Macro Photos comp

October 12th, 2011
Hi everyone, Thanks to everyone who took the time to place there sunset photos on that page and congrats to the winners :)

Now could everyone please place their macro shots on this page. Even the ones you think are bad, i bet there are none because everyones photos are amazing in their own way :) there will be a vote on and this voting will begin on the 16th October 2011 and then the final 10 will be released a week after that. I hope you can place you entries.

ALSO PLEASE NOTE THAT YOU CAN NOT HAVE MORE THAN 1 PHOTO IN THE FINAL 10! but you can place as many as you want on this page :) (so there will only be one entry per person in the final 10! i hope that makes sense :))

Good luck :)
October 12th, 2011
Hi, sorry I'm a bit late/new to this! I'm obsessed with taking macro photos and was just wondering what this comp was about and what I have to do. :D
October 12th, 2011
This is my favourite macro photo I have taken. I have only recently purchased a macro lens and I am really enjoying learning how to use it.

I also really like this one

October 12th, 2011
Macro photography and flowers go hand in hand!

October 12th, 2011
@pocketmouse HI Teresa, what you do is place one or more of your favourite macro photos on the page and then there will be a vote to create the top 10 and then another vote to create the final 3 winners :) i hope this helps :)
October 12th, 2011
This is my favourite macro (taken on my P&S!)

October 12th, 2011
ooh and one more

@leebo81 you're so right, all of my macros are of flowers!
October 12th, 2011
Alrighty! :) Well I guess some of my favourites would be...

October 12th, 2011
October 12th, 2011

Could be this one....
October 12th, 2011

or this one? I have so many , its my favourite way of taking photos! Only using a P&S :-)
October 12th, 2011
October 12th, 2011
October 12th, 2011
October 12th, 2011
I love my macro lens, have withdrawals whenever it is not in my camera!

October 12th, 2011

October 12th, 2011
October 12th, 2011
I adore macro so I will only post a few. =)

October 12th, 2011
October 12th, 2011
October 12th, 2011
Just purchased my macro lens, less than a month ago... these are my initial shots uploaded in 365... but not necessarily my favorites... :D

I need to get out more... :D
October 12th, 2011
October 12th, 2011
I have a lot of macro shots but these are my latest ones that I would pick!

October 12th, 2011

October 12th, 2011

October 12th, 2011
I also have some that aren't nature

October 12th, 2011
just a few of my favs trying to do way more :)

October 12th, 2011
October 12th, 2011
October 12th, 2011
a few of my favorite shots

October 12th, 2011
This is a pinecone.
October 12th, 2011
This was taken with my little P&S

October 12th, 2011
This is my first attempt at macro and I know I have a lot to learn but I think it's fun!
October 12th, 2011
Here are mine from the last couple of months:

October 12th, 2011
October 12th, 2011
October 12th, 2011
October 12th, 2011
October 12th, 2011

October 12th, 2011

October 12th, 2011
Oh, I love this type of photography! I use my P&S for this.

October 12th, 2011

October 12th, 2011
October 12th, 2011

October 12th, 2011
I love macro shots. Here are a few of mine:

October 12th, 2011
My favorite of mine -
October 12th, 2011
October 12th, 2011
I think my best is

( A lot of luck involved)

October 13th, 2011

October 13th, 2011
October 13th, 2011
October 13th, 2011
October 13th, 2011
October 13th, 2011
October 13th, 2011

October 13th, 2011
wow! all these shots are amazing! thanks and well done to everyone :)
October 13th, 2011
October 13th, 2011
I have a lot, I am somewhat comfortable taking macro shots, would love to branch out but here are a few more recent ones...

October 13th, 2011
Wanted to add this guy because I thought it was cool I caught his tongue out...

October 13th, 2011
Also, all the macros here posted are wonderful!! Everyone does such a great job here and I love to look at them and and I try to learn! :)
October 13th, 2011
October 13th, 2011
October 13th, 2011

October 13th, 2011

October 13th, 2011
October 13th, 2011
wow! all these shots are awesome :) well done everyone :)
October 13th, 2011
@grdelli Pardon my ignorance, but how do I post onto this page?
October 13th, 2011
@kloud , on the right side of the page that your photo is on, you will see a header titled "share" (it's below the photo details area). Right click on the link, copy it, and paste it in the comment box here.
October 13th, 2011

My macros always involve flowers.
October 13th, 2011
October 13th, 2011
October 13th, 2011

October 13th, 2011

October 13th, 2011

I love Macro shots! :-D
October 13th, 2011
October 13th, 2011
I am still only learning, and after looking at all the above, I have a long ways to go. I LOVE macro. Here are 3 of mine.

October 13th, 2011

October 13th, 2011
October 13th, 2011
October 13th, 2011
October 13th, 2011
October 14th, 2011

October 14th, 2011
I do not possess a macro lens as of yet, i used my 50mm and turned the lens around backwards to capture this fungus growing out of a tree stump.....was pretty old school technically but fun none the less
October 14th, 2011
I couldn't decide on just one...

October 14th, 2011
I just got my macro lens the other day and I LOVE it!

October 14th, 2011
Here's a couple of mine that I really like:

October 14th, 2011
soft and furry looking!
October 14th, 2011
October 14th, 2011
wow! all these pics are awesome :) thanks for taking the time to put them in :)
October 14th, 2011
October 14th, 2011
Do they have to fall within a certain date range please?
October 14th, 2011
@juanita no any date is fine :)
October 14th, 2011

There all really recent as i only got a macro lens about 2 weeks ago and im still learning how it works hehe
October 14th, 2011
October 14th, 2011
October 14th, 2011

October 14th, 2011

So many beautiful examples for me to learn from! I had my first try at using a macro lense this week. I wish I had my Dad's lense to use more often, it was great fun.
October 14th, 2011
A blade of grass during a light rain...
October 14th, 2011
Tear drops...
October 14th, 2011
Luck of the Irish...
October 14th, 2011

Sweet Nectar
October 14th, 2011
Shot this one yesterday....
October 14th, 2011
October 14th, 2011
October 14th, 2011
October 14th, 2011
October 14th, 2011
October 14th, 2011
October 14th, 2011
October 14th, 2011
My fave things, fuchsia and ladybugs:
October 14th, 2011

October 14th, 2011
@becksesme Very nice work on using the macro lens
October 14th, 2011
@cinnamongirl That is really a cool photo of the frog and the finger
October 14th, 2011
@cherne ahh thankyou very much! :D
October 14th, 2011
@snipsnap Awesome photo! What type of macro lens did you use?
October 14th, 2011
Thank you! I just got a new macro lens the other day = Nikon 85mm f/3.5 Micro. I'm using it on a Nikon d90. So far I love it!!!!
October 14th, 2011
@snipsnap No, thank you for letting me know what type of lense you use - it gives me a good idea on what size and type of lense to buy.
October 14th, 2011
@chernephotos thank you so much! Had alot of fun with those little guys! I just have filters for macro. Thinking about trying a reverse lens adapter. Just learning my way through and having fun :)
October 14th, 2011

Just used the macro setting on my point & shoot.
October 15th, 2011
October 15th, 2011

October 15th, 2011
I'll play :)

October 15th, 2011

All taken with my P&S
October 15th, 2011
October 15th, 2011
October 15th, 2011
October 15th, 2011
Stunning purple bud... caught in the bud!
October 15th, 2011
This is my photo from Aug. 15, 2011 -- HEAD BUTT. My name is lorihiro and I am a Marcro-holic!
October 15th, 2011
I have to post this one too! :-)
October 15th, 2011
October 15th, 2011
October 15th, 2011
@annamaker Thank you Anna!
October 15th, 2011
October 15th, 2011
October 15th, 2011

October 15th, 2011
October 16th, 2011
October 16th, 2011
Wow, there is a lot of good stuff here....
How do you vote?
October 16th, 2011
One more before the deadline (?)
October 17th, 2011
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