10 Days Left for Some and 10 Reasons to Start 365

December 20th, 2016
A rerun of something I wrote in 2014. Still true to this day. Congrats and WELCOME!

10 Days Left for Some, and 10 Reasons to Do 365 Project

I realize that for many folks on this site, December 31 will mark their 365th photo, and so I’m jumping the gun a bit to say “Congratulations” and to provide a little encouragement to those who might be visiting the site before January 1 thinking they, too, might want to become a 365er.

Before I start with 10 reasons, when I say “Congratulations” I really mean this: “What you have accomplished is HUGE. SAVOR IT. Regardless of how you arranged your album for this year, chose your subjects, acquired new techniques, made new friends (across the globe!), jumped hurdles to get a shot, battled ebbandflophojo to advance just one more day, and gained accolades or recognition in some way, GETTING TO THE 365th PHOTO IS HUGE! Wooooooooohhooooooooooo! Really, SAVOR IT.”

Now, for those who might be looking into this site because some avid 365er has told you that you have to do it, here are 10 reasons to join the 365Project Band Wagon:

1. You will have a pretty cool album that chronicles 365 days of your life (or what you see). You do not have to be a photographer, nor do you have to have a good camera. You could have a myriad of reasons to start a 365project, and all that this project asks is that you submit something for a year. Anything. I started 365 almost three years ago as a writing project thinking that visual cues would be the way I could chronicle a year-in-the-life of a Daryl. I just happened to fall in love with my DSLR camera and realized I could learn how to use it here.

2. You will be a member of the “Nicest Place on the Planet’s World Wide Web,” so “shhhhh, don’t tell anyone crabby to join you."  During 365 days, you’ll find yourself in some tough struggles or celebrating something wonderful or you’re just plodding along, but if you are down for just one minute or you find you are having trouble taking a shot, you will be surrounded by people who genuinely care about you and want you to succeed in your year’s goals! And they’ll say “hip, hip, hooray” or “cracking shot” or “I’d be chuffed to get that one” or “This is Pants!” (and if you’re American like me, you’ll have to look up “cracking,” “chuffed,” and “Pants”). You might even start adopting a British accent with your friends and say the same stuff because it makes you feel like you are fluent in another language (I say that because some people still think they speak “American”). Haha! And by NICE, I don’t mean these folks can’t offer critique—or argue the merits of something controversial, but rarely will you see a discussion that’s mean-spirited. We seem to have a force field that keeps out internet “trolls.” That alone makes this place very special.

3. You will witness so many beautiful and engaging photographs that inspire you all year long. I remember when I first started, I kept clicking on tabs to see what other 365ers were taking each day. My jaw would drop at the skill and the variety of subjects! I didn’t even know how they took such spectacular shots! Then I started asking them “HOW????” and you know what? They told me!

4. You’ll get to travel the globe! Without buying one plane ticket, you’ll visit so many countries and cities/towns in your own country every 24 hours. You’ll explore culture, family traditions, religions, environments, wildlife, and food! You can dream about where you’d like to go someday, and even dream of meeting the friends you’ve made who live there! I’ve got a running list of places/people I’d love to see right now! And I've been very fortunate to meet several great 365 friends here and abroad.

5. You get an opportunity to step out of your comfort zones, but you need not take any risks.
There are plenty of opportunities to enter into some themes/competitions/challenges, and if you are new to photography, they are excellent ways to meet others like you or to share some of your own talents. I remember taking the plunge to enter a challenge by my second month I think. I have some challenges I will not miss now, and others I still love checking in on because they show me what I “could” do if I had time, just not that week. But you don’t have to do any of these things! This is your project.

6. You will converse in all kinds of Acronyms and feel very smart (but not at first…). Here is your primer: RAW, SOOC, JPEG, ISO, PSE, LR, PS, DOF, POV, AP, EXif, GIF, GIMP, —and no, I’m not going to tell you what they mean. But I will tell you one: SOOC (Straight Out Of Camera). If you start your first discussion on this site “What is SOOC?” well, you will get an earful, so tread lightly. All it means for many folks is that you did the settings or the photo has not been edited outside of taking the photo.

7. You get to own the project. Your project, your rules (so if you skip a day, so what!? Keep going!).

8. You can do selfies. Unless that’s not your thing. But you’ll enjoy the folks who have turned it into an art form.

9. What you learn could lead to other opportunities! Just think, you might decide you are a photographer after all. I joined a photography club locally, and I’m having a blast getting critiques. In fact, I'm happy to report this year that I won Digital Photographer of the Year! I know, crazy!

10. You will feel super great after one year! AND you might just be able to make your mark with something you created for this site alone. For example, I end long narratives accompanying my photo with the word HOT DOG! I used to give out points for folks putting "hot dog" in the comments to let me know they actually read my long (and sometimes incoherent) narratives.

I'm about to start a fifth year wandering this site (posting as I can), but I love it so much, I'm going to just keep on clickin.

Wishing everyone the greatest joy at the end of your projects! Happy New Year. And join in on the fun you wannabe 365ers—WELCOME!

Love, Daryl

December 20th, 2016
I'm just coming to the end of my first year, and I agree with all of these so much! My photography has improved more than I ever thought possible, and while there are days when I post "bad" photos, that probably shows improvement more than "good" photos (because my level of "bad" has increased hugely from where it was back in January). Now it's become habit to take my photo every day (yeah, I'm one of those who WILL NOT miss even one day :) ) and while this was never meant to be exactly a documentary of my life, there are certain photos that will always bring back memories of what I did that day or how I felt etc etc
So to sum up, definitely glad I did 365, and definitely carrying on into year 2 :D
December 20th, 2016
@blueace GREAT. CONGRATS!!
December 20th, 2016
When I look back at first month to today's I've changed style skill technique and confidence. Encouragement feedback critique and praise is so valuable. In 9 months I've come to 'chat' with Canadians, Australians south Africans and people in my own county! ! Am addicted to my daily photo, and not unknown to take 30+ thank goodness no longer need expensive film. Have introduced 2 friends, a sibling and partner to join in!!
December 20th, 2016
"ebbandflophojo" - brilliant.
December 20th, 2016
hot dog....................and i had to spell correct that several times
December 20th, 2016
hot dog!
December 20th, 2016
Thanks Daryl.
My project started on Jan 6th I think-- so16 days left. I've learned so much and enjoyed this a lot. That is not to say that it has not been difficult at times. I set my goal to take a picture every day and I have. I've not always posted it on that day- but close.
I've been out and about a lot more just for variety and talked to a lot of people I normally wouldn't have in my wanderings here and there.
I've tried my hand at street photography and found I really like it.
Last but not least- I've spent a lot on money updating my gear. Though I'll agree that was not necessary. But it was fun:))).
To any that are thinking of starting..Go For It.
December 21st, 2016
hot dog!
Have a wonderful Festive season!
December 21st, 2016
Loved this narrative 2 years ago and love it today. It's everything I believe about 365, written beautifully. Hot dog and thanks for the wonderful rerun.
December 21st, 2016
"effandflophojo" - love it! I agree with all you have written about the 365 community too. My year 4 ends ends 31st January and I just know I will continue - its an addiction - of the nicest possible kind. Hot dog.
December 21st, 2016
thanks for the rerun Hot Doggie. Love reading your reasons through again. I am close to finishing year 3 and certainly wont be stopping. I love wandering the world through 365 photos and often get pleasantly lost going from one persons followers to another. Happy Festive season to you and yours;
December 21st, 2016
I love this piece- and find it hard to believe I will be completing year #6. Will there be a year #7? Do we need air to breathe?
December 21st, 2016
Well said, I couldn't agree more. I'm into my seventh year and still enjoying photographing my life day by day.
December 21st, 2016
I'm just coming to the end of my first year too, and have to agree with all that you've said. It is a great little community who are always there to encourage & keep you going. The talent here is amazingly incredible, so there's plenty of inspiration, that's for sure.....and as you've said, you don't even have to leave your home, yet you'll travel all around this wonderful world :) Feeling pretty chuffed that I'm just about to complete my first 365 (well, 366 actually, due to this year being a leap year) project.....and that I have had 5 photos from my project make it into my local regional 2017 calendar. I would never have dreamed of anything like this happening for lil' ol' me!.....and I don't think the opportunity would have presented itself if I didn't commit to doing P365 & getting out & about exploring in my area, taking so many photos

Huge thanks to all my followers for all their fabulous encouraging comments over the past 12 months :))))
December 21st, 2016
Just keep going . Enjoy it and put in what you can. I feel a bit lost without my daily dose of 365. I don't comment as much as I used to as it does take a lot of time but I enjoy popping in and out.
So when you finish year one relax pick a theme perhaps but get ready for year 2 and 3 and 4 and??
December 21st, 2016
Daryl, your column is worthy of reposting every year! You capture all the benefits of 365 perfectly. I can't believe I'm starting year 5 - though at this point fairly relaxed about the one-photo each day side of it. I treasure not only the photographic boost over the years, but also (and maybe even more) the friendships - online and now some in person -- of photographers from around the world. What a great site!
December 21st, 2016
@jasperc Ha! It's a real thing!
@kali66 special extra points for struggling with that term :)
@summerfield Indeed!
@lisainstpete Good for you! My first year took me all over the place. I fell in love with moving objects, mostly birds. I observed things I never "saw" before, and I also learned about all kinds of different photography skills. 4 years later, I work more on processing and I take lots of photos in bulk, so my ability to go in 365 mode is really impossible, but I won't shake this place. I'm so glad you have kept up with it! Congrats (soon!)!
@annied You too dear! Hot Dog!
@linnypinny it's a narrative I don't mind sharing again and again, even though it really does need editing. :)
@kiwinanna It's the healthiest addiction I have (although my family might not agree)! Hot diggety dog!
@cruiser You too! I love clicking and following what others follow too. So many great photographers and stories across the globe!
@olivetreeann You are a rock star! When I was doing "real" 365 projects, I had to take off a month to breathe before I began a new project. I used that time to set new goals each year (and I'd post them to my project bio so people would know where my focus would be). Year one was about just getting it done. Year two was to tackle RAW. Year three was about trying to keep it together, but I couldn't. This year and going forward has been in "post and go" mode, which limits my interaction sadly. But I can't stop. I'll keep doing what I can. Happy holidays! And breathe. Then click. :)
@kjarn That's absolutely fantastic. Amazing!
@leggzy Wow, that's really great news about the calendar and your own success getting to 366 (soon!). This site changed my life in so many ways!
@padlock Good advice to Leggzy! After year one, I remember challenging myself to themes to keep my focus on some challenges personally--one month of abstract, one month of tracking the progress of 7 plants weekly during spring, etc. The first year is about getting it done. I always admired those in their first year who really had their stuff together. I'm a better photographer now, but I don't have anything together still!
@taffy Thank you Taffy! We began together and are still together. So for any newbies, my advice is to follow people who are starting out with you--those folks will be with you as you experience ebbandflophojo, and you'll look forward to the developing photographer friendships. I cherish those. :)
December 21st, 2016
December 21st, 2016
When I started I shot in auto and often used a point and shot. I often refer to my project to know if I went to a certain beach in July or August, If I was in Vermont this tear or last.
When a bomb goes off in France I want to check in with my friends in France, When I am shivering in the morning it is a pure joy to click on an Aussie's summer garden shot.
You learn - you grow and all while having fun.
December 22nd, 2016
@joemuli haha! Hotdogs x 10. Add slaw and you have me forever. ♡♡♡♡♡UUUUU
December 22nd, 2016
@joansmor I too use it for reference when I'm did something or need to track down my photos that I catalogued by date (oh my, my memory shifts!!). I totally agree about looking for a more pleasing setting when I'm shivering. And it's so nice to hear from you :)
December 22nd, 2016

Je reviens. Merci.
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