Cutout by anothab


After seeing a plate of food randomly on the pavement yesterday, Lysh rushed in this morning telling me the neighbours were feeding a cat in the street and that's where the plate had come from πŸ˜… only just noticing too that it's at this age kids think they know everything/become disinterested - or mine has at least! Any time I try to explain anything, demonstrate anything, show her anything, she isn't interested. She 'doesn't care' in her own words πŸ₯΄

After watching White Chicks this morning, the afternoon began with Lysh insisting I sit and go through her entire camera roll on her phone with her for almost an entire hour, whilst she explains what each photo and video is πŸ˜‚πŸ™ƒ then we've been around the offy to get some cardboard for Lysh's weekend project that she's set her heart on... πŸ‘€πŸ“¦ we came back home to drop off the cardboard and were supposed to be going down the park in this beautiful sunshine but she is refusing go back out the door until she's done some of the prep for this project! πŸ₯΄

Been down the park for a bit now, stretched our legs and got some fresh air 🚢🏼🌞 was nice having a little catch up with Declan too πŸ’― And now it's time to get on with this weekend project of kiddos I guess! 🫑

Nobody told me having kids would involve spending 5hrs making a true to size cutout of their favourite music artist to display in their bedroom πŸ˜‚πŸŽ€ she was supposed to be having a shower tonight but we've been so preoccupied with this, it's now 01:22am so it's gonna have to wait til the morning! πŸšΏπŸ’€
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