A Noid

August 9th, 2012
Any photos out there that you suspect people just "Don't Get?" Ever stalk through a field chasing down that butterfly, finally getting that perfect shot after an hour of crawling on your belly only to get "Meh" reactions?

Well, uncork that angst and regurgitate it here! Post your photo and tell us why it's special!

Like this:

~After rebuilding an old Pre-WWII camera, a 1936 Wirgin Edinex, loading it with 11-year-expired B&W film (which is even more tricky than loading an old Leica), unloading it in a darkroom bag, spending 3 hours home-processing the film, scanning the film in a unique way, and posting it on 365, what did I come up with?

An image anyone could do in 43 seconds with a FREE iPhone App. What's worse, my suspicion is that people who glance at this photo (or the thumbnail) take it for just that; another over-done App photo. Yep... I am A Noid. :-)

I DO think the folks who commented on this photo "Get It" and I am very grateful for their attention! I only use this as an illustration because I am quite sure many of us have faced this at least once!

August 9th, 2012
Here are two of mine that never got the attention I felt they deserved. They were from early on in my project before I had many followers, so that I'm sure was part of the reason I guess.

August 9th, 2012
This one -

For a number of reasons!

1. It was my first time shooting at the snow, and I'd hiked for hours in search of the perfect snow tree to photograph, and this was it!

2. Because it's definitely not my usual style (which is warm tones, narrow dof)

3. Because I'm just proud of it :)
August 9th, 2012
And - isn't it funny - then there are other ones where you just point, take a snap, and think "meh", and put it up on 365 anyway (but you almost don't cos you think it's so "meh") and then you get an unexpectedly positive reaction!

(like this one!)

August 9th, 2012
@pocketmouse Haha, I know exactly what you mean about the Meh ones that get all of the attention. Some of my most "successful" shots almost got deleted!
August 9th, 2012
This one.... I love it...it's one of my favourite on the 365 that I've taken.

August 9th, 2012
@grizzlysghost I know that feeling only to well Aaron. ;(
August 9th, 2012
This shot was one I was so excited about getting. Lightning was something I wanted to photograph but had never had the opportunity. Someone with more editing experience could probably make this more 'wow' but I was thrilled to have gotten it, especially without a tripod. However, it got a very meh reaction.

August 9th, 2012
@cromwell A monkey fishing...wtf thats a fav brillant shot :P
Your right Crom not even a fav thats just crazy thanks for sharing
August 9th, 2012
@cromwell.. I LOVE that gorilla!

For me... this was my first water movement shot and also I had to climb down through slippery rocks and muddy edges to get down and under the bridge... it was also COLD! lol..

August 9th, 2012
I know panoramas are hard to view on here due the website size restrictions this got litte attention, but was a pain to take and stitch in post, but the printed larged image looks wonderful.

August 9th, 2012
@tryeveryday Oh wow Michelle, that is incredible!
August 9th, 2012
Took this photo early in my project and thought it was cool. Took hundreds of shots to get it the way I wanted but got no comments. Still it was so much fun to created!
August 9th, 2012
Not even a third through my project so I guess lack of attention might be a little understandable, but this one didn't even get one comment... I worked quite hard to get this shot to "pop" in photoshop. I thought it was cool and "different", but of course all is subjective. :/

August 9th, 2012
This is special for me because I composed it as a tribute to my Grandfather.
August 9th, 2012
@grizzlysghost That is a lot of work for a photo. Good for you!
@cromwell Love that gorilla!
@pocketmouse Awesome snow shot, just love the contrast with the blue sky.
@flagged I can only imagine how wonderful this looks big!
Well I can't really complain that I'm a noid about it but... I posted this in my 3rd album and I took it for the side by side theme. I really liked it and was hopefully that finally I might stand a chance of getting selected for the top 5 (it's never happened yet in a year and a half). Its had 10 views, 2 favs and 5 comments (good in my books!).
August 9th, 2012
I took this last October at a Halloween parade in our town. Every now and then, when I click the shutter, I know I've gotten something magical. This was one such photo in my opinion.

27 total views, so most people that follow me didn't think it was really worthy enough to view outside of the thumbnail.

August 9th, 2012
@tryeveryday This is brilliant.
August 9th, 2012
Mine was this one, it's still one of my faves!
August 9th, 2012
@gark I remember that one; great tribute!
August 9th, 2012
@grizzlysghost Heh, I took NOID to mean "NO IDea why people don't get it".
I have tons of those shots, TONS, I tell you. Here's a recent one...
August 9th, 2012
I'm not sure it's my shots that people don't get so much as my half smart mouth!
August 9th, 2012
I have two shots which I love, but didn't really register, one is from quite early on in my project, and one is just from Sunday.

I loved this shot, it was the first shot I'd done when I'd really thought about compositon and colour but it barely registered with 14 views. I guess flowers can be a bit over-done on here, especially around valentines - stiff competition!!

And this shot I did the other day, and I think it will always crack me up. I'm going to print it and put it in my dressing room so it can cheer me up on a morning!

August 9th, 2012
This is mine. It's callled "21st century town crier"

I didn't have to go to particularly great lengths to get the shot although every time I try to make a collage in PSE for some reason I have to find a tutorial on how to do it. I loved the contrast between the town crier performing his historic role to spread the news and him checking his texts (or the news?!) on his phone - I got one comment.... Perhaps I have a weird sense of humour

August 9th, 2012
I tell you what, I would definately get and fav a number of shots in this post, but Im feeling guilty as I just miss so many of them due to time. Maybe Im following too many people and not doing a great job of it ;-( The shots here by @amyamoeba @gark @piratemuffin @flagged @tryeveryday @veg66 @pocketmouse @cromwell and of course @grizzlysghost especially are all stunning. Now I feel bad !
August 9th, 2012
I shot this with a MPE65 macro lens, which if you know about the lens you ideally have to use a focusing rail, to focus with this lens the camera has to move.
Now I hand held this while standing at the top of a step ladder in high winds :D

August 9th, 2012
I'm doing this project for me, and so i can learn and look at others photos. I join in the challenges, comment on others pics, but there are definitely ups and down with views and comments.
I allegedly have 161 followers, and average 6 or 7 comments per pic. People drop off the project, and get busy, and I love the interaction I have with the few I get comments from.
I think I have a mix of photos, and everyone has different tastes.
This is one I took when on a meet up with some local photographers, learning more about slow shutter speed.
I really liked it
August 9th, 2012
@grizzlysghost @amyamoeba @nanalisarocks @webfoot @kiwichick @gark @piratemuffin @cjphoto @flagged @ozziehoffy @tryeveryday @veg66 @cromwell @pocketmouse

I hope I didn't miss anyone. Those are all fantastic!

I've only been on 365 for a bit over 2 months, and so I really haven't been surprised that I don't get much reaction over most of my pictures. I am taking them just for me, really.

But this is one that was posted in the first week or two that I'd hoped would have elicited at least a comment for the content. I know now that I should have cropped out a lot of the top part of the image to focus more on St. Nick, but that aside, I think that the idea of a Santa Claus who supports the troops in this way is great. The kids who kept coming up to him certainly did! :-)

August 9th, 2012
I like this one because I was exploring slow shutter speeds and lighting. Plus, my dog stole the apple when i turned around briefly and had to chase him down, polish the apple and set it up again.
August 9th, 2012
@piratemuffin Ilike it!
August 9th, 2012
@johnnyfrs Your dragon fly eyes are awesome. I have the same lens and had to resort to using a toothpick as cross hair to even find the wing I photographed, how you managed hand held on ladder I have no idea. I posted a couple of shots of my beautiful wing that went virtually unnoticed, heres one
August 9th, 2012
@suebarni you dindn't post the link Sue! (and I noticed your lovely pic at the time! xx)
August 9th, 2012
@jantan the link broke somehow, i just redid it.

I think one of the main problems is none of us have enough time to comment on as many photos as we'd like. I'd like to see all the photos that are loaded each day but sometimes barely manage to even skim thro just the ones I'm following let alone comment. I think the answer is for me to give up work ;-)
August 9th, 2012
@suebarni Lol I might have to try that. Love the detail in the wing.
August 9th, 2012
Probably this one, taken in Kennebunkport, Maine, USA. I love this -- the mood, the tones -- and have made a metallic enlargement of it to frame and hang in my house. It's not the usual Maine lighthouse or fishing boat, but it says so much (to me) about the beauty of living near the sea. Which I do not, since I'm stuck in Ohio in the midwestern USA.

August 9th, 2012
@sjoblues @suebarni @lisjam1 @bernicrumb @onie @johnnyfrs @wardie @jantan @amyamoeba @swilde @nanalisarocks @yentlski @webfoot @kiwichick @gark @grizzlysghost @cromwell @pocketmouse @veg66 @tryeveryday @ozziehoffy @flagged @cjphoto @piratemuffin

Well, I have to admit that it took me just a bit to get Aaron's double entendre of being "A Noid". I would like to speak up and say that just possibly it's not that the greater 365 community just "doesn't get it" - I agree with @wardie that these shots posted here are exquisite, beautifullly shot and processed and should definitely have gotten rave responses and comments. I wish I could follow and then fav every single time something strikes me as well done, beautiful, carefully planned or singularly striking, but it is just NOT possible. Maybe I'm overly conscientious, but I work hard to try to comment carefully on the photos of the people I follow - even to the point that about two weeks ago, I was in tears over not being able to do that. I was ready to throw in the towel and just give it up altogether - this after I was determined to set the goal of commenting meaningfully on a photo or photos of every single person I was following then. After over four solid hours never moving away from the computer, the light finally dawned that this painful experience was probably not what 365 is meant to be or do to a person. So I've taken a few steps back and am now trying to remember that what I am trying to do is learn and improve and that an important part of that is finding beauty and inspiration where and when I can. Commenting on and faving photos is an important piece of the puzzle, but I will have to confess, too, to being only human. . and I will gravitate towards those of you who are kind enough to visit my posts every once in a while as well. I hope this makes some kind of sense!
August 9th, 2012
@lyno I hear you, Lyn. Same, I just do not have the time with small kiddies etc to go through every person I follow and also respond back on my own etc... I'm kinda dropping the "thanks" to each person on my own in favour of trying to find more time to view and comment on those who have commented and a few more too. Makes me feel a bit rude though. *hugs* you have a good heart :)
August 9th, 2012
@lyno @ozziehoffy -- I think it has become a given that it is impossible to respond to every thank you or comment on every photo. We all do the best that we can. Nobody feels snubbed if they don't get a thank you or comment from every one that follows them. We've all got busy lives.

I look at it this way. Each of my photos get around 100 to 150 views. Out of that, maybe I'll get 20 to 50 comments. Now some people might say "Well, isn't that kind of insulting? I mean, all those people saw your photo, but only a handful left a comment." I'd say, "No! It's a compliment that so many people actually took the time to stop by and look at one of my shots." The glass is half full as I see it.
August 9th, 2012
@ozziehoffy @cromwell Agree with you both completely - my point which I may not have expressed very well remains that people may always be a bit "A Noid" because a photo might go unnoticed. . . but it isn't necessarily because the community "doesn't get it". It may rather have a lot to do with the fact that it is just brutal to try to view or comment all that's out in this incredibly artistic venue.
August 9th, 2012
@ozziehoffy I gave up on thanking people (other than in my next photo commentary, for instance) individually unless there is something special or unusual to communicate. . .my choice here is to go out to other people's work rather than spend the time I do have thanking them for whatever they said about mine. It's obviously a personal choice. . .

Thanks for your kind reply.
August 9th, 2012
@kiwichick This is wonderful- I would have voted for it in the side by side!
@yentlski Fantastic I hope it hangs on your wall
August 9th, 2012
@lyno I totally get your point, and I walk around with a lot guilt for not having the time to dedicate to commenting like I used to, although I do look through many and don't comment . I wish there was a "like" button just so my friends and followers knew I stopped by. Anyway, I didn't think this discussion was a means to complain about failure to get comments overall. I interpreted it to be about photos we've taken that didn't get the usual number of comments even though we were pleased with our efforts. I am definitely not complaining, rather just sometimes surprised when I anticipate one reaction and get another. That works both ways, too. Sometimes I am unsure about a photo and get rave reviews. Either way, I appreciate and value each and every comment..
August 9th, 2012
I really liked the way this turned out, as it looks like I used a tilt shift effect, but I had just been playing around with focus, but it didn't seem to get much interest.
August 9th, 2012

I am not really A NOID, I just thought this one was such a once in a lifetime shot and though it did get some good views and a few comments it only got 2 FAVS. it juSt may not have been interesting enough to everyone. To me, however, it was just such a rare occurance.
August 9th, 2012
@lisjam1 Exactly Lisabell! This thread is mainly dedicated to those photos we've put a lot of thought or effort into that we feel should receive honorable mention. God knows most of us don't have nearly the time we would like to have to post on everyone's photos or respond to comments, but every now and then each of us have had a photo that really resonates with us but for some reason didn't get the reception we expected. It isn't about popularity or attention; it is about our cosmic attachment to something we created and our desire to share these particular special moments with like-minded artists. Now I'm rambling... :)
August 9th, 2012
@lyno Thanks for your words Lyn, I totally understand where you are coming from too. I'm well into my second year and I don't have the time to comment much so I appreciate everyone who takes the time to comment on my shots.
@jannkc Thank you Jann, that's such a sweet thing to say :)
August 9th, 2012
Great discussion! Love the images! I have a few in my project that I am really proud of, but got little to no comments of even views! Granted, I didn't have many followers back then, and don't expect people to back through my entire project. So I've picked out an early favorite that I am especially proud of. It's the Astronomer's Monument in front of Griffith Observatory in Los Angeles. This photo has a few of my favorite elements: astromony, WPA-style architecture, dramatic lighting... I love this shot!

August 9th, 2012
I really like this one, but it was pretty early in my project and it has to be viewed large to be appreciated. So I understand that I didn't get many comments.
August 9th, 2012
Oh and Aaron, the title of this thread cracked me up. My husband was a Domino's manager when the "avoid the noid" ad campaign came out, and I was an order taker!!
August 9th, 2012
@grizzlysghost And for the record, I LOVE your initial image! Thanks for listing what went into making it. Very cool!
August 9th, 2012
@cromwell @lyno I would love it if I got 100-150 views per photo.

I understand the commenting thing entirely. I go back in my feed to where I last was and open all of them in separate tabs. I'll look at each one, comment on the ones that I really like, or strike me in a certain way, but there's no way I can comment on every photo I look at.
August 9th, 2012
@webfoot -- That's pretty much how I do it.
August 10th, 2012
This was my first time using a fixed 50mm lens which has no auto-focus (which I now use a lot). I was very pleased with it, but it only got one comment!

August 10th, 2012
On the opposite end of being "a noid," I actually feel guilty that so many people view, comment and/or fav my mediocre photos. Especially when some people feel guilty if they don't. Please never feel like you "have" to make time to comment on my photos @lyno! Love the ones you leave when you do -- quality over quantity. :) :)
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