Here is a little lesson in psychology. I was looking for disposable shower caps, you know the kind you get at a hotel? Amazon had them for sale at an astonishingly cheap price 30 of them for $1.95 and free shipping! They came all the way from China and took about 3 weeks to get here, but I was in no hurry. The rating of the product on Amazon, with 143 reviews, was an average of 3 out of 5 stars. When, out of curiosity, I read the reviews, I saw that the bad reviews came from people who said the product was "a waste of money." Let's see 30 caps for $1.95 comes to 6 and 1/2 cents apiece. Of course an equal number gave the product 5 stars so I figured it was WORTH THE GAMBLE! And you know what? They are going to be just fine.