I PASSED :) ...........and kind of goodbye :(

November 17th, 2012
Dear all that have left the most awesome comments, followed by progress since I started on 1 January 2012 and given support/encouragement along the way,

Back in early September I took some exams that were vital for me to be able to move onto the last year of my degree course (one step closer to becoming a Chartered Surveyor) - well I PASSED all three and I start my final year next week. As you can imagine I was over the moon and even now can't quite believe it because I struggled with the modules big time.

My final year, like I said above, starts next week and its the most crucial year. I have three further modules to study and pass and also have to do a dissertation. Anyway life is going to get really busy for me.

I have LOVED/ENJOYED every minute of the 365 Project and this is a huge decision I am making. I am unable to finish this year off on here as I need to commit more to my studies if I am going to get the classification of the degree I want. I will come back with a BANG when these degree is all over because I love photography and feel I am grown since starting this wonderful journey.

I will from time to time put pic's on here, as and when I can, and I will obviously keep checking out your AWESOME pictures - which I love to do in my spare time. I know I have made some wonderful friends on here :)

THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart for being there on this journey. I hope you will remain friends. You can always keep a check on my FB page ( https://www.facebook.com/megsyphotography).

With love and wishes,
Megsy xxxxx
November 17th, 2012
Awwww congrats to you!!! Way to go! I love seeing your shots, they're amazing. I already have you on my FB, so all is good :) I'm sure you will ace your final year. xoxo... see you on the flipside :)
November 17th, 2012
hey dear megsy! :)

i am SO, ehm, no i mean, i am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO HAPPY for you!! :)

this are wonderful news! :)
and i am sure you will pass the last exams as well, i totally understand that you have to quite for now, but i am looking forward to see you here again (i am planing to continue after this year)! :)

i always loved checking out your amazing work! :)

November 17th, 2012
Congrats Megsy, what wonderful news. Good luck with your final year, I hope it all goes as well as the previous ones have been! Take care, Lesley :)
November 17th, 2012
Congrats Megsy, I wish you all the best for your studies :) I too already have you on my facebook and will look forward to hearing the great news when you finish your final year :D
November 17th, 2012
Congratulations, I am sure you will go ontoo to do great in the final year. I will miss you here and thank you for your kind words of support ... and see you again here when you are fully qualified!!
November 17th, 2012
What fantastic news Megsy! Well done you, a friend of mine went through the same back in Leeds and it was excruciating, I am so happy for you! I will of course miss you but will keep an eye out on fb :) Good luck and see you next year!
November 17th, 2012
Best wishes for your studies
November 17th, 2012
Best wishes and congratulations!
November 17th, 2012
Sending my best wishes to you Megsy, I have enjoyed your photos so much. Congratulations and good luck for the future x
November 17th, 2012
Congrats...your photos have been a joy to look at.
November 17th, 2012
Congratulations. You've taken some awesome shots, and wonderful as 365 is, your career is obviously more important!!!
November 17th, 2012
Congratulations on passing your exams and best wishes for your final year. I look forward to your return.
November 17th, 2012
Congrats Megsy I wrote on your FB page but am pleased we can still stay in touch, I know you'll do well in the rest of your exams & the future :D
November 17th, 2012
Gee, Megs. You are so close to the finish line. Why not go the distance? It's only a few more weeks girl.
November 17th, 2012
Well done Megsy. Love your photos, don't go away!
November 17th, 2012
Congratulations on passing your exams. Looking forward to seeing you here as you have time. Good luck for your final year!
November 17th, 2012
How wonderful for you Megsy. Congratulations. I'm glad you will still stop in from time to time. Best of luck to you! Take care.
November 17th, 2012
Way to go Megsy! I have so enjoyed looking at your photos only wish I had followed you sooner. Good luck with your final year.
November 17th, 2012
Congrats! Good luck on your final year :)
November 17th, 2012
Many congratulations Megsy - good luck with your final year, will miss you on 365!
November 17th, 2012
Congrats Megsy - good luck in the coming year. Wishing you all the very best.
November 17th, 2012
Congrats to you! I wish you every success in your final year! 8)
November 17th, 2012
Well done Megsy It's your project - we'll still be here - and we'll wait for you to graduate - this year to come is so important for your future and I know you will do well - keep snapping but let go of the pressure! Try to enjoy the last stage of your studies!
November 17th, 2012
Congrats to you and all the best for the future. I am sure we will be enjoying your great shots in the future.
November 17th, 2012
Sorry to see you go Megsy and good luck with the studies.
November 17th, 2012
Congratulations, will miss seeing your images on a regular basis but I can understand why you need to take a break. Good luck XX
November 17th, 2012
I'll miss your quirky shots and comments, as I've said before you make me wish I was in my twenties again and living in London! Good luck for the coming year, I know you will make a success of this... but never ever put down that camera for good! Xx
November 17th, 2012
Congrats indeed! And don't you dare stay away too long! :-D
November 17th, 2012
congratulations... and good luck with your final year...
November 17th, 2012
Well done , good luck for the future
November 17th, 2012
Congrats Megsy, good luck with your next modules!
November 17th, 2012
Awww congratulations Megsy! I wish you all the best for your future :)
November 17th, 2012
Congratulations and good luck for your final year.
November 17th, 2012
I daresay the 365 will still be here when you are ready to continue. You have made a wise decision, and I am sure you will do well in your final year. Take care now.
November 17th, 2012
Massive congratulations to you x
November 17th, 2012
Congratulations and best wishes!
November 17th, 2012
Congrats & good luck. Hope to see you back soon. :)
November 17th, 2012
Congrats!! Hope to see your awesome shots back soon!
November 17th, 2012
congratulations on passing your exams...maybe we'll see you back for another project when you pass your final year! (i'll probably be on year 5 or 6 or something!!)
November 17th, 2012
Great news and congratulations...all my best to you.
November 17th, 2012
Congratulations!!! Wishing you all the best with your degree
November 17th, 2012
Congratulations and all the best for your final year, we will miss you but it's very sensible to put all your energies into that final year. See you again next year!
November 18th, 2012
congrats and good luck for the final push!
November 18th, 2012
Good luck!
November 18th, 2012
you have produced some amazing work to share with us on 365....and i thank you for that....you have inspired many people. good luck finishing your degree - - you'll do great! and we will (prob) be here waiting when you get back!
November 18th, 2012
Congrats and good luck... Life will carry on and 365 will be here whenever you decide to pop back in. ;-)
November 18th, 2012
Well done and thank you for all of your comments. Good luck in your future studies and career.
November 18th, 2012
Ah! The Queen of Street Photography. . .you will be sorely missed, but your decision is wise and completely understood. Best wishes and the hopes for huge successes in your new path. We'll be blessed when you "pop" in!
November 18th, 2012
Oh Megsy Well done indeed!! I wish you every success in your work and study and look forward to seeing your brilliant profile pic pop up whenever you can manage it and fancy a bit of relax time. Take care and don't work too hard! :)
November 18th, 2012
congrats on the results and thanks for your comments during the year. Work hard and i hope you get the grades you hope for (if not more ;-)) See you when you return :-) x
November 18th, 2012
Awww Megsy we'll miss you!! But you have to get your priorities right (as I tell my kids with boring regularity) and there will be time when you've nailed the degree! Good luck.
November 18th, 2012
Wishing you the best!
November 18th, 2012
That is such fabulous news that you passed your exams, congratulations, it is understandable that you wish to put all your energies into your studies and I am sure you will do really well again; will miss you and your shots on 365 but do feel you are making the right decision. Pop in and post when you can, it will be nice to hear from you:0) Take care, it has been my pleasure to view your shots
November 18th, 2012
Megsy, this is so bittersweet. I am thrilled that you passed your exams with flying colours, many, many congratulations, and the very best of luck with your final year. I know how much angst you suffred through your exams, so I am delighted that it was all worth it.

I am so sad that you will be leaving 365, I have enjoyed your project so much, and to think that I've seen my last person sat on that step, or at seven dials is, well it's a real blow. I hope that you keep in touch, and if you are very up in the Leicester/Nottingham area, drop me an email (address on my profile) and I will buy you a coffee :) I will look out for you with your camera when I am in Covent Garden.

Look after the wee man, hubby and the cat, and most of all yourself. x
November 19th, 2012
I will miss you but understand exactly where you're coming from. Trying to juggle life, the universe and everything is nigh on impossible and you have to prioritise. Congratulations on your exam results. There was never any doubt in my mind that you'd nail it. I hope you can pop by from time to time and will return at some stage. I'll still be here whenever you're ready. Best wishes to you and your family xx
November 19th, 2012
Congratulations Megsy and all the best for your final year of studies. I have really enjoyed your photos and look foward when you have the time again to post your great shots. All the best with your studies. x
November 19th, 2012
Best wishes! :)
November 19th, 2012
Good on you for your successes to date, this final year will be a little more demanding, but I know you can do it. After all you have made it this far already. We will miss you, but your degree is important. So while you travel your educational journey we will be thinking of you and looking forward to your return in a years time ;) Good Luck
November 19th, 2012
Many, many congrats... Best of luck with your final year and know doubt I'll still be around in a year or so when you return :-)
November 20th, 2012
Congratulations and best wishes! On to conquer the world!
November 20th, 2012
Congrats! I will really miss your photos, especially the Covent Garden series! Hope to see you back soon.
November 20th, 2012
Oh - I'm happy for you but... SHIT! I adore you and will miss you and your wonderful, inspiring photographs. I wish you nothing but the best of luck with your persuit. Get your ass back here as soon as you can because... well... you're a keeper! xoxo Betsie
November 20th, 2012
Goin' out on a limb here... You wouldn't be from Texas now, would you? (KIDDING!)
November 20th, 2012
Exciting news! good luck! Looking forward to your future pics!
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