Birds in Phlox by allie912

Birds in Phlox

A little word play to start us off. I know birds travel in flocks, but just this once we have a bird surrounded by phlox. The school garden has just erupted this week in the most fragrant explosion of blooms. Not just phlox, but peonies and magnolias along with their more reticent cousins, azaleas and sweet peas. Such a celebration of the First of May (and my sweet daughter's birthday.)
Beautiful clarity and colors, Allison! What a sweet bird ... he does have a way of capturing the eye and attention. :)
May 2nd, 2012  
And it's not just any bird, it's the Bluebird of Happiness!! Nice!
May 2nd, 2012  
May 2nd, 2012  
This is a nice arrangement! The colors are beautiful. Happy birthday to your daughter!
May 2nd, 2012  
I love that your school has such pretty gardens! And this guy is such a happy addition!
May 2nd, 2012  
Cute play on words, and it makes a great photo
May 2nd, 2012  
So colorful!
May 2nd, 2012  
Very cute. Love the colors.
May 2nd, 2012  
Oh, such a lovely shot! Beautiful colors & playing with words...
May 2nd, 2012  
Love the colors
May 2nd, 2012  
Cool, fun shot, Allison. The colors are beautiful!
May 4th, 2012  
what a well behaved bird you found stay so still for you.....i bet you had to hide in a 'birde hide' to get this !
May 5th, 2012  
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