Sitting amidst fields of corn, wheat, sunflowers, the natural variety of weeds, and windbreaks of junipers, I have still surrounded the house with bird feeders. While youngest cringes at the bright calls of the chick-a-dees and the morning greetings from sparrows, blackbirds, and robins, I enjoy the call and chatter of these visitors, and can spend hours being entertained by their antics at the feeders. So, for today's word, I chose one of the alternates ... bird feeder...and was happy to see the goldfinches visiting this tube feeder that hangs from the Aspen tree just off the front deck. Soon his coat will be bright yellow and he will be indistinguishable from the dandelions, whose seeds he so loves. Until then, though, I'll keep this bird feeder filled with some of his other favorite seeds.