I went down to Wolf Creek hoping to find a Kingfisher or the Raccoon family I saw slip into the cornfield last week but instead I found this little fugitive. The rest of the herd was out in the field but this little calf managed to escape and was alongside the gravel road. I got out and tried to see where he got out but the gate was secure and no place I could see to break out so I went looking for his owner. I finally found the farmer who owned him and when I told him where the calf was off he went to round up the escapee. Hopefully he was reunited with his mom and the rest of the herd. I just used my phone for this since he was too close for the long lens I had on the camera.
What a cute little guy. I like the white spot on the forehead. This free spirit calf has a surprise look on his face. Great capture and nice of you to locate the owner.