Trailers by aikiuser


Sorry to miss you folks last night. Hit the drive-ins last night ("Pirates of Carribean" and "Tangled", decent, not great, but it was the drive-ins so whatever!) and didn't get home till way late. Didn't help the car battery died at intermission... Oops.

Happy weekend good peeps!
omg! how fun! who cares what the movie is if you're at the drive-in?! what a blast! but the battery died????? now THAT is funny! :))))
May 21st, 2011  
You've captured a bit of history here. There are very few drive-in left in America. They keep closing or being sold off to build houses. Well done.
May 21st, 2011  
Were you guys here or in SLO? Was Pirates good?!!

I love this shot, by the way.
May 21st, 2011  
Tis came out coolio J! Good times my dear, good times! @stepheesue and Stephanie, it was NOT that funny!!!
May 21st, 2011  
@pixelchix oh. oops. ma bad. . .I guess it just SOUNDS funny. . .it'll probably seem funny to you in a few weeks. or months.
May 21st, 2011  
@stepheesue @pixelchix Much funnier today! ;-)
May 21st, 2011  
Sounds like a great place to be. Great choice of films. Not good about the battery... oh, the joy!
May 21st, 2011  
May 21st, 2011  
sweet :)
May 21st, 2011  
@lacedxxoo Thanks, Mo! This Pirates was okay, but not as good as the others. Johnny is always awesome, but without Orlando and Kierra the movie was lacking the charm. Still, tho. The DRIVE-INs! (SLO)
May 21st, 2011  
love drive ins have not been to one in years but good memories none the less :) sorry about you car battery that really stinks
May 21st, 2011  
omg that is so funny...whoops..but the drive fun...and the shot is great. wish they had one around here
May 21st, 2011  
looks like a nice time...great shot
May 21st, 2011  
Fun photo... Brings back memories...
May 21st, 2011  
Drive- ins are dying out here in Oz too, only a few left now and I haven't been for years. Great shot Jenn and I won't mention the battery.
May 22nd, 2011  
Oh yes, drive-ins.................... I remember them well..........

Nice shot, by the way! And how did you deal with the dead-battery issue? Bummer.
May 22nd, 2011  
Lovely to be able to go to the drive-in ..... and Tangled is one of my kids (and mine too) most favorite movie!
May 22nd, 2011  
Cool shot! Love the processing. I miss drive-in movies. We don't have them around here any more. Such a same.
May 22nd, 2011  
Very creative and cool shot! There are no drive-ins in my area anymore!
May 22nd, 2011  
I miss our drive-in. It was taken over bny Wallmart :(
May 22nd, 2011  
I miss ours shot.
May 22nd, 2011  
May 22nd, 2011  
@digitalrn The evil empire.It's just so wrong.
May 22nd, 2011  
@aikimomm Would you believe we weren't the first to have this "it won't run down your battery" issue with the radio?! The kind folks who work there have a handy, dandy jumper ready at hand. Took all of about 5 minutes. Whew!
May 22nd, 2011  
so glad you two had a nice night out. can't wait to see pirates at the drive-in!
May 22nd, 2011  
Funny how one photo can invoke SO many memories !
May 22nd, 2011  
Excellent~ I used to love the Drive-In. (especially back in my drinking days!) Two movies make for a long night.
May 22nd, 2011  
Fun photo!
May 23rd, 2011  
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