Too much 'dark' in this for balance I think but I still like the water. 30+*C so an evening walk for Monty (morning would have been cooler but I did the supermarket run and by the time I emerged it was boiling). So this was from our evening walk - Monty was refusing to leave the park at this point and we ended up late for a rendezvous with his friend Gloria. I'm running a day behind but I'm about to catch up.
Three good things:
1. Free pot of tea (2 cups) in the outside bit of Waitrose cafe while I read their free magazine and made a list of the ingredients for two recipes. I realise that I may have done exactly what they want me to do but it's a very civilised scam!
2. Lovely comments on my mum's birthday photo and very soon she will work out how to use her birthday present and see that I posted it - uh oh - I'm in trouble!!
3. G&T after my walk - very welcome it was still about 29*C!
Intriguing ...a tablet of some description I guess if so she will love it!! The evenings are so lovely now ...I seem to get a surge of energy but don't know what to do with it!!
Beautiful warm evening light.
@happypat Yes - I can't remember which one (Samsung?) - my sister organised it as my nieces have the same one and can do tutorials. I borrowed one of their's for a try - very nice I must say.
Beautiful warm evening light.
I've gotten weeks behind recently. Need to have a bit of a splurge...