Fairness of Popular Page

June 9th, 2013
I recently discovered that one of my favorite photographers quit the 365 Project in part because of what he perceived as unfairness with the PP. He felt that many artists' works have gone unnoticed.
So, I started looking at the ratings on the PP and noticed a pretty wide gap, one photo with only 6 favs and less than fifty views, for a current example.
I can't help but feel a bit discouraged about this. I'm working hard at my craft, though am lightyears behind many of the best on this Project, especially when it comes to editing and manipulating photos - a practice I am not good at, nor particularly fond of.
So, for anyone interested, I offer a couple of recent personal SOOC pieces that went unnoticed by the PP:

So, my question is: Is the PP more about randomness than fairness?

Nonetheless, I am fascinated with this Project and am amazed at some of the incredible artists out there. And, I am in love with photography, having found my life so much more enriched since my boys bought me a Nikon camera a year and a half ago, having never owned a camera in my lifetime.

In the meantime, I admit that it probably sounds pretty silly to be discouraged over something like the PP. But, if we didn't want to be noticed, none of us would bother investing in the 365 Project.

Thanks for stopping by. :)

Kareen King
June 9th, 2013
There is no fathomable logic to the PP page - even the site owner says so.

But does it matter?? (not sure I've ever even looked at the page in question)

Feeling Blue - my 365 days of one colour - Click HERE
June 9th, 2013
I have to agree- I am on here because I want to share and learn. The PP exists to show off the most popular at the time. My recent frustration was when I had one go quickly to the PP, I had many views and favs in a short time with it on there and then just as quick it went off. While others with far less favs and views stayed. I truly believe it would have made Top 20 if it had been left on there for a day or two while it was gaining Favs. I have had mediocre shots with very few views/favs on the PP for 3-4 days while this one quickly went off. The good part of its short lived fame was that I gained many followers in that time. A frustration that wont change anytime soon.
June 9th, 2013
Maybe if you had to sign up to be eligible for the PP then all those that dont care and dont look wouldnt be eligble to be included and then those that do care and enjoy the honor would have more chance to be involved. Just a thought.
June 9th, 2013
I am only new to 365 and I wondered about the PP page as well - my thoughts were if you don't have many followers are you less or unlikely to make the page? Yesterday one of my pics made the popular page ( I only have 27 followers ) - as overwhelmed as I was, and pleased that others might see it who normally may not, I realised that what made me happiest was that the people who follow me loved the photo as much as I did.
June 9th, 2013
I really want to stop my fingers typing at then moment....but damn it, I read this at the wrong time.

Hopefully your friend finds other ways to be noticed, hopefully even starting this has given them the forward motion to show their works from other outlets. PP is a treat, to look at and to be included in....but not the reason I am sure any of us start this.

For me, a self confessed commitment phob, have lasted ...touch wood...for over six months, and to me that is a huge achievement considering I didn't think I'd make the first week.

I use to binge on photography and now I have a rhythm , albeit painful, I'm on that staff line and intend to stick there.
June 9th, 2013
I'm pretty certain that the pp uses a formula that takes into account the number of followers, number of views and number of favs and comments to come up with the choices. I read somewhere that it does this to take into account users with hundreds of followers and users with a few followers.

To be honest for 365 is about improving my photography and documenting my life as well as seeing great shots - If I am lucky enough to make the pp its great but it hasn't happened much and I have shots that I am very proud of that got only one meaningful comment on rather than hundreds of great shot comments that make me happier.

Just enjoy the site and take any pp as a bonus :)
June 9th, 2013
As far as I know I've never made the PP and I don't see any logic to the shots that do. When I occasionally look at it it seems be populated by birds, flowers, insects, and sunsets. Since I don't photograph a lot of birds, flowers, insects, and sunsets (as the world is far more varied and interesting), I figure I never will appear on it.

Do I tink it's "unfair"? No. Do I think it's irrelevant? Yes, pretty much. YMMV.
June 9th, 2013
@jannkc Thanks for sharing your interesting PP experience and perspective, Jann. By the way, I'd love to see the photo you mentioned (the one that disappeared quickly). Could you post it on this discussion page? Thanks bunches!
June 9th, 2013
@annied Annie, it does not seem to matter how many followers you have, so I'm guessing the process of being on PP is more random than anything else. But, that's how I found you! :)
June 9th, 2013
@styru You're right. It shouldn't matter. But, for some reason it bugs me. And it's bugging me that it matters. Which is my own problem, for sure! :)
June 9th, 2013
I have a photo with 12 faves that never made the PP and one with 3 faves that popped up on there for a few hours. Why? No idea.
No rhyme or reason but of course it can be frustrating despite whether or not it should 'matter'.
I'm sorry to hear someone left the site over it though. That does seem extreme.
Best to try not to let it bother you. This has to be thread number one billion lamenting the fairness of it. Clearly it isn't 'fair' but neither is it completely irrelevant as so many people have brought it up so you shouldn't feel badly that it bothers you a little..
Try to stay focussed on your project and doing what you want to do regardless of how frustrating this one particular thing can be...you obviously aren't alone in how you feel but it isn't worth leaving over.
June 9th, 2013
I think it should be dropped - it causes more upset on these boards than just about any other topic.

I still firmly believe that what is needed in its place is a 'random shots' page - that would give the opportunity to view work we would otherwise miss - without any problems about 'fairness'

Feeling Blue - my 365 days of one colour - Click HERE
June 9th, 2013
@edie Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts. I definitely don't plan on leaving over it. The photographer who DID leave is much better than I am. So I am disappointed he left over it.

Again, thanks for your helpful perspective.
June 9th, 2013
@kareenking both of your shots are gorgeous! I have heard this about the pp - it's affected by the number of followers a person has and the number of views and favs on a shot in the time period just after posting.......and Magic Monkeys :) So according to this those with lots of followers have to get far more views before a shot of theirs ends up on the pp. - so that's what I have read, I myself feel it is also dependent on time of day that you post - as in when the most of your followers are active.
I have seen far more amazing shots not on the pp than on it and I love seeing a shot on the TT that I never caught on the pp
June 9th, 2013
@sianipops Thanks for responding, Nia. Now you've got me curious what the TT is! I'll look into it. :)
June 9th, 2013
@kareenking weekly Top Twenty, under the blog section
June 9th, 2013
@kareenking This was mine- very fast on to PP, many fav's coming in and it quickly went off PP. Someone with twice the followers had 6-8 favs and not increasing was on there 2 more days.
June 9th, 2013
I have always said once you start creating art whatever that art is soulely to please others it looses something, to me my photography is about expressing myself, I don't really mind if it gets on the PP or not, that's not why I do it. I have seen many exceptionally talented, raw inspirational artists stop doing what they are good at doing in order to create artwork that is either more popular or more commercially viable and to me that is a real shame. so is the PP fair well I for one don't really care.
June 9th, 2013
I used to be thrilled about making the PP or T20, and it is still good when I do. That said, it doesn't matter if I don't. I am lucky if I get 10 comments and an occasional fav at th emoment. The thing is, I rarely have time to comment on my friends and followers photos of late, so it doesn't matter to me if I get comments or not. It is my project, and I have grown beyond thinking it is a daily beauty contest.
June 9th, 2013
BTW, the 2 shots of yours that didn't make the PP are both stunning.
June 9th, 2013
@styru --- I agree!
June 9th, 2013
Which would you rather have?
1 A mediocre photo that makes the PP
2 A really great photo of which no one takes any notice.

I'm sure that neither of the above could actually happen but just think about the question!!
June 9th, 2013
@andrewrome365 I agree great question...it would be 2 for me.
June 9th, 2013
I have a top rated photo that made the PP months ago. Recently, I was reviewing some 365 uploads, deciding which photos to print. And, that particular pic is cute, a moment in time, and not great printed. I am excited when new people comment, but I joined 365 to learn. @andrewrome365 @nanderson
June 9th, 2013
I sometimes wonder about the PP as well. I had some shots on there recently, the fact I like most about this is not that they are on the PP - of course I'm thrilled- but that these were shots I was proud of myself. I started this project to share my shots. I discovered some great work on here, which encouraged me to improve my manual skills. As far as I'm concerned I think it is working- at least a little bit-. I think the discussion as to sooc or a lot of post processing , will always be there. It was on the thread already a few weeks back. I neither have photoshop nor lightroom not to speak of any other, so my shots are just the way they are with the editing everybody can afford. If some of your friends left 365 because they were frustrated with the PP, that is there choice. I love to read all your comments and I'm thrilled if what I want to express is understood by others, and they post encouraging comments or even fav the shot. Your two shots- amongst many others of yours were very lovely and the spider web was a fav for me as well. Hope my friend your not frustrated, just forget about the PP and carry on with your lovely work, I enjoy viewing and commenting it.
June 9th, 2013
@welcometocarolworld agreed to learn, look and enjoy!:)
June 9th, 2013
One thing to remember is that this is Ross's website. If he wanted the PP to show nothing but his own personal favorite shots, and he only selected shots that included a striped beach ball, for example, and put those up day after day as the popular shots, then that's "fair" because it's Ross's site.
June 9th, 2013
For me, the 'photojournal' aspect of 365 is the most important and, linked with this, to have 'conversation' with my friends who follow me and those I follow.
Just a few of my photos have been on PP but, whichever way you look at it, surely the selection will always be a numbers game.
I'm just grateful to have this wonderful opportunity to share photos, learn a bit more about the world and 'see' places I'll never actually see, make new friends, and, hopefully, to improve my photography skills along the way.
June 9th, 2013
@seanoneill I agree with you 100% i never make it to pp anyway seems like photos that are sooc never make it.
June 9th, 2013
My advice to all 365ers....forget about the PP and just have fun.
June 9th, 2013
@snipsnap Yes!
June 9th, 2013
Sorry to say this, but life is not fair nor is there any importance to the popular page outside of this site. Take pictures that make happy, proud, and show that you grow as a photographer.
June 9th, 2013
@snipsnap said: "My advice to all 365ers....forget about the PP and just have fun. "

Exactly - and that's why I say the "PP-Look-at-Me" page should be replaced by a 'Random Images" page - so people can look at stuff they would not otherwise see - but without the 'drama' of who's in, who's out, etc.

Feeling Blue - my 365 days of one colour - Click HERE
June 9th, 2013
As far as I know never made it on there, I try and take a look at latest.. and also sometimes by tag to see what others are creating around subjects I am interested in. I am VERY competitive by nature so it bugs me a little if I dont get comments on a pic I feel is reasonable, or I like... but such is life. I wish I had more time to spend on here to see more of the pics and the talent that is well quite honestly jaw droppingly good... - yeah Randoms would be good too.. and then just the TT. that my 10 cents. I like to look and learn .. have a squiz at the exif and if I am very curious I ask how someone created their pic. or how they processed it.
June 9th, 2013
I like the PP don't get my pics on there often but I do scan it about everyday just to take a peek. I too have had shots I thought may make "The Page" but never did. I just go with the flow now and as long as I like the shot I shared I'm happy. Your 2 shots are great, nice work.
June 9th, 2013
I was thrilled to get a photo on PP when I first started this and yes it would be awesome to think my photos were good enough to get onto it regularly or even hit TT. However, the truth is for me this is extremely unlikely but that does not bother me in the slightest. I am just chuffed to still be here after 5 months and still enjoying it. I have a lovely group of followers who constantly give encouragement and advice and I really love the feeling that you are getting to know other people and can enjoy so many fantastic photos. This project has given me something to enjoy which is far removed from my work and something just for me. When I get a photo I really like I am so pleased and when others like it too that's even better. It's helping me to learn how to use my camera and get out and about. Bottom line....do it for yourself, not any PP or TT. ;)
June 9th, 2013
Meant to say, your photos are amazing !!
June 9th, 2013
@seanoneill well said!
June 9th, 2013
@jannkc Jann, that photo is fantastic! Thanks for sharing it. I just commented on it and "faved" it, of course! :)
June 9th, 2013
@seanoneill Thanks so much for taking the time to comment and for your perspective and kind words. Nice to meet you! :)
June 9th, 2013
@styru Great advice! Thanks for your comment. :)
June 9th, 2013
@andrina Thanks so much, Andrina, for stopping by and taking the time to comment. Thanks for the kudos too! :)
June 9th, 2013
@khirsch Thanks, Karin! I appreciate your comments and your friendship! Hey, I should post those silly photos of us sometime! :)
June 9th, 2013
What I learned from the PP is what others like. If I want to share photos with others or potentially sell them it helps to know what I take that is pleasing to others. When I put together an exhibit I not only put in what I like best but also what hit the PP here. Alot of what made the PP for me are not photos I would think are very good or pleasing but if many others like them then they go into my exhibit. I dont post photo's to get them on the PP but I do appreciate the Favs if someone does like them.
June 9th, 2013
I am doing good to just get my picture taken everyday. :) I will forever feel somewhat inadequate, especially when compared to the amazing work on 365. I just use the PP and TT as inspiration. It is all a matter of opinion and taste. If I concentrate on taking photos of what I like, and learning from what others have to offer, then I have reached my goal for joining this group.
June 9th, 2013
I don't even look at the PP because it really does not make any sense as to how pictures end up there
June 9th, 2013
I do look at the PP and find it fun to scroll through. I find some really interesting photos on the page and enjoy that aspect of it. I also find it fun if one of my photos finds it's way onto the page (only happened once for about 8 seconds) but I would in no way find it discouraging if that never happened. I take photos for my own entertainment and find this site helpful for instructional purposes. I know next to nothing about photography, but I think I've learned a couple of things that I wouldn't have had I not been looking at other photographer's photos. I also really love the diary aspect of this site and I think it'll be great to be able to look back at your life through the lens of your own camera. Bottom line is: don't look to others for your own self worth. Enjoy the site for what is instructional feedback and not for recognition. And for the fun.
June 9th, 2013
Ross Scrivner is the nicest smartest best web designer I know AND he owns magic monkeys!!

And that's how you get on the PP page :)

Or you could try the other path:

1) Be active in the community
2. Participate with the contests
3) Work at your craft and improve your photos
4) Occassionally produce a photo that other people applaud with a few FAV's

If you only want people to comment on your amazing photos, but wish to put in no effort to view or comment on their photos, the odds are, even if you get all your friends to FAV your photo, you aren't going to get to PP.

It isn't the "most FAV's" page. Ross set up a way to keep people from gaming the system. He calls it his magic monkeys.

I'm sorry your friend left. Perhaps he can find a support group for that. Others have left for the same reason.

I hope you will stay and find a way to keep improving your photos and find joy in participating even if you don't get the PP stamp of approval you are seeking.

This photo that I love and will print LARGE; did not make the PP.

This photo that I also like alot, but may or may not print, did make the PP

June 9th, 2013
@mitchell50 I've been on there a few times and my photos are sooc.
June 9th, 2013
Magic monkeys ate my photo:

June 9th, 2013
What is this PeePee page you all keep going on about? :)
June 9th, 2013
wow someone left because they didn't make the PP?

that's uh, say just curious is this person by any chance a middle child?
June 9th, 2013
HA HA HA HA HA (maniacal laughter) since WHEN was popularity about being fair?!?!?
June 9th, 2013
@kareenking i was thinking of that just to refresh the memories:) I miss you lets talk soon
June 9th, 2013
@aponi Love your comment about the middle child. That's quite possible
June 9th, 2013
@aponi that is hilarious, ROFL!!
June 9th, 2013
It's fun to appear on the PP but , unlike the hokey pokey, that's not what it's all about.
June 9th, 2013
@aponi Or perhaps an only child.
I just like learning, looking, learning and the sense of family that I have gained from those that follow me and those I follow. I love this place. Yep. I've had a couple of shots make it to PP but I'm here to learn from ALL the great people on this site..... and WOW have I ever learned a LOT.
June 9th, 2013
To "make the popular page" is not a reason that one should do this project. It has been stated a gazillion times before that there is no rhyme or reason to it. I know that there have been time that a photo of mine has appeared there but I never saw it there as it was only up for a very short period of time. I do believe that may happen a lot! You may be on there and just not see it. Anyhow, I totally agree with @catwoman2 !!!! It is definitely NOT what it is about!! Nor is The TOP 20 for that matter!
June 9th, 2013
@swguevin Exactly. I have made the Pop Page quite a few times with less than 10 favs and under 15 comments. Its always a thrill, but its not why I do this project (and it took me a full year before I even appeared there once).
I'd love to appear in the Top 20 and I know some of my shots are worthy, however I also know that I work full time and am a sole parent so I don't have the time to put in to comment and converse as much as I would like, so the chances are low. That and there are a heap of truly talented photographers who DO have the time to converse and comment far more often than I do and who are rightly recognised for their fantastic work.
This project is not a competition. Its a place for learning and friendship. For trying new things. For seeing through someone else eyes.
June 9th, 2013
@grizzlysghost Its your home page silly!
June 10th, 2013
@kjarn Well well aint we just perfect.
June 10th, 2013
@mitchell50 No need for the sarcasm mate. @kjarn Kathy was just pointing out that the Magic Monkeys don't care if its SOOC or ETSOOI.
June 10th, 2013
I never (almost rarely) ever make it to PP and that is all rather depressing as I don't think my photos are too crap, but I keep on getting up in the morning and having another go. Such is life I suppose, it isn't always fair, learnt that when I was at school. One day I will be surprised and it will all be worth it. I will dance for joy around the kitchen table (if I had one) and feel like a Queen for a day.

But whilst I have not made it to PP more than a couple of times in 18 months, I have meet many wonderful people along the way that are far better and more important that getting on PP (well, that is what i keep telling my self).

Do all have a lovely week and just keep on trying, its the best we can do.
June 10th, 2013
Don't bother looking at the popular page - that way you'll never know whether you have (or haven't) made it on there. Does knowing about that change whether or not you enjoy taking photos?

Do the project for you, and you alone.
June 10th, 2013
I don't worry about the popular page and I seldom look at the top twenty. I did my first year religiously, I entered challenges including the weekly challenge, and I really worked at the whole thing. I did comments on other people's pages daily. I seldom had ore than 3 or 4 comments on my photos. I just recently returned after being gone for about a year and I still enter challenges and do comments. I work really hard on my photos and get so frustrated because I only have 3 or 4 comments at the most.

I like my photos and I do some editing. But I have a point and shoot because I can't carry a heavy camera and lens.
June 10th, 2013
I think the simple solution would be to call it the Magic Monkey Page. That way there is no expectation that photos chosen will be popular necessarily. . Would save a lot of heartache.
June 10th, 2013
Kareen making the Pop Page is more competing against yourself rather than against others. After having pics with 40, 50, 60 Favs not make the Pop Page but make the Top 20 I asked Ross. He said that its all based upon a mathematical algorithm which takes into account many individual factors. Any time you exceed your "magic number" in a given period of time you make the PP. The more sucessful you are, the harder it is to make the PP. Its designed that way so any one can make it - unlike the Top 20 which is based purely on favs.
June 10th, 2013
Just be glad you're not a member of House Stark.
June 10th, 2013
@michaelelliott "Mathematical Algorithm?" Be nice to know what it is. Or perhaps no one really knows. :)
June 10th, 2013
@grizzlysghost And the TEE TEE page...Pee Pee and Tee Tee..anyone see a pattern here?
June 10th, 2013
@m9f9l Well said, well said, Mary!
June 10th, 2013
@riverlandphotos being a member of House Stark is NOT a good thing at the moment...no! It is not as horrible to be PP-less...oh, that makes me think of Theon...poor Theon.
June 10th, 2013
@corymbia And who are you to tell me what i can say. and do ? just because you and Kathy did'nt like what i said,no need to jump all over my arse,we are all entitled to our own opinion whether you like it or not.
June 10th, 2013
@mitchell50 Feel free to be a complete douche then. Your choice buddy. Have a nice life.
June 10th, 2013
@riverlandphotos - I liked the Starks. Hate the Lanisters!
June 10th, 2013
@corymbia Apprently you dont have a life sitting at your computer getting in peoples business so p#ss off and mind your own.end of.
June 10th, 2013
@mitchell50 Yep you are right - its a rainy public holiday and I am uploading and editing my weeks photos.
...and yeah, when people are rude to my friends, I get a little bit pissed off. Then when I get told to do something by that same rude person, I don't take it lightly.
You may notice that I tried to clarify something for you ... ie that SOOC shots can and DO make the PP (mine included) and being rude to Kathy (and me) is a pretty crappy response.
Have a nice life.
June 10th, 2013
@corymbia Oh ok i forgot its all about you if you cant handle the truth dont get involved,you keep saying have a nice life i think you need to get one.
June 10th, 2013
@mitchell50 Nope - I have a shitty life that I'm trying to make better, but I decided long ago not to let rude people get away with their behaviour when it comes to me, so I won't put up with it.
..... and I'm still here editing away (no SOOC for me today), so I'm here for a while yet.
Don't worry, I won't be here tomorrow when I go back to work, then you can be as rude as you like and nobody will be here to call you out on your appalling behaviour.
June 10th, 2013
Having not read all the replies, I will add that in the three years or so that I have been here, you have a greater chance of getting to the PP when you first start out. Just my observation, or I haven;t been hitting the right colour scheme or something.
June 10th, 2013
What @pocketmouse said.
June 10th, 2013
Also, there's a lot of aggro kicking around at the moment, what's with that?
June 10th, 2013
I'll probably never make the top 20 and that's okay. I got involved because I wanted the challenge of documenting my 50th year of life in pictures. The benefits I've found in my first month is that I'm learning to actually use my camera instead of just shooting pictures and the pictures I find here are challenging me to try and match their quality and creativity. The challenges are just something to have fun with and get ideas for my picture of the day. Based on some of the replies I guess I missed the point of the site if it's just to get noticed by the majority - of which I'm quite glad to have missed.
June 10th, 2013
@styru Oh - Like the idea of renaming the PP page to Random Shots. Seems to be how it works anyway as there are as many ideas of how it works as people posted here. :o)
June 10th, 2013
@mitchell50 not sure what's going on here but you made an initial statement that you didn't think that sooc photos get on the PP so I responded that my photos are sooc and I've had a few make that page, only a few mind you and I've been here for three years.

I really don't know why you would then choose to not only be rude to me but also to someone who has attempted to explain my comment to you.

Yes, as its a public forum, we are all entitled to our own opinions but you saying that I didn't like your original comment and saying that I think I'm perfect are two very unvalidated comments and I would ask that you stop being so rude and aggressive.

June 10th, 2013
Getting on the PP is a bit of a thrill but not necessary for me. I enjoy the community a lot more than I enjoy getting wrapped up in popularity contests. That's not saying I didn't get excited when my pics were on there, but if I post a cool pic and it doesn't get on there, it doesn't make me enjoy the pic or the experience any less.

I'm curious who it was that left, I wonder are they someone I was following and I just didn't notice. Who was it?

@kjarn Eish, your turn today, it looks like! haha Good grief.

June 10th, 2013
@grizzlysghost Tea Pee!
June 10th, 2013
@peterdegraaff For your Pee Pee? :P
June 10th, 2013
I made it to the PP on my 11 day of my photo project... It was a SOOTC shot .. Im pretty sure it was popular not so much for my great photography skills but because of the story behind it.... I think many people related.... Its a photo of my beautiful babies taking a ride on some camels... Not so exciting??? Well it was on a beach and i managed to get a great reflection on the sand but the best thing anout my photo was my miss 16 sitting on a camel in a beautiful setting TEXTING!!! Lol... I was thrilled to be on the PP page but i wont care either way if i ever make it again...

June 10th, 2013
@breigh It is an old joke along those lines.

@kareenking I rarely look at the popular page, but I am others told do, and it is a source of joy, wonder and bragging rights including posting screenshots on facebook to celebrate. It is via fb often that I discover that my photos are there, so of course I am happy for this, but in the end just really enjoy posting photos. I think you have every right to feel that it is unfair, you must complain, but I am sure it will happen sooner rather than later. Your photos are quite beautiful. BTW and of course I am absolutely outraged that a photo of mine with close to 50 favs did not make it onto the Top 20 this week at Number 4 or 5, but there will no doubt be a good reason.

@kjarn @corymbia Who is Mitch?
June 10th, 2013
@peterdegraaff exactly ;)
June 10th, 2013
@peterdegraaff apart from rude do you mean? I have no idea.
June 10th, 2013
@styru I agree - a random page would be far more useful and interesting for everyone
June 10th, 2013
@sjoblues Such a common sense answer ... I've been here well over three years now ... and the PP seems to be such a big issue for some folk! The Magic Monkeys are in charge ... I'm here simply to post photographs for my own pleasure and to document aspects of my life ... after the first year or two the PP isn't even on the check-list!
June 10th, 2013
Isn't the 'browse, latest' a random page? @benjamaphone
June 10th, 2013
@corymbia You admit you have a shitty life so you take it out on me amazing what some people will do for attension.
June 10th, 2013
@kjarn Bragging and explaining are two differant things you two dicided to jump all over me so i was just answering back.I think you two are taking this 365 thing a little bit to serious.Lighten up.
June 10th, 2013
HA! Oh that's funny... I haven't looked at the PP in ages but after reading this thread I went to have a peek, and one of my photos is on there! haha Jeez, that thing needs some kind of notification system.

June 10th, 2013
@jantan That wouldn't -really- be random as it would just show the latest xx amount of photos that have been uploaded. If you watch, they breeze through really quickly so there's lots that could be missed. Truly random would grab from all over the site and also give you a view of people you may not see otherwise. Most will upload at the same time of the day so different time zones may see different 'latest' photos and then completely miss out on others.

I think a truly random page would be really cool!
June 10th, 2013
I see your point @breigh but think it is easy enough to look at random shots already by looking at latest/by day/suggestions/new faces pages.
June 10th, 2013
@jantan Yeah that's true... although not all members have all of those pages, some are only for ace members.
June 10th, 2013
I rarely look at the PP, but just did so. I see what I always see on there. Birds, flowers, insects, sunsets/sunrises. There truly are other things to photograph in the world.
June 10th, 2013
I have been lucky recently to get some shots on the PP ... its very exciting ..... but it is not the point of this site for me - it is just a bonus.

I watched this site for a couple of months before I joined to see what it was all about and I saw how much you can learn from not only looking at exif data for shots you like but also from people who are so willing to share their experience with you. I want to learn both photography skills and editing skills and I certainly have done that!

I have found the pp page to be useful (and the TT) as I get to see some fabulous shots - if one of mine is there then that is fabulous - I also get excited if I see a shot on there from someone I follow. I also take a look at the latest page on a regular basis and also sometimes search by tag if I want to try something particular.

At the end of the day my photographs are my record of how far I have come, they are my display of something I love doing, also a record of something that has happened in a day and on a personal note they have gee'd me up and got me out and about at a time which is helping me deal with a lifelong medical condition.

Just enjoy what you are doing - however you choose to do it and don't worry about the how, where, why and what of the PP. **off to search by "ND filter" to look at some shots that will teach me something about my new toy! :)
June 10th, 2013
@mitchell50 yep bragging and explaining are different but calling my statement bragging is just odd. Not sure why anyone would brag about getting 3 out of 1100 photos on the PP.

You pointed out that sooc photos don't get on the PP, I pointed out that they can and do. Simple.

As for jumping all over you, go back through this thread and point out exactly where I've jumped all over you, all I can find is you being rude to me for absolutely no reason.

You want me to lighten up, you stop being rude.
June 10th, 2013
@mitchell50 nope - I called you out on your appalling behaviour to Kathy and I. Go read my bio if you want to know why my life is shitty But I am making it better every way I know how. And not putting up with rudeness is one of those ways. You may also like to look up how to extract that giant chip from your shoulder. Have a nice life.
June 11th, 2013
@quietpurplehaze I love what you said here.
June 11th, 2013

Daryl, thank you. I see from your profile that we have a lot in common. Hope you can cope with one more follower!
June 11th, 2013
@quietpurplehaze following back! Thanks. I am taking a commenting break but I'll definitely be looking at everything. :)
June 11th, 2013
@styru It's definitely the name that upsets & yet often makes no sense... I'd love it to be called 'Gallery' or 'random shots' or something like that... wouldn't that take the sting out of it but not the pride?!
June 12th, 2013
@riverlandphotos You're not kidding - just seen the episode with whatsit's wedding to the daughter Rob should have married... what a shock! I had read your comment and wondered.................................
July 21st, 2013
@jannkc wow Jann, that is stunning. Sorry I missed it the first time you posted!
October 3rd, 2013
i think ross looks looks through the pics at he recently uploaded and puts the best on the PP
October 4th, 2013
I have to say I'd rather see the pictures with the least views.
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