Made it half way by 365projectorgchristine

Made it half way

The Bright Angel Trail is the best-developed path down into the canyon and is used not only by hikers, but also by mule caravans with riding guests or to supply the stations in the canyon. Hikers are required to give way to the mules. Behind a caravan, significant amounts of dust hang in the air for a long time.Agave with huge flower stalk next to the path to the Indian Garden

The Bright Angel Trail is the only hiking trail inside the canyon that has drinking water available year-round at Indian Garden . Between May and September, drinking water is available via pipeline at two additional locations above Indian Gardens, at one and a half and three miles (2.5 and 5 km). The water must be transported to the water points via a pipeline, so there is no guarantee of availability. The pipelines break several times each season, meaning no water is available away from Indian Garden for a few days at a time.

From the beginning on the southern edge of the canyon, the path goes steeply down into the depths on serpentines until the Tonto Plateau is reached at the Indian Garden . There is a year-round spring there, which is why the place has always been used by Indians. When Grand Canyon development and mining began, Indian Garden became an important base for miners and prospectors . Today it is one of two National Park Service ranger stations inside the canyon and a simple campground.

From Indian Garden you can walk almost 2.5 km to the Plateau Point viewpoint , from which you can see into the depths of the canyon and the Colorado River. Or you can follow the Bright Angel Trail further down. The path leads into a very steep cut and below the Tonto plateau there is a pure desert climate . This is reflected in the sparse vegetation of succulents and yuccas and in the strain on the human body during the strenuous hike.

Unlike hikes in the mountains, in the Grand Canyon the more strenuous climb comes after the descent, so the ascent takes more than twice the time for the same distance down. The Bright Angel Trail is only managed by the National Park Service as a day trip from the canyon rim via Indian Garden to Plateau Point . Attempting to reach the river and climb back up on the same day is strongly discouraged. Hikers below Indian Garden can be checked by rangers at any time to determine whether they have a backcountry permit for an overnight campground or a reservation for the only permanent overnight accommodation in the canyon at Phantom Ranch.
Sounds like a lot of fun.
September 20th, 2023  
Wonderful narrative.
September 20th, 2023  
Amazing capture and narrative, it's like a story book. Hope you made one :-)
September 20th, 2023  
looks great
September 20th, 2023  
Sounds like great fun but exhausting as well.
September 21st, 2023  
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