Not for publication.. by blightygal

Not for publication..

... said Eddie when showed him this photo. Whoops.

Finishing touches on the windows of Lucy's new tree house, painting yesterday over the window putty. Because our neighbour keeps chasing and scaring Lucy from sitting on her shed, we decided to make her a tree house to sit on or in instead. Our tree I had to cut down in the winter as getting too big and the roots very close to the drains. I kept the trunk and a few branches standing, perfect for plonking a new cat house on top! We've made it quite big, so she can sit on the roof and do her sunbathing there. Hopefully the neighbour will leave her alone now, it's not nice to see your own cat get scared, even in her own garden, every time they open their back door.

Ed wasn't in the best of moods yesterday, and went off to go see one of his old fav's - Gary Numan at a gig at the Roundhouse. Because his mood wasn't good, he didn't have a good time and came home still in a grump. Oh well.
Ah what a perfect idea, although is she going to do the old 'ignore the posh new cat basket and sleep in the cardboard box' trick?? I have to confess I often chase away cats from our beds as they just poo everywhere 🤣 loved Gary Numan when I was young, hope Ed feels more chipper soon.
May 27th, 2024  
@boxplayer Apart from the cat who came in for a Dave cuddle! The best way to stop cats pooping in your garden is get a cat of your own.... just saying!!
Ed yeah, a bit better now. His holiday is in a little less than a month, I keep reminding him something nice is coming up.

PS - I know how irritating it is for a cat to poop. Luckily for me, Lucy goes in the church and I can clear it up!
May 27th, 2024  
@boxplayer Oh, and yes, we fully expect she will ignore her tree house! Hope not as she loves our garden and sleeps a lot in Leo's old cat house. Will keep it there for a year, if doesn't use it, will donate to friend who helps out the ferals. They'd be cozy!
May 27th, 2024  
@blightygal yes they do have to go somewhere, most owners don't take them for walks! Just wish we had our lovely foxes back, the cats kept their distance then (never witnessed any horrible argybargy, it was the cats that would get the better of the foxes - the incident we saw in the road was unusual)
May 27th, 2024  
@boxplayer I think fox attacks are a little more common that lead to believe, esp when there is a mini pack together. Seen one have a go at Lucy already and sadly 3 weeks ago a young kitten was out, saw him being chased down the road by a fox (sadly too far away to stop, tho tried), and the kitten hasn't been seen again, neighbours have been asking around, I hope not the fox. But, Leo my tough old boy chased foxes away, they'd scarper from him every time!
May 27th, 2024  
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