"A Daisy A Day..." by bjywamer

"A Daisy A Day..."

My daisies are in full bloom right now. I like that they last longer than my other flowers when brought in for a bouquet. :-) Here is a link to Jud Strunk's 1973 song by the same title:


Many thanks for your visits, comments, and favs. All so appreciated!
I loved that song. He came from Maine and we were proud of him.
July 4th, 2024  
July 4th, 2024  
@joansmor That's interesting, Joan! Never knew that. And had never really listened to the lyrics before today, even though I knew the melody and chorus! I love it, too! Thanks for stopping by! And Happy Independence Day to you! :-)
July 4th, 2024  
So beautiful and simple
July 4th, 2024  
These are so bright and cheery looking!
July 4th, 2024  
I remember the song! Love how the daises stand up so tall!
July 4th, 2024  
I love them too, hope mine are still there when we get home
July 4th, 2024  
Nice! I’ve been enjoying our Shasta daisies… they are still blooming but many have died out.
July 4th, 2024  
Super pov, love this
July 4th, 2024  
Ooh I like these! So pretty!
July 4th, 2024  
July 4th, 2024  
So pretty and fresh looking! And thank you for the link to the song, Barb! As soon as it started, I knew that its melody was buried deep in my memory somewhere. Interesting how we store things. Fav
July 4th, 2024  
Pretty daisies!
July 5th, 2024  
These are very pretty!
July 5th, 2024  
Beautiful daisies!
July 5th, 2024  
July 5th, 2024  
Lovely perspective and capture Barb:)
July 5th, 2024  
July 5th, 2024  
Very pretty shot.
July 5th, 2024  
Lovely shot.
July 6th, 2024  
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