Being Valentine's day I couldn't help but have a shot in our local supermarket at their mobiles of hearts of roses above the aisle enticing you to buy all the lovely goodies for sale .
A very Happy Valentine's day to you all !!
Perfect Valentines Day photo Beryl! Such a lot is made of it these days, we were happy with a card! I would be very happy with a card now too!!! Funny how you remember the excitement of approaching Valentines Day when young!! We never used to sign them then they sign them today I wonder, no good going to all that expense if the person you are spending the money on doesn't know who you are!!
@happypat Yes, the cards were cheaper in those good old days, and the fun of trying to guess who they were from ( as a teenager in school ) Valentine day is so commercialised these days and an expensive way to show your love -- does that sound like a grumpy old woman !!! ha ha !!
Commenting on the above conversations - we never celebrated this day- it passed without a word! It is a nice thought though to have that someone has remembered you specially!
You make me smile, Pat and yes, l would be very happy with a card now, too!
Well spotted and captured,Beryl!