I’m very proud of this loaf of bread that I made with sourdough (natural yeast?) given to me by my sister. You can see one jar with what remains of it, bubbling out of the lid! The bread was very good! The problem is that if you keep making your own bread you are going to get real fat!
Wow! I am drooling... I love bread, i love a good loaf of bread with good crust... with some butter on it ... And this one looks soooooo appetizing.
Gorgeous photo too!
Your bread looks so well baked, and your presentation here with its sourdough starter, is nicely arranged. The slices show us the inside, too. The best part of sourdough starter is the ability to bake with natural leavening, the bad part is that you have to feed it every week and you end up baking every week! I have started a collection of recipes for non-bread-loaf sourdough, so if you want I can send those to you via email. Oh, and you can join the 365 Bread Club! Look up the tag "365-bread" and you will see all our loaves. Jane Pittenger started the cycle by sharing her recipe.
Great display and a wonderful food shot. And I'm sure it tastes great. You will enjoy every bite. Nothing better than fresh bread, with only natural ingredients.
@jyokota thank you Junko for your precious info. I’d love to have your recipes and I certainly I will check 365 bread! @mona65 I know you are such a good cook that I like your compliments very much. I ‘be just made a crostata (pie with jam) but I left it in the oven after It was cooked. I should take a picture of it now for the site where they post the cooking disaster
@mastermek calories Mek. If we make bread we eat it. Otherwise we won’t buy it as often. I wish I could share some of my starter with you. It’s bubbling all over the place and, sinceI haven’t dared to get rid of it, the jars in the fridge are multiplying
Thanks for the offer! I would sure come and get it if not... making bread each day is a lot of work so thr last time we made breads for the weekends. We use the fridge to let it rest which worked fine. There was bo need to throw away much.
You cannot keep multiplying, it will take over the world :-)
Oh I'm laughing at your exchange with Mek @mastermek Through the years I've had starter until we couldn't eat enough to keep up with it, and eventually it packs on pounds! That said, you photograph is exquisite, and I think Domenico's @domenicododaro invitation would serve you both well!
Caterina, I sent you some recipes for what to do with all the extra starter. Taffy especially likes the crumpets, and I always make the thin crackers using different spices each time. I also like the flatbread a lot. You don't add any extra flour to make the crackers so that's why I make it most often. It's just the starter, butter, and spices, spread onto a baking sheet with herbs sprinkled on top, scored, and baked! Also, when you "feed" the starter there are ways to maintain a very small starter. And like @mastermek I keep my starters in the fridge. I have a rye starter, a white flour starter, and my emergency backup small starter. And I bake bread at least once or twice a week. My neighbors get most of it. Oh, and funny overflowing starter jar story -- mine made the cover of the Evasnton Pandemic Cookbook, and a second photo was the inspiration for a blog storytelling.
Gorgeous photo too!
You cannot keep multiplying, it will take over the world :-)