Your favourite 365er.

April 16th, 2012
I have a chemistry paper due tomorrow and really don't want to do it so instead I went through the projects of every person I follow and I realised there are so many stunning shots out there that don't get the attention they deserve. So show me a photo from someone else's project that really appealed to you. It doesn't have to be technically perfect. This can just be a great way to expose ourselves to more people's work and maybe find those hidden gems! :) Here is one that I really liked:

April 16th, 2012
@dishaparekh176 Wow, Disha - I am so honored that you picked one of my photos! You really are too kind! Thank you sooo much for the wonderful recognition! :)
April 16th, 2012
I love the look on this bird's face....
April 16th, 2012
I just came across this photo by @todimf and think it is incredible!
April 16th, 2012
I really enjoy @cjwhite, I don't always like the subjects but her photos are always sharp with great DOF.
April 16th, 2012
@lonewolfman Magic shots & he has just got himself a new camera & having a blast with it. Wonderful project, his skies are so colourful
April 16th, 2012

@paoloricciuti has some wonderful shots that I think need to be shared.
April 16th, 2012
this by @darsphotos
April 16th, 2012
@mgirard Thank you.
April 16th, 2012
I follow lots of people and they are all favorite 365ers! I just started following Jude recently, and her photos are lovely.
April 16th, 2012
Here's one by Mike Llewellyn, a friend of mine who started this year. He has some amazing shots. @jaboney

April 16th, 2012
@pocketmouse has some AMAZING shots of her adorable kitten Simba!! I can't describe how well she has captured this cat's life at home!! I LOVE this one!!!
April 16th, 2012
I have really been enjoying photos by @honeybees - After reading the opening blurb on this discussion this one of her photos came to my mind right away!

April 16th, 2012
I have lots of favorites.
@onie for one, posts a lot of stuff that, as a mother, makes my heart smile, which makes me want to high five her most days.

@Corymbia also posts a lot of things that keep me coming back for more. Her album is so full of joy it never fails to brighten my day.

That being said, everyone I follow is one of my favorites, that's why I follow them. lol
April 16th, 2012
Thanks Sarah, this is the first time someone has put one of my photos in a thread!! What a nice feeling to get! I will endeavour to get some more "first moment" photos
April 16th, 2012
I am pretty new here, but I absolutely love @luvthyclassics Jesse Hurler's pics. A bit hooked on checking out her daily pics. This is my fave so far:
April 16th, 2012
@tammeray Thank you, Tammeray for selecting my photo for this category. This has never happened to me before and quite an honor. It truly means so much to me. Now to figure out how I do this for future photos that are posted by those I follow.
April 16th, 2012
@darsphotos When you click on a persons photo, there is a little box on the right that says 'Share'. You have to copy that code, and paste it in a comment here :)
April 16th, 2012
I love Pankaj's work @pankaj. Every shot is perfect.
April 16th, 2012
@digitalrn Without a doubt Rick Schies is my favourite 365'er I have chosen the first of many of Ricks that I have commented on going way back to July 2010 and although I have better favourites from Rick this one is the moment that Rick and I started our journey and friendship across the pond from each other.

April 16th, 2012
I love @mummarazzii 's shots, the light is always beautiful and she captures her kids' childhoods in such a lovely way.....i might ask her to adopt me! ;)
April 16th, 2012
@curiousmomworm Thank you so much - you just made my day. ... and you are right - I think everyone I follow are my favourites!
April 16th, 2012
@griff, Wow Darren, that does go back a ways. It doesn't seem that long my friend. Thanks so much for the comments, that kind of blew me out of the water. Appreciate it!
April 16th, 2012
@mantha you are so sweet Samantha, thank you so much for a wonderful lift :)
April 16th, 2012
@bjornert Thank you so much!! You just made my day!!!
April 16th, 2012
@houdiniem always makes me laugh, she has such a vivid imagination and comes up with some very unique and original ideas. :D
How can you not love her

April 16th, 2012
I have lots of favourites, but somebody who I really think deserves more recognition than he currently gets is Andrew @aoignacio, he has been posting since January and for some bizarre reason only has 33 followers. He has some amazing work and deserves a 'follow' I think.

April 16th, 2012
@johnnyfrs quit your jibba jabba! :D
April 16th, 2012
@digitalrn you're very welcome
April 16th, 2012
@dishaparekh176 Thank you so much for letting me know how to post a photo here, Disha.
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