Voting for Get Pushed 360

September 3rd, 2024
Many thanks to all who participated in this get pushed challenge – issuing and receiving challenges, submitting photos and voting on the last round. Here, in no particular order, are the five I’ve selected from Get Pushed 630 for your viewing and voting pleasure:

1. “Watching me, watching !” by Suzanne @ankers70 whose challenge was “'select a scene and wait for somebody to walk into it, could be an alley or archway, way, a piece of light amongst shadow, or near something fun like a sign, statue or large advertisement'.”

2. “hens and chicks” by April @aecasey who was challenged to find geometry in nature.

3. “Little White Ducks” by Delwyn @dkbarnett Her challenge was “'to photograph something that makes you want to smile and say to yourself "This makes me feel good".” She chose the ducks she sees daily in her yard.

4. “Strange Planet?” by Sue @wakelys who was challenged to compose an image meant to be viewed with the original shot rotated either 90 or 180 degrees.

5. “SLP 359” by Andrew @allsop who was challenged to produce an image 'that conveys the impression of Japanese minimalistic art’.

Voting through Saturday and on Sunday I’ll announce the winner and turn Get Pushed 361 over to them.


Why not join the Get Pushed challenge? Give it a try. It’s a good way to get to know other 365ers a bit better and stretch your imagination, skills, and comfort zones. Each week you’ll be matched with another participant. They’ll take a look at your project and give you a challenge, and you’ll do the same for them. The more of us doing Get Pushed the better. As I’ve said before, “Jump in, the water’s fine.” Northy @northy coordinates it – if you’d like to join, comment on the discussion thread of the most recent week’s Get Pushed pairing.

PROMO over. Happy voting!
September 3rd, 2024
@ankers70 @aecasey @dkbarnett @wakelys @allsop

and @northy -- heads up regarding the promo for get pushed I appended to the voting above. Fingers crossed that someone or more than one someone may be interested and let you know.
September 3rd, 2024
September 3rd, 2024

And further to Mary's @mcsieglepoint above, I'm a relatively new member of the Get Pushed challenge and I really enjoy it.
It stretches my brain and takes me outside my comfort zone and sometimes I struggle to meet the challenge but it's fun.
Thanks to northy @northy for her weekly organisation.
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September 3rd, 2024
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September 4th, 2024
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