Wink at the Moon

August 26th, 2012
The world lost one of its true heroes today. Neil Armstrong, the first human to set foot on a Solar System body other than the Earth, died aged 82 from complications following heart surgery. Only 8 men remain alive who have seen the Earth from the surface of another rock in space. Soon there will be none :(

Neil's family released a statement, which concluded:
“For those who may ask what they can do to honor Neil, we have a simple request. Honor his example of service, accomplishment and modesty, and the next time you walk outside on a clear night and see the moon smiling down at you, think of Neil Armstrong and give him a wink.”
(Full statement here:

The idea of winking at the Moon (and sharing pics of it) has already taken off around the world.

If you want to share your tribute to this amazing man, wink at the Moon yourself - and share a pic of it here.

Here's my pic to kick things off:
August 26th, 2012
RIP Neil Armstrong [']

August 26th, 2012
August 26th, 2012
August 26th, 2012
August 26th, 2012
in the light of the early evening yesterday, i was staring at the moon, so faint against the blue sky and i thought i haven't taken a photo of it in a while. when i got home and turned on my computer, it was the first thing that was on my browser's home page. the moon never looked the same to me again after the 1969 landing. certainly the man with a crown sitting on an anvil was obliterated and replaced by dust and craters. it was like a coming of age. here's my last shot from june:
August 26th, 2012
August 26th, 2012
August 26th, 2012
August 26th, 2012
August 26th, 2012
August 26th, 2012
What a great topic! Here are my additions

And while it's not part of my 365 Project, here's a shot I took back in July for the anniversary of the moon landing:

August 26th, 2012
Lovely tribute, Alia!

August 26th, 2012
August 26th, 2012
@peterdegraaff That is more than a wink.....that is one sledgehammer moment.....amazing!!!!!!!!!!
August 26th, 2012
Taken last night.
August 26th, 2012
August 26th, 2012
August 26th, 2012
For Neil Armstrong RIP

August 26th, 2012
This was taken back in December, but I did go out and wink at the moon tonight. Armstrong was one of my heroes when I was growing up. I suspect I'll be winking at the moon a lot in the near future.

August 26th, 2012
Being born in 1967, I unfortunately was not old enough to remember the landing on the moon in 1969. However, the Apollo astronauts, and their journeys to the moon have always had a special inspiration for me. In some part I'd like to think they helped shape my passion for aviation and aerospace, and hope that someday I might have the opportunity to follow their lead into space.

August 26th, 2012
August 26th, 2012
My only moon picture (posted on 365) so far. When I was a really small boy, I watched the moon landing on TV with my dad. I've always remembered those figures slowly waddling around and jumping across the lunar landscape.

August 26th, 2012
It's small, but it's still the moon. Just a mini wink;)
August 26th, 2012
My first moon shot:

And one taken tonight in memory.
August 26th, 2012
From about a month ago. Here's to Neil Armstrong!

August 27th, 2012
August 27th, 2012
My first moon shot, taken tonight.

August 27th, 2012
Winking through a telescope :)

August 27th, 2012
August 27th, 2012
August 27th, 2012
August 27th, 2012
Definitely a hero
August 27th, 2012

A shot from a few months ago. Thank you @alia_801 I still remember when I was in elementary school and men from NASA came and talked about astronauts going to the moon--my friends and I just laughed. So appreciate Neil Armstrong and will never forget watching the moon landing or his statement, "That's one small step for man and one giant leap for mankind"!!!
August 27th, 2012
Wow! Thank you everyone for sharing your amazing shots, and your memories of Neil's Moonwalk too. I was too young to see it first hand, but I've viewed the footage many times and it always sends a chill up my spine! Just remember, each time you see the Moon, give it a wink and remember Neil Armstrong - a man whose small step was one of the biggest our species has ever taken.

@boogie @peterdegraaff @mikehamm @magentarose @summerfield @m9f9l @abhijit @allie912 @paulaag @dmortega @nadaa @pschtyckque @archaeofrog @kwind @tigerdreamer @ghana1994 @asrai @alisonp @webfoot @indyost @godders @bankmann @amandalomonaco @hehe1308 @danette @catwhiskers @mariaswaisland @pocketmouse @rcornish @lesip @cvanheel @tthompsonca @yonnie
August 27th, 2012
The weekend I was married so unforgettable for me. Thank you for collecting these wonderful winks for at the true Man in the Moon.
August 27th, 2012
August 27th, 2012
August 27th, 2012

Take earlier in the year. Remember so well watching the landing on TV....what memories that man must have had.
August 27th, 2012
August 27th, 2012
This isn't my favourite shot of the moon but it's the closest which seems apt for a chap who walked there. I was too young to remember the moon landings but I've always been in awe of the courage those men must have had. I sniffle as I hold my breath every time I watch Apollo 13 and can't imagine how brave they and their families must have been. RIP Neil Armstrong, the moon and mankind will always remember you.
August 27th, 2012
My first moon shot. Nothing special about the shot.....except that it is the moon. :)

August 27th, 2012
My first moon shot :)

August 27th, 2012
I haven't gotten to see the moon much lately with all the smoke, but here is one I took a few mnths back.

RIP Mr Armstrong!

August 27th, 2012

August 27th, 2012
I'll never forget watching Neil Armstrong take that walk - sitting with my much beloved grandmother.

August 27th, 2012
@alia_801 Thanks for a timely, respectful and heartfelt tribute!
August 27th, 2012
August 28th, 2012
August 28th, 2012
Here is the most recent moon shot that I've posted. I've got others which haven't been on 365 but I thought I would post this one

August 28th, 2012
Fabulous Moon shots everyone

August 29th, 2012
August 29th, 2012
Last night the moon was amazing!
August 29th, 2012
August 29th, 2012
Moon as seen through the smokey haze of the many forest fires currently surrounding our little valley.

An earlier moonshot:
August 29th, 2012
The moon was winking at me...

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