Reply all.

June 25th, 2012
Sorry me again, I feel like I'm trolling, haha, Seriously though, please Ross, can we have a 'reply all' button. It really would free up time for comments on other members images, especially when we've started a new thread. : D

UPDATE as the point is becoming confused...
I have to agree with some of the above (below), after all I don't reply to all of the comments on my photos.
BUT my reason for this is for THREADS, eg; 'show me' and ones like this one. If i start a thread I feel as though I'm hosting it and feel quite rude not making comments or replying to people. I started the show me your Top photo and have had 150 replies, I cant just walk away from it and ignore the notifications, but then again I cant reply to everyone as it would be both time consuming and confusing!

I love the community spirit of 365 which is why I feel this way.
June 25th, 2012
I agree, Lorraine. That would be really helpful.
June 25th, 2012
Amen to that!
June 25th, 2012
Bless you Lorraine.
June 25th, 2012
@lorraineb :)
I would love a personal statistic.. I would like to see, how many pictures I view and comment .. :)
June 25th, 2012
@tandem02 Nice idea, but I would like to stick to the 'reply button' for this thread, then we can think of other ideas after, i really believe Ross needs a heads up on this one first, see how much everyone agrees/disagrees. :D
June 25th, 2012
Yes! :)
June 25th, 2012
INDEED!! I'll drink to that ;-> I think this is especially true even on your own photos when you'd like to send a general reply to everyone who has been kind enough to comment. I hate not to do respond to all of the comments and yet, limited time means that commenting on others' photos is more pressing.
June 25th, 2012

posted June 25th, 2012 (edit | delete | reply)


I will never comment on pictures again if there's a reply all button. we ALL know people appreciate the comment but don't need a thank you reply. It's a waste of time for the people you thank... I don't have enoough time to look at pictures and I hate when I look at my notifications and see a "thank you" and more of all when it's a mass one.

@tandem02 when you're an ace, you have all the statistics
June 25th, 2012
@parisouailleurs I can see how many views and comments my pictures get. Not how many pictures I look at and comment. I can see that my pictures were commented 1500 times, but I would love to see how many comments I wrote myself on other pictures...

@lorraineb sorry for the digression!
June 25th, 2012
@tandem02 oops sorry for the misunderstanding, i read too fast :-(
June 25th, 2012
@parisouailleurs Thanks Helene, its ALWAYS good to hear a different opinion, : )
June 25th, 2012
I used to individually reply to everyone who commented on my photos, but as my comments increased, it seemed like I was saying basically the same thing over and over again. Then I tried a mass thank you, but that seemed so impersonal. So now I say thanks in the description of the following day's photo, and I make a point of commenting back on the photos of everyone who was kind enough to comment on mine.

That seems to be the best compromise for me, and I hope I'm not offending anyone by doing things this way.
June 25th, 2012
yay fab idea
June 26th, 2012
@parisouailleurs I have to say Helene I agree with you, when I comment I do not need a thank you for doing so and I do not have time to thank anyone who is kind enough to leave a comment on mine. when I check notification I am checking for a question about a photograph or an answer because I have asked one, as I presumed that what it was for. Just my twopence worth.
June 26th, 2012
I can imagine that becoming a nightmare, 35 notifications and nothing personally addressed just to me. There used to be a 365 habit where everyone would click reply on everyone who had commented on their pic and do a mass thank you. Then about a year ago it was widely discussed and everyone said they hated it, getting a notification and then finding they were just tagged into a mass message.

just saying, it'd get boring I reckon.
June 26th, 2012
@chewyteeth I'm not a fan of the 'mass thank you' for exactly this reason. They get 'in the way' of conversations imho (there's probably a better way to phrase this but it's late...).
I can see how reply-all might be useful on certain threads though, e.g. discussing starting the Street Photography Now challenge to let everyone know the account to follow.
June 26th, 2012
I first thought - cool- then I read all the replies and different povs and now while I think it would be great in the discussion and competition forums but not in the individual's pages - I'm actually more taken with the idea of thanking everyone in the next days intro - I love comments and critique and gain a lot from them but in terms of learning, appreciating, and improving my 'eye', viewing and commenting on others work is more important to me than being thanked.
June 26th, 2012
Reply all for photo threads would nice too!
June 26th, 2012
I think it would be a great option to have, you can either choose to reply to everyone individually or everyone together, at least you have that option, great idea =D
June 26th, 2012
Hmm.. interesting. I'm new, so of course I've been thanking everyone who has commented, but I can see why getting that notification if you're busy commenting on a lot can be annoying. Seems to me what we need is a "Thanks!" button like facebook has a "Like" button.

So what is considered proper etiquette, thanking or not thanking?
June 26th, 2012
I'm with Humphrey, Chewy and LadyJane...

i don't need a "thank you" for commenting... and i'd rather spend my time commenting back on those who commented on my photos, than saying "thank you"... i will reply to a comment if it's a question, or it seems like both the commenter and I are on at the same time and we start "chit chatting"... but that's pretty much it...

and this doesn't mean that i expect someone to comment on my photo just because i commented on theirs... but i know everyone's time is precious, so you should know that you don't need to thank me, and if my photography doesn't interest you, you don't need to comment :)
June 26th, 2012
I'm with @chewyteeth @northy @ladyjane @humphreyhippo on the matter of notifications. Actually, I have email notifications turned off, right from Day 1 of my project. XD
June 26th, 2012
Damn if I only had a reply all button right now :-P ....what they said.
June 26th, 2012
I agree with Northy, who agrees with ........

I really wish that I had more time to make comments, especially when people have taken time to comment on my work. If I spend my time having to look through even more thank you's for the comments I have made then I would have even less time.
June 26th, 2012
Oh no - please no! I never need thanking for a comment. I try to leave a genuine, individual comment on most pictures I view and of course I'm glad folk are happy to read it but it takes Sooooo long to read all the thank you, thank you, thank yous and I'd much rather spend the time viewing and commenting. A 'reply all' button is so impersonal and would only work for me if there was a 'read all at once' button!
June 26th, 2012
@parisouailleurs I agree with Helene, but having said that, it would be far less of an issue of clogging up notifications if the notifications were somehow grouped, e.g. "7 people commented on your photo "untitled"." or "4 people mentioned you in comments.". And then when you click on that, it expands it out into the individual notifications. A bit like facebook.

@ladyjane I think that's a great way to do it :) I only reply to comments on my photos when they ask a question, that way they know it's something aimed at them specifically :)

@humphreyhippo I agree - I think reply-all on threads would be good also for that reason :)
June 26th, 2012
I have to agree with some of the above, after all I don't reply to all of the comments on my photos.
BUT my reason for this is for threads, eg; 'show me' and ones like this one. If i start a thread I feel as though I'm hosting it and feel quite rude not making comments or replying to people. I started the show me your Top photo and have had 150 replies, I cant just walk away from it and ignore the notifications, but then again I cant reply to everyone as it would be both time consuming and confusing!

I love the community spirit of 365 which is why I feel this way.
June 26th, 2012
I agree with these guys @parisouailleurs @ladyjane @chewyteeth @northy @ladyjane @humphreyhippo @myautofocuslife @flagged @jantan @filsie65
(whoops, I just did what I'm complaining about)

A 'like' style button would be good just to acknowledge but its laborious getting a notification, following it to try to find your name in a group message then scrolling up to see what photo you're being thanked for. Please dont feel you have to thank me for comments.
June 26th, 2012
I agree with the point that people make about mass thank yous under pictures. I am trying to avoid it at the moment and rather go back and comment on people's pictures. A reply all button would make it easier and therefore more common and you would get too many notifications.

@monika64 I'm afraid that the 'like' button would just spam your notifications - what do you think? (Note to self: Monika doesn't need thank you comments ;) - you can note the same for me)
June 26th, 2012
At first I thought "Yes! Great idea!" but then I thought, what if most people used that, and you were summoned back to every page you'd commented on. People would pretty soon start ignoring any notifications.

I think the way forward is to put a thank-you at the start of your next photo, thanking everyone who commented on the last one; and reply individually to people where needed. I'll be doing that in future.
June 26th, 2012
@traeumerlein87 I try to return comment everyones photos rather than bulk thank. I wonder if we could have a 'like' button without notifications... I agree if we got notifications it would defeat the purpose.
June 26th, 2012
Im with @northy , I dont respond to all (pure time) but I do really appreciate and read all comments. I will respond to questions and chit chat. I try hard to do as much viewing and commenting on the great photos on here as time allows me.
June 26th, 2012
@lorraineb I take your point and see what you mean... but when I joined in your 'top rated' thread I was happy to just join in and didn't feel I needed an acknowledgement. Sometimes I have time to look back at discussions and see where they've gone, but don't feel I need to be responded to unless someone wants to specifically reply to a point I've made.

As regards the off-shoot of the comments, I agree with Paul @wardie - the comments and challenge are what keeps me going. If I got a '4 people like your shot' it just wouldn't be the same. I wouldn't mind a '4 people thanked you for your comment' but revisiting every page to read 'thank you' takes up precious time that I'd rather spend looking at wonderful shots. Looking at them is reward enough :)
June 26th, 2012
@wardie @filsie65 Good points made, Paul used to reply to each person in turn, like I have done too in the past, but it is time consuming and I've stopped doing that now.
I suppose I'm just feeling too 'responsible'? for any threads I start, you're right it is ok to add an image and not expect anything back,even though in a thread like this it would be handy, so this morning I decided that a further comment in the subject box will do. If people are interested in the thread they will be able to see any comments there.
I have enjoyed this debate, I'm so glad it had remained been a positive one too, : )
June 26th, 2012
@filsie65 +1 thanks Phil
June 26th, 2012
Perhaps a silly question but when folks reply to a "comment" I made in a picture thread I don't get any notification of this. There's no setting for this I can find. If there's something I've got setup wrong please let me know but then I won't know you commented unless I browse back to this question- see the point? Cheers, brian
June 26th, 2012
@brianl You need to click on reply (hghlighted in blue) top right of the pic or comment. It looks like this.. (reply @brianl) but blue. : D
June 26th, 2012
@lorraineb Ok I get it. I was expecting an email notification to responses but I see instead you need to look at your "notifications" section.... Email would be better in my opinion.
June 26th, 2012
I have just decided to stop saying thank yous. Everyone that comments on my photos can assume that I am very appreciative and I am only now going to reply to answer questions.
June 26th, 2012
@brianl You can opt in/out of email notifications, look under the tool bar, you, then settings then notifications : )
June 26th, 2012
@lorraineb all on. You only get notification on topics you started...not someone else's. Anyways I'm using the notification area now. Thanks for the tips.
June 26th, 2012
@brianl You're welcome : )
June 27th, 2012
I try to thank people by commenting on their latest photo - otherwise I don't thank for comments. I reply to comments if I have something to say.

A blanket 'thank you' is not necessary IMO. It doesn't mean much now, and would mean less if there were a 'reply all button. IMNSHO.

June 27th, 2012
@dishaparekh176 I think that would be a good 'culture' here :)
June 27th, 2012
@boogie @dishaparekh176 Yes, I am coming around to agree, it seems rude not to thank people, but it is becoming time consuming, time that would be better spent making other comments! There are some other good ideas on here.
June 27th, 2012
Hmmm seems that perhaps I should maybe not do "thanks/thank you" etc... and just limit to the answering/chit chat type ones...?? Seems to be the consensus. I just feel a bit rude, that's all lol. However, valid points made that it takes up time to go and read, thanks/thank you.... etc. Ooooh hard one for me to not do!!!
June 27th, 2012
I use to struggle with this issue. I get 50-100 comments a pic. While I am grateful to receive each and every one and enjoying reading them, I can't possibily reply to them all. I used to do those block thank yous but saw they were not popular. So I reply to those with questions or who want to chat and say thx to all in the caption on the next day's pic. And try to comment back on as many pics as I can. Seems to be working out well.
June 28th, 2012
I really have a trouble with not saying thanks.....I agree that if you get on the popular page as often as Michael does and get 50-100 comments on each picture then it would be impossible to thank everyone, butI feel really bad if if I don't get the chance to thank people for their kind comments and favs.

But then I also see on so many of threads that some people absolutely hate getting am not sure what to do......

June 28th, 2012
Sorry if I'm apparently peeing everyone off who comments on my photos but I can't help it, if someone takes the time & energy to write something about one of my shots even if it is just "nice shot" I have to say thank you......maybe blame my parents!!

I finished my first year & am taking a break at the moment but when I come back I'm afraid I will be doing the same thing again so maybe you should take note of my name & stay away in case you comment by mistake & get a thank you notification!!!!
June 28th, 2012
@sjodell Sarah I really wouldn't worry, like the world we live in there are differences in all of us, I'm the same as you in that I really like to thank people individually, but its just too time consuming for me now so I just thank all the following day, and have little chats or answer questions. I follow many people who still thank individually, or give group thank you's, its fine by me : D
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