So, I had high hopes for today using my macro clip, but what I really needed was a slider that allows the camera to move closer to (or further from) a subject with this type of clip. You are either in THE spot or you are NOT. So I used books to go below my subject to raise it or lower it. Once it was in the sweet spot, only then would the manual focus be of any use to me. For the most part, I failed. But I thought I'd share what my setup was. I pulled out my old T2i Canon to take this shot--still an excellent camera--but a little blown out because the flash fired. The clip I used is shown on the grey book; one either side, you push in on the extended parts to "clip" into the threads of your lens. It only works with lenses that are not very big on the end.
For some reason, I keep forgetting to allow the exif info, but I used a very tight aperture, 100 ISO, and a long shutter. Window light was there, but it was blocked by me after doing a delayed shutter.
If my tripod was as pretty as yours I might like using it more!!!
Thank you for sharing, shows I still have tons to learn
and I used to chase bugs with it. Basically, you depress the two tabs, and it will click into the threads of your lenses. Handheld, you must hold breath and hope it will be in focus, which is how I mostly use it, but here are a few samples of what I've done with it: