phone, some did a double take trying to figure our what I was doing. I smiled and said Merry Christmas to them.

But 100 people stopped, got off their bike, or grabbed a cookie and dashed off to the awaiting train, and took a cookie home.

Four people came up to me and asked if they could take my picture. One other stopped and talked with me about the events. Several more praised what I was doing and told me Thank You, that it was very kind of me to do this, or they loved the idea. There was one person who asked if I took donations, several more questioned it being free.

Another came up and said she had two children at home, then apologized for being so "demanding" and rude for asking for two cookies. It started to rain, but I still had cookies to give away. Several times, when a group of people saw someone ahead of them take a cookie, they took one too. Was it peer pressure, or a confirmation that maybe it wasn't bad? I didn't judge, and would probably have felt just as awkward being offered a cookie.

This is my community. And I'm making it better. What are you doing?
December 15th, 2012
My thoughts and prayers are with the families and community of Newtown.
December 15th, 2012
Too awful...
December 15th, 2012
December 15th, 2012
@jeancarl That's so sweet, JeanCarl... good for you. I hope you made some folk smile and spread a little happiness.
Funny how folk react to a bit of random kindness... I am reminded that there's no such thing as a free lunch.... perhaps they thought there was no such thing as a free cookie! Well done on seeing it through :)
December 15th, 2012
December 15th, 2012
December 15th, 2012
December 15th, 2012
This was my photo yesterday, 26 candles for 26 angels
December 15th, 2012

December 15th, 2012

...Notre Dame, Paris. A photo I took several years ago after my daughter and I lit candles but appropriate nonetheless.
December 15th, 2012
Here's mine, I'm so sorry :-(
December 15th, 2012

My Heart bleeds for the parents and the survivors.
December 15th, 2012
December 15th, 2012
One from a little while ago, but the sentiment is there
December 15th, 2012
December 16th, 2012
December 16th, 2012

Took this after my friend died a couple of months ago. Something about candles is so comforting. RIP to the beautiful angels xx
December 16th, 2012

Very saddened. At a loss for words but praying for all the grieving families. May the Lord uphold then through this terrible time.
December 16th, 2012
my deepest sympathies to the families of those who died in this senseless act:
December 16th, 2012
December 16th, 2012
December 16th, 2012
December 16th, 2012
December 16th, 2012
December 16th, 2012
December 16th, 2012

My tribute to the Candle light vigil.....
December 16th, 2012
December 16th, 2012
December 16th, 2012
I didn't have 27 candles, so I lit one candle, took a picture, and then created a collage using the image 27 times for the 27 victims.
December 16th, 2012
December 16th, 2012
December 16th, 2012
December 16th, 2012
I took this one on the 12th for a friend who was unfortunate to have suffered a loss - my heart goes to those who have also felt this loss and their families.
December 16th, 2012

December 16th, 2012
My thought and prayers are with everyone who has been touched by this terrible and very sad event. I can not begin to understand how they must be feeling or how they are ever going to get through.

December 16th, 2012
December 16th, 2012
December 16th, 2012
it's just so unbearably sad :(

December 16th, 2012
I'm very moved by all these pictures. I haven't read much about the incident as I feel just knowing and feeling for those affected is just as important. I think tomorrow I'll do my tribute.
December 16th, 2012
December 16th, 2012
Sandy Hook is my home town. I lived there for the first 21 years of my life and attended Sandy Hook Elementary School the first year it opened. Even though I don't live there now, I still have close ties to the people there and this tragedy is very personal to me. When I visited there last June I posted a blog entry that might give you a little more incite on what the community was like before this tragedy.

Please continue to pray for the victims, their families, and for the communites of Sandy Hook and Newtown.
December 16th, 2012
I had not planned to do a candle tribute picture, but when I saw this location I knew I had to.

December 17th, 2012

December 17th, 2012
@rvwalker Ross, Thank you for sharing your personal story about Sandy Hook Elementary School. Your childhood community is in our prayers and thoughts.
December 17th, 2012
@dmdfday Thank you, Diane.
December 17th, 2012
December 17th, 2012
December 17th, 2012
light of the world. . .
. . .shine down on those who grieve and bring them peace.

December 17th, 2012

Rest in Peace
December 17th, 2012
December 17th, 2012
December 18th, 2012
December 18th, 2012
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