I was driving down a country road yesterday and was delighted to see so much color still visible in the trees. I'm going out today again to try and get some more photos.
I'm intrigued by the border of leaf-less grass on either side of the road. I'm trying to imagine a street sweeper out there and I can't quite conjure one up in my head. Not out there.
You must have very well behaved leaves in Kentucky, to arrange themselves so neatly. ;-)
@pasadenarose - I know it looks odd! My guess is was that the cars just pushed them to the side, although they are so neatly cleared. It was like that all the way down the road where those trees were.
I'm intrigued by the border of leaf-less grass on either side of the road. I'm trying to imagine a street sweeper out there and I can't quite conjure one up in my head. Not out there.
You must have very well behaved leaves in Kentucky, to arrange themselves so neatly. ;-)