lightroom - what was i thinking?

July 21st, 2012
I had heard/read from several sources that lightroom is really excellent if you're trying to sift thru, sort, edit and organize a large number of photos...

having just returned from a week's vacation with 1800+ photos and feeling rather daunted by the task of going thru them, i decided to break down and buy lightroom...

just loaded it onto my computer, opened it up and realized i haven't the foggiest notion where to start!

can anyone recommend a good getting started guide / tutorial?

tx lots!!!
July 21st, 2012
I just learned from trial and error, but once you get the hang of it. you will love it!! checked out that tutorial too... very helpful to me .. Thanks.
July 21st, 2012
@jsw0109 thank you thank you!
July 21st, 2012
I found Lightroom a steep learning curve so bought this book:
It really was excellent & I learnt so much. I think he's done a version for LR4 now too.
Stick with it. Lightroom is definitely worth the initial pain imho.
July 21st, 2012
I once downloaded the free 30 day trial, but found I was totally lost! When I do break down and buy it I will also get Scott Kelby's book on it.
July 21st, 2012
There is a series of tutorials on Adobe TV:
July 21st, 2012
OMG, practically impossible! if you're can try and have a session with a professional photographer (or serious LR user) to explain their workflow. the initial set-up, import, cataloging are key. you'll love the develop module!

i have
but could never have figured it out from the book alone.

there are also iphone/iPad apps.
July 21st, 2012
With that many photos I typically pull the good ones off (discard the rest) then import into Lightroom. The number of photos we can produce via digital can be daunting at times.
July 21st, 2012
@cheribug @humphreyhippo @cromwell @glenmoor @pointnshoot28

tx for the links and book suggestions... i'll spend some time on the tutorials this evening... i've done quite well with scott kelby's books so far, so will likely get the one for lightroom as well... i have faith that i can figure this out :)
July 21st, 2012
@brianl no kidding! i think i need to learn to put down the camera every now and then!
July 21st, 2012
ha ha ha ha....

Have a look at how I process after a photoshoot.

I am sure you have seen it before but it will give you some indication how I cull images. I dont go into how I sort, and put meta data against each but I am happy to record one for you.

I would also recommend looking at and watching photoshop TV and lightroom killer tips. Google both of these and you will get some great information.

Oh by the way, you have done the correct thing in buying Lightroom... I personally would be lost without it and I have a rather large collection of images.

Of course feel free to ask any questions that you need help on as I am only a email away. :)
July 21st, 2012
@agima tx Brendan!!! yes - i am pretty sure i watched your video before and that was one of the first places where i saw how cool it could be to have a tool to help sort thru photos... i will watch again paying more attention to the actual functions :)

tx so much!
July 21st, 2012
I dont have it baut have seen it used by a wedding photographer....I'm sure you will come to love it :)
July 22nd, 2012
Once you learn, you'll love it! It's all I use.
July 22nd, 2012
You can purchase the Lightroom 4 workflow by Jared Platt, from I watched it live (which is free) and it really changed my life. I've been using Lightroom for a year and I thought I got it all figured out until I watched the workshop. I think you can purchase it for $150. It's roughly 12 hours of pure knowledge!
Also you can check youtube, just search "lightroom basic tutorial"; you'll find tons of videos to get you started, and the best, they are free!
July 22nd, 2012
I'm going to go to a full day (9am-6pm) workshop next Sunday to learn how to use Lightroom 4. Can't wait, it sounds like it is going to be great!
July 22nd, 2012
@terryvet92 my first thought is i haven't the time for this... my second thought is that this would make a good birthday prezzie for me :) i must investigate where such courses might be offered around where i live (i am sure there are lots of places that would do this!)...
July 22nd, 2012
@northy Hi Northy so much free stuff around if you look in the right places, no need to pay real money for it as most can be found by googling :P

Give a look its Adobes own site. I wouldn't say Lightroom has a step learning curve at all as some seem to say here.
July 22nd, 2012
I need it too! I am swamped in photos and so hard to sort through them. Sometimes, when I see a messed up a whole bunch of shots of something, like yesterday, it was small ants dragging a big dead ant, I am actually relieved because I don't have to really sift through carefully or worry about clogging up my computer....since I delete almost all of them. LOL! I need lightroom
July 22nd, 2012
@espyetta just sat thru a couple of the tutorial videos and while there are a lot of short cuts and labels to remember, it is starting to make some sense... it is waaaay past my pumpkin-ing hour and i am off to bed, but i hope to have some time tomorrow to play around and get started with some sorting and prioritizing...
July 22nd, 2012
I think I would leave Lightroom for now and use Picasa from Google. Much easier and its free.Photoshop Elements has catalogue functions and more friendly.
July 22nd, 2012
SLR lounge has a great video series for free on how to use Lightroom, it's well broken down and they go into great detail on what each of the menu items do and give examples of how they work with it.
July 22nd, 2012
@northy There is a ton of info in the 'net but I decided to go do the course because then I would carve out the time for it. I find it hard to justify the time out to watch stuff. The guy I'm doing the course with is a certified LR expert/trainer so hopefully I'll learn a proper workflow. My problem has been putting all the bits I've learned together into a whole process! I'll let you know if it was worth the time & money! Good luck and happy playing!
July 22nd, 2012
@terryvet92 oh yes! pls do let me know if it's worth the time and money... i am really thinking a couple of formal classes would do me a world of good...
July 24th, 2012
not sure if you got these already but i say check out "Adobe Help" also i learned pretty quick from this site

the program also has a help feature

July 24th, 2012
oh if you want to mess around with layers with lightroom try this program, i have not purchased it yet but it seems cool, its like an app for lightrooom
July 29th, 2012
@northy Just back from my day spent learning lightroom and yes, for me it was worth the time and money. I learned a few tips and tricks that it would have taken me a lot longer to learn on my own. I also got a couple of presets to use as the first adjustment on every image and I must say they do a great job of improving the RAW file straight away and then making it easier to do the rest. There's still a lot to learn but I feel a lot more comfortable about it than I did before! The instructor I had was great and very down to earth - very encouraging of a bunch of enthusiastic amateurs! So I say, if you can find a good course nearby, it may well be worth it for you to go and spend a day learning the basics and then play with it from there.
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