Boomerang by anothab


Tonight is the first time playing footy in ages, so of course the weather is pissing down! ⚽☔

Finished work and had a nice video chat with Stay about her fun room-mate with an oversensitive sense of smell 💩🤣 glad you've recovered from your gastro issues and can enjoy being abducted in Sri Lanka now sis! 😬😂

Got home and had an unexpected amendment to tonights plans... instead of having some tea then going play footy, Tez came up with the brilliant plan of going the pub quiz for the start of it, then shooting off to go play footy for an hour at Powerleague, then rushing back to catch the end of the quiz 😂

So we went Horn & Trumpet with Stace, Sammie & Lance first, smashed in some pizza and a swift pint during the first round of the quiz 🍕🍺✍🏼 then raced across the city and got a cheeky win at footy, even scoring a couple myself 😜⚽ then we rushed back to the pub in time to catch the music round and have another beer before the night wrapped up! 🍺 good times!
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