Photo's that pay tribute to those who have come and gone.

June 23rd, 2013
In the last year I have lost 3 people close to me, and consequently I have spent a great deal of time mulling over concepts of life and death. It's interesting to me the ways that people find to pay their respects and honor the dead. I took this photo last night at relay for life in Vacaville CA and I was wondering if others have come across interesting or touching ways that people have used to remember their loved ones. If you have taken a photo of anything related to yourself or others remembering the dead, plz share.

PS- for those interested, I wrote why this particular image moved me so much on my actual posting, feel free to click the pic and read it for yourself.
June 23rd, 2013
This is one that really touched me and still brings chills when I read the story of the photo and the notes in the photo

June 23rd, 2013
I took this on a day that some memories of times with someone who was very close crept up on me and rolled down my cheeks.

June 23rd, 2013
I know the feeling Nathan, I lost my father and grandfather in half a year, this first photo depicts my loss of my father

And I came upon this on my way to my grandfathers funeral
June 23rd, 2013
Lost my dad around this time last year, so made him part of my project.
June 23rd, 2013
My BBFF {beautiful best friend forever} tragically passed away on 9/02/2012.. It was 9 days after having her beautiful baby boy... This year for the 1 year anniversary we went to a local beach and let some balloons go.. We wrote messages on the balloons... Its been a very hard time getting past out loss...

June 23rd, 2013
@jcarrollphoto that one is pretty intense.
@primitiveprobe @cherrygirl @mrsbaldy @k1w1 thanks for sharing those. They are all very moving and special. It's interesting to see how everyone responds and deals with loss a little differently, but through the shared experience, we all can get through it easier. thanks again.
June 23rd, 2013
I posted this just yesterday after witnessing the tragedy at the Dayton Air Show. Follow the link for the full story.

June 23rd, 2013
This is my third year on 365 and each year I honour my Mum on the anniversary of her death

June 24th, 2013
I took this photo several months after my dad passed away, as we moved the last of my parents' belongings from the home I grew up in. Even though I took this early in to my 365 project two years ago, when I was way less skilled (I think!), this photo means a lot to me. It captured so much emotion and history, and closure.
June 24th, 2013
This one was in honor of my dad. The Bible was his and is precious to me.

June 24th, 2013
@timerskine @psychographer @nanalisarocks @sjwyatt30 wow. beautiful tributes to your loved ones. thank you for sharing.
June 24th, 2013

My Uncle past away about ten years ago...I thought it would be a cool picture when I made it...But it brings a tear to my eye every time I look at it.
June 24th, 2013
I did this one in remembrance of my grandparents who had lots of playing cards and I pulled them out for the Mundane Challenge (Cardboard). My translation was "card bored" and I wrote a narrative about what it was like to play with the card decks my grandfather had (and how I came in possession of them)...Best viewed with narrative. What a great idea for a discussion thread--thanks for the prompt to look back again.
June 24th, 2013
Another one...a duplicate stained glass window in a grave stone for my best friend's daughter who died a week after she started ninth grade. I can't see a butterfly and not think of her.
June 24th, 2013
This is one of my first challenges. My father wrote all of us children a letter when I was in my 30's. I always treasured it. He was not a man of public display of affection. But, you always knew. He has been gone, oh, so many years, and I have since lost my husband, and my mother. The best tribute was to say thank you.

June 24th, 2013
I took this one the day before my sister passed away. The flower represents her and the rest was the cancer that took her from us.

I call it Pleasure and Pain.

June 24th, 2013
I have another one. It was for my 100th day of my 365 Project. Work had been overwhelming and I had recently used more backfill than I was comfortable with. Here's the caption:

"I knew that I had to have a good picture and no shameful backfill for my 100th picture. It wasn't until I was captioning the one I intended to show that I realized the date. Today would have been my Dad's 88th birthday. I ditched the previous shot and got this one.

The star is on Dad's flag. He was proud of it and proud to be an American.

The rock is a piece of concrete from the Number 1 runway of his WWII airfield just outside Lavenham, England ( He was a tail gunner on a B-17 Flying Fortress.

These pieces have a prominent place on our bookshelves."

June 24th, 2013
June 24th, 2013
June 24th, 2013
I took this picture outside Oslo Cathedral a short time after the terrorist bomb went off two years ago, and posted it to 365 one year later.

Same summer, two years ago, a few weeks before the bomb, I lost my father. We're still going through stuff every time I go back to my Mum's. About a month ago we went through his old camera equipment and found a couple of undeveloped rolls; more than 12 years old. I had them developed, and then restored the frames that the lab gave up on.

June 24th, 2013
I called this photo 'Good to Go' as Mum was given the all clear at the hospital. Sadly for my family, Dad is still very unwell. I can't look at the photo without tearing up a bit for his mortality and my inability to help him.
June 24th, 2013
Only just last week, we said goodbye to my Auntie, we've had so many losses in the family recently, 6 altogether, so this thread is appropriate for me right now.
June 24th, 2013
I generally don't actively seek tribute pictures because you could do tributes every single day.

On the 10th anniversary of 9/11 I took this:

After the Sandy Hook Tragedy I had not planned to do a tribute picture, but I ran across a playground and I came up with this:

This final picture was a Seattle celebrity who was doing a farewell tour. He knew he was dying and wanted to share with his fans one last time. This was his last public appearance. He passed away July 22, 2012.
June 24th, 2013
This is a photo I took while thinking about my grandmother. It was a book she made for me before she died (cancer took her from us when I was 21) which has all of her memories, advice etc. I cherish that book. The photo I am looking at is her and my father when he was a child.

June 24th, 2013
I took this the day after a young friend of my daughter died aged 18. We dont have any where to go and sit with her so now when I see a pohutukawa I remember her .
June 24th, 2013
I posted this on the anniversary of my mothers death and the same month my mother-in-law died. I still miss her very much....

June 24th, 2013
In March of this year my Nan and my Aunt both passed away within two days of each other, even though they were both ill with cancer it was still a huge shock to us. I took this photo I don't know why really, it just captured how I felt at that time.

And this photo was taken as a tribute to mark the one year anniversary of my Uncle Del passing away. He loved his motobikes.

June 24th, 2013
June 24th, 2013
Two..this one was in memory of a much beloved colleague in our department who died very suddenly shortly before he was to retire. It included posted memories faculty and students surrounding the door to his office and up and down the hallway. It was called "Ward's Wall."

The second is to remember and celebrate the life of Nutmeg, our Bernese Mountain Dog, who died on Saturday. It certainly does not reflect the tragedy that I see in so many of these amazing tributes, but she was a huge part of my life for the past 13 years so it has personal meaning.
June 24th, 2013
My amazing grandmother and last grandparent

I lit a candle on the day of her passing

Flew half a world away to pay my respects leading up to her funeral

And saw her to her final resting place
June 24th, 2013
June 24th, 2013
I know it's not the same, but I lost a member of my family recently.

June 25th, 2013
@taffy @toast @colie @amyamoeba thank you all for sharing.
June 27th, 2013
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