Celebrating 300 Weeks of the Get Pushed Challenge.

April 24th, 2018
300 weeks, that's nearly 6 years of Get Pushed challenges! What a milestone! We should celebrate and thank @northy for all of her hard work at coordinating this weekly challenge.

I thought it would fun to share a pic of the first Get Pushed challenge we participated in.

Go ahead and post them on this thread. Or you can tag your original: celebrate300. And don't forget to thank our fearless leader!
April 24th, 2018

I had to search all the way back to Week #66 for mine, Oct. 22, 2013.
My challenge for this week was my choice of either building/structure or black and white/monochrome, so I combined them.

Thank you so much @northy for organizing my favorite 365 challenge. You are the reason we have made it to #300!
April 24th, 2018
Thanks so much Northy! Very much appreciated that you organize this every week. It is also one of my favourite challenges.
My first get pushed goes way back to 2014, get pushed 87, and the challenge was to do a monochrome:
April 24th, 2018
My first one was panning!!!! Summer of 2015. I started right in the middle to 300 - Get Pushed 150!!! Hard to believe. I tagged all of mine - https://365project.org/tags/Vera365-gp

April 24th, 2018
My goodness ... my first push was opposites in week 118. I can't believe we are at week 300! I was so scared of trying this, but I love how it challenges my creativity. Thank you so much @northy! This was my first get-pushed image, but it was a day early so I didn't tag it as such. I think I will tag it now.
April 24th, 2018
my first get pushed challenge from JackieR 'placement of decorations' December 21st 2016
thanks @northy I have learned a lot participating in the challenges

April 24th, 2018
I've started and stopped a couple of times but the second one i did was a push from Rachel Withey way back in 2013 -- contradiction for get-pushed 31
April 24th, 2018
From Number 3
I have got pushed into doing a selfie from Paul Myers
Selfie - just you with no one else in the shot. Your choice of B&W or color. Please include your face too. ;-) I put that last part in because I don't want to see a shot of your feet. ;-)
So struggled with focus but this challenge taught me how to get the focus right & it created a selfie monster but I don't get pushed to do one anymore

Had a two or three year break in 2013 when my camera broke from over use,lol
@northy, you are the girl!! so appreciative that you manage this every week, Happy 300!!
April 24th, 2018
My first get pushed challenge - get-pushed 2 - was to take portrait shot. People photography is still not my forte and I do my best to avoid taking photos of them!
This couple came to ride horses and I asked if I could take their pictures.
Hats off to northy @northy for keeping this challenge going.

April 24th, 2018
My first week was 77. I was challenged to take an old Maine home. I took this built in early 1900's on the Western Prom.

I have loved my participation. Thanks @northy
April 24th, 2018
Get Pushed 63 back in October, 2013. I was asked to do a self-portrait and had no idea how my camera worked so I did enlist the help of a friend to actually snap the photo which I set up.
Get Pushed is the challenge that gave me the courage to enter more challenges, and to stretch my photographic limits. Thank you, Northy, @northy for your dedication to this wonderful challenge.

April 24th, 2018
@wenbow lovely portrait of you looking pensive. just wondering if you have any tips re focus for selfies? that's the main reason i struggle with the 52 portraits of me challenge as it's always so laborious to set up the focus ...

@northy respect and thanks to you for administering this challenge for the longest time! i haven't dared have a go yet, but your efforts certainly are appreciated ...
April 24th, 2018
Well done @northy. I never participated but I think you did a great job!
April 24th, 2018
My first was a pet portrait, and I didn't have a pet!!!! My challenger is no longer on 365.

Thank you north, my photography skills have developed with every partner's challenge.

April 24th, 2018
I've participated on and off, always enjoying the challenge. Here is the first one I did back in week 79 . I was challenged by Jae @lifepause to create a sepia-toned picture with a turn of the century feel.

Thanks @northy !!!
April 24th, 2018
from get pushed #2

happy 300th everyone.
April 24th, 2018
@annied I remember being so worried about setting you this challenge
April 24th, 2018
Wow -- a long time ago, and I can see how 365 and Get Pushed helped me improve and expand my photo skills! Congrats on reaching 300 and thank you @northy Mira!
This was in response to a challenge to try street photography.
April 25th, 2018
You’re right Lisa! @northy does a fabulous job: I participated in get-pushed last year starting in February and this was my first submission set by @la_photographic
April 26th, 2018
my first was January 2016 from @stephanies for light painting

April 26th, 2018
I had so much fun with this challenge! I can't wait to join in again once I get more time to dedicate! Thank you so much @northy for hosting such a great challenge :)!
April 28th, 2018
I started Get Pushed in August 2017 with much trepidation (I still used Auto mode a lot of the time) and cannot believe how much support I've had and how much I have learned.

@northy Thanks so much for organising this weekly challenge, I've discovered more about my camera in the few months I've been participating than in the previous 12 years ... how embarrassing is that!

My first challenge was from Wendy @farmreporter who asked for a cut flower picture using natural light.
April 28th, 2018
I remember this one - you did so well! Still love the lovely light on the wall!
April 29th, 2018
thank you for starting this thread... and for everyone else for chiming in (and sorry i'm so late to do so!)... yes - hard to believe that we've been at this for almost 6 years now! i've been playing on and off since the beginning when Jase first set this challenge up :)

here's my first one... a challenge set by @carmel to find and photograph something with bright, bold colours; something that could belong to a particular ethnic tradition that has a bit of a design to it... i was totally baffled!!
April 30th, 2018
This is my first one! @mumswaby asked me to take a photograph featuring food... The get-pushed challenge is really stimulating and helps to go out of photographic comfort zone! I learnt and studied many things regarding photography to be able to answer to the different challenges...

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