Be careful...

April 17th, 2012
be careful about what you share on the internet we had a lecture at uni today about cyber safety and they showed us this website
If you have facebook you should check out this website and then change your privacy settings to limit your cyber footprint!
April 17th, 2012
That's creepy... glad they think I live in Scotland and that I never normally let anything see anything!
April 17th, 2012
OMGosh! That scared the crap out of me!
April 17th, 2012
I need a more flattering profile picture
April 17th, 2012
Freaky!! I'll be sharing that! Thanks Kate.
April 17th, 2012
I've wondered if someone with enough time to collate all the photos I post could figure out (like map) where I hang out the most, and possibly reside. One of the reasons I may or may not share photos near where I live, work, and play. (see what I just did there?) Yeah, wasn't quite thinking someone like him, but thanks for the visual now. ;-)
April 17th, 2012
Haha. Maybe you can just NOT look at the website and change your settings anyway.
April 17th, 2012
I just spent the last hour not just making sure my settings were okay but deleting anything that might give a clue as to where I am. Because the creator of some app you decide to download may be a creep too. I deleted every app. The part where it showed the map of right where I was freaked me out the most!
April 17th, 2012
That totally made my day.
April 17th, 2012
This is awesome!!!
April 17th, 2012
So well done! Very creepy!!!
April 17th, 2012
=0 eurgh, thats not nice! awesome and scary but not nice! LOL
April 17th, 2012
April 17th, 2012
this looks like a fb app. I don't want to connect it w/ fb, so I can't see the website :-/
April 17th, 2012
as a rule I have stayed away from apps, but the new thing is if any of your friends have an app they can access your information anyway
April 17th, 2012
Pretty cool website...
April 17th, 2012
I stay away from any FB apps. The minute something wants me to "connect via Facebook", I'm gone. While there's really no way to prevent data mining on your PC - you'd be shocked at what's available to any website you visit - I really don't have to make it easy for them.
April 17th, 2012
I dont really use FB because of the security issues they have not to mention that when you publish a photo you hand over the copyright....

The only time I publish my photos on FB is through a link to google plus which under stands and does not take the copyright away from you.
April 17th, 2012
that guy was frikken CrEePy!!
April 17th, 2012
OMG that's my dad.
April 17th, 2012
April 17th, 2012
that's horrific. Pics of my kid all over that. Yikes.
April 17th, 2012
Whoa. SCARY!
April 17th, 2012
If you don't want to click on the blue lollipop here is a Slate article about it.
April 17th, 2012
Holy crap that's awesome! My Facebook accounts are fully locked down already, but that still gave me the creeps! Now, to go back and deny access to that app! Thanks for sharing, I passed it on!
April 17th, 2012
The worst part of it was the way he rubbed his mouse while looking at pictures of my dogs... nobody messes with my dogs! :)
April 17th, 2012
@jtrudell Thanks Janine! I don't (knowingly) allow FB apps access, so I was feeling left out. Having read this I feel a little more informed, though I missed the creepy effects :)
April 17th, 2012
@jtrudell Thanks for the link. I never allow apps to access my facebook either but read what it was about. Holy shit. it sounds scary enough.
April 17th, 2012
@grizzlysghost he has a thing for dogs, he was the same over mine.
April 17th, 2012
I think I peed myself!!!!
April 17th, 2012
@38mm Hahahahahaa I thought the exact same thing :')
April 18th, 2012
@justeddie maybe he has a thing for animals because he did it for my donkey
April 18th, 2012
@tammeray Not the donkey!! that's just wrong, my Chloe would have had him for breakfast anyway haha
April 18th, 2012
just creepy. my FB is locked right down but I still closed the browser tab when he got out of the car in creepiness.
April 18th, 2012
Couldnt help myself could I? Just had to watch it. Ah wow!!!!! @tammeray @grizzlysghost He wanted to mess with my Eclectus Parrot. Good luck with that he bites.
April 18th, 2012
That is going to give me nightmares...I am going to check my settings now.
April 18th, 2012
When on FB there is a warning that this is malicious material, it does not want you to open the ap.
April 18th, 2012
I was too freaked out to continue past the point where it said it would access all my photos, friends, blah blah blah. Now I want to know what I missed:(
April 18th, 2012
OMG! I just went back and saw it. EEEEEKS. Glad I already have my settings on lockdown.
April 18th, 2012
I'm very careful to select "only friends" or a "custom" list of who I want to see what I post, especially if it is in reference to anything personal. And I NEVER post vacation photos until after the fact. This didn't hit too close to home, literally, but it's good to be aware of how public, even some of what you think are private, FB posts can be.
April 18th, 2012
omg! although i have only a bit of info there, still too scary!
April 18th, 2012
I'm using Facebook every day but don't share anything in public; just with my friends or lists of specific friends...
April 18th, 2012
sheeeeeeeeeeet! that's creepy!
April 19th, 2012
Facebook has violated its own privacy policies in the past. Would not trust the lock down settings. Do not place online what you do not wish others to access.
April 19th, 2012
I teach computers to middle schoolers and part of what I have to teach is Internet Safety.... debating if this is too scary for them!! I think I'll show it!!!
April 19th, 2012
he is an animal creepo. rubbed his mouse at the cat pics.. YIKES!!!
April 21st, 2012
Would anyone be able to help me? I googled my full name today and found that the world has access to all my photo's. I have changed my display name but I think I need to change my user name. How do I do this? I don't mind sharing within the 365 community but to have my photo's of my family exposed to everyone is unsettling. I just don't want people to be able to find me under my full name?
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