Bounsweet by anothab


Day began with a message off my Mum saying Charlie wouldn't be visiting again because he wouldn't wake up 😐🙄

I messaged a couple of people to see if I could make alternate arrangements, but I guess time just moved on and I've allowed myself to be left behind 💁🏼‍♂️ time waits for no man, and I've been off the grid a little too long I guess? This isn't some depressing diatribe about social isolation, but more a testament to how difficult it is to make friends/maintain friendships as an adult. Friendships fade out and are never replaced, then you end up isolated with no obvious way to fix the situation. Likely doesn't help if like me, you have too much self respect to beg a friendship when reciprocation is not forthcoming. It is what it is 🤷🏼‍♂️

It's crazy how whenever I don't have my kids to spend time with, I'm literally at a loss for what I'm supposed to do with myself. Full day of nothingness to occupy and I've come up blank! What the fuck do people who don't have kids do all day?! 🤔 I think about having free time like I can finally watch that film, play that game, binge that TV show, but when it actually happens I rarely want to actually do those things 😅🙈

Settled on going for a walk down Westport Lake since I'd got fuck all else I wanted to do... had a nice wander down in the sun, did a couple laps, had an ice cream, caught some Pokemon... 😂🍦🤳 walked back home under the baking sun and decided I proper fancied a pint but again nobody seemed interested in accompanying me so I headed across Moorland on my own and parked up in the beer garden with a Madri 🍺☀️ Chris came and joined me for a bit before his Xmas Party, probably out of pity 😂😫 then after a few pints I headed back home for some tea...

Now I'm likely just gonna watch TV and game until I go bed 📺🎮✌🏼 I used to be such a social butterfly, but nowadays it feels more like I'm trapped alone bouncing off the inside of the fucking window! 🦋
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