This is the witch's ball I crafted in a glassmaking workshop last year, and I hung it outside not knowing where to put it--legend has it they trap negative energy so it can't enter the house. I thought the snow looked so lovely with it.
despite all the nuisances the snow caused you down there, I bet you're having fun with the "new" medium. Very pretty indeed. We're in for 6-10 more inches tonight into tomorrow!
@vankrey It has been one crazy week--much of our issues could have been avoided with a simple school cancellation, but here, in GA, apparently we just started caring about people making fun of us for closing school when we think it might snow. Just this time, we knew it was going to snow and that it would freeze. We can't help ourselves apparently. Stay warm up there. Record temps there too I hear. :/
@888rachel I don't make jewelry, but I do like jewelry! It was so much fun taking a glass making workshop and I made two pieces: this witch's ball and a flower! Fun stuff.
(Linda @se7en )