kali challenged me to try the Harris Shutter Effect this week. This is not that, and I could not find a way to do it in Affinity. My attempts to achieve it with smoke failed, so granddaughter came over and did cartwheels for me. I got some great sequences! I just could not find a way to do the color balance changes in the layers. This weird layering at least shows I got the motion and the layers. I just couldn't find a way to get the isolated coloring.
Love this!! I read up on your challenge and wondered how affinity would cope. I wonder if layering up and then erasing some of the layers to let the lower layer colours show??
@30pics4jackiesdiamond I spent a few more hours. I had to go to each individual picture and do the selection cut out and channel mixer adjustment to each of those. Then a copy/paste into my background brought each of the colored girls over into individual layers. A lot of trial and error. I've pressed Command Z so much my keyboard is tired!