
December 14th, 2012
After much thought I have decided to leave 365. I have had bad luck after bad luck to end my year.

Number 1 my camera is broken :'( followed with a nasty financial situation.

Secondly I have been playing around a lot with photomanipulation and I kind of feel like a fraud posting those here. So I have been exploring deviantart and I think that's the place for me.

I want to thank everyone for following me and supporting my creativity, without you all I wouldn't be where I am right now.

Once I save up to fix my camera I will continue on with photography and if you want to stay updated with what I am up to, feel free to like my facebook page.

I want to add a special thanks to a couple of people.

@orangecrush Jerry, your work is amazing. You are the first person on here I admired to the point of stalking your entire project. If I become half as talented as you in my life I will be very happy :D

@ozziehoffy Cass & @monika64 Monika A big thanks to both of you :D Your support with both photography and my personal life has been a blessing. I didn't think I would grow close to anyone on here, but I class you both as friends.

@grammyn Katy, you have been there right from the start. Thank you so very much, I wish you all the best. :D

@seanoneill Sean, You are an amazing man! The way you speak about your wife and children and how involved you are with them is beautiful. You are the type of father I wish I had when I was growing up.

@jsw0109 Jeff! you rock! Keep up the good work :D

I am shutting my big trap now lol cause I have started to tear up. I will log on from time to time to catch up on what everyone is doing. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year everyone.
December 14th, 2012
We will miss you and your photos. Feel free to change your mind if your circumstances improve. Best of luck, and I hope you continue with your art.
December 14th, 2012
I will miss you, darling one. You're an inspiration for me on many artistic levels. I, selfishly, wish you wouldn't leave but you're not here to humor me you're here to help you and ultimately that's what it boils down to. I admire you and your honest approach with your feelings about your art. You're an inspiration, sister Tracy. I'm gonna' miss you very much! Wishing you all good things my friend. xoxo Betsie
December 14th, 2012
As Ross has said we will miss you & your creativity Tracy but I follow you on FB so will catch up with you there, I hope everything goes well for you in the future :)
December 14th, 2012
Merry Christmas to you Tracy! Hopefully the new year will resolve your problems and be a good one. You are so talented... it will be sad not seeing you and your work appear each day but it's understandable why you have decided to leave. Wishing you all the best! Take care and see you on FB!
December 14th, 2012
I know this has been on your mind for a while! Your a very talented and creative artist, Tracy! I'm sorry to see you leave! But I know where to find you! You must follow your heart!
Thank you so much for the kind words, Tracy! From you, I take it as such a huge compliment! Good luck! I hope that camera of yours gets fixed soon!
December 14th, 2012
ohh this explain it all.... we'll miss you tracy! ....dont delete your account....so you can come back anytime soon! .....
December 14th, 2012
Will miss you!!!! You have a huge pool of talent, never give up......what we learn in our darkest and most difficult days so often shapes us for the future.....I hope that your financial and camera woes improve soon......You would definitely not be a fraud here but I understand you need to be somewhere where you will find the creative support and inspiration that you will enjoy!!! Good luck dear girl....will find you on Deviant art or fb.
December 14th, 2012
Oh no! I will miss your posts. I love your work. One of my fave 365ers. Sad to see you go. :(
December 14th, 2012
Will mis your cleverly creative photos Tracy. Will find you on FB
December 14th, 2012
Your clever creations will be missed. Even though I seldom commented I really enjoyed seeing them. Wishing you well on whichever road you choose to follow. Will find you on Fb and will take a look at DeviantArt as well.
December 14th, 2012
Tracy, you are so talented and I will miss your posts!! I always look forward to your amazing work and hope you reconsider posting when you are able to get your camera fixed/new one! I love your edits and wish I could be half as creative as you! I wish you luck and know you will do so well!
December 14th, 2012
I hope you will be back.
December 14th, 2012
Oh Tracy! So sorry about your bad luck! Your creative work has been refreshing and well appreciated change here, I have loved to follow you! I like the diversity you have brought to this project! Thanks for your support and favs on my work! You will be missed. I hope you are too addicted and will be back soon though :P
December 14th, 2012
Good luck Tracey! ... I am already a fan of your fb page, fab work! ... Hope the New year brings you more luck!
December 14th, 2012
Find some inspiration in Thomas Barbey, perhaps... he fuses photography with art, as well. I just found your work, and I'm going to miss you already.
December 14th, 2012
Glad we are friends on fb so I get to follow your creativity. :)
December 14th, 2012
Sad to see you go, I've enjoyed following your work. You've got an extraordinary talent and a wonderful view of the world.
December 14th, 2012
Congrats on an incredibly great run, Tracy! I will miss your posts, but all good things eventually end and you are moving on. Best of luck in the future -- you are incredibly talented and I am constantly amazed and inspired by your work : )
December 14th, 2012
Sad for us, but good luck to you!
December 14th, 2012
Take care Tracy. Perhaps in 2013 you may return?
December 14th, 2012
Tracy, I have written to you privately, you know you will be missed on here, I sincerely hope you will pop in, spread your wings but come in to land every now and again and say hi...
Not farewell but seeya later
December 14th, 2012
Very sorry to hear of your misfortunes. I am glad you to hear you have no intention of giving up photography for I think you are one of the most talented 365ers posting here. I will miss you more than your wonderful photos though. May the new year reverse the sour luck you've been delt. I have nothing but the warmest feelings for you and your work. Take care, Tracy.
December 14th, 2012
Sorry things aren't going so well for you Tracy, I will still enjoy following your work on FB. Good luck! You NEED a camera, so hope it gets sorted soon
December 14th, 2012
Good luck on your next adventure, I will truly miss your works here in 365. I hope next year will be a better year for you.
December 14th, 2012
Found your Facebook- will enjoy your creativity there. Best wishes for a better year.
December 14th, 2012
Best wishes Tracy. Life certainly has its ups and downs and things will get better. You have a wonderful imagination in your photography.
December 14th, 2012
@tracywilliams :( I am going to miss you and your project. I wish you the best in whatever you do. Your absence here on 365 will leave a hole. I hope your financial situation improves shortly - I've been there and know how hard those times are. Please keep in touch! (can you give a link to your facebook page?)
December 14th, 2012
I will miss you, Tracy - you are a very talented artist. Best of luck to you!
December 14th, 2012
Peace and prayers friend, travel to your next stop safely!
December 14th, 2012
Thanks for everything, Tracy. You have been a true inspiration to so many and although we may not see you on 365 anymore i feel certain you will be famous and we will get to see you that way! when you publish a book of your art it will reverse your financial situation for you! just sayin'! ;~} Best of luck to you and NEVER doubt yourself or your creative genius!
December 14th, 2012
wishing you good luck for the future Tracy, you have such talent and creativity, I do hope you come back soon, ,,see you on FB :)
December 14th, 2012
Oh Tracy truly understand, so sorry this has been a trying year for you. Wishing you well in what ever you do! Have a wonderful Christmas & I hope things look up for you in 2013. You will be missed ):
December 14th, 2012
I will miss seeing your work here. I wish you luck for the next step in your journey and beyond.
December 14th, 2012
Awwwh Tracy..i am so sorry to hear this!! Your work is a true inspiration and you are a true Artist! I hope you do stop by to see us as you will be greatly missed ! Hope you get your camera fixed soon..I will find you on facebook....Keep your chin up...ill be praying for you and your family..If God takes you to it....He promises he will bring you through it!! Take Care! :)
December 14th, 2012
I always looked forward to see what you had come up with Tracy! Your pictures were truly brilliant. You'll really be missed here. But I have liked your facebook page so I will get to keep up with your work :) and you'll be welcomed with open arms if you ever decide to come back! Really hope your financial and camera situations improve soon. xxx
December 14th, 2012
Your creativity is unmatched. You will be truly missed.
December 14th, 2012
Tracy you're are so fortunate to have the artistic talent that you do; a minor setback should not let you doubt yourself on your creativity! I wish you the best of luck in your personal and professional life. I've been a huge fan of your work since a long while and have been following you on FB too.
December 14th, 2012
Tracy this is so bittersweet for me. I read your comments first thing this morning, and wanted to take time to consider how I respond, rather than my usual shoot from the hip approach! So, several hours later.....

Your words about me are truly humbling. I am just trying to be the dad to my children that I never had, and I know that I am far from perfect, I can be a grump when they are untidy, don't do as well at school as they should, use me as a taxi service etc . All that said, you have me totally choked up, and your kind words will stay with me forever.

I understand your reasons for leaving, but I will miss your work so much. Your creativity is incredible, and your breadth of skill often takes my breath away as I know I have said in the past. Your work is sometimes more like art, but I for one would happily still look at it on 365 and feel that it has a very significant role to play here. Not least in inspiring me, but also many others as the comments above bear testimony too.

You more than anyone have made me realise that anything is possible and that the photograph can and should sometimes be just the beginning. Take care my friend, I wish you every success with your work, life and family,and also that you come back to see us all on 365 soon.
December 14th, 2012
I'm sorry to see you go. You are a excellent photographer and artist and I've really enjoyed your wonderful pictures. Best of luck to you. I hope you'll be able to get your camera fixed soon and also hope you will stay with us.
December 14th, 2012
Sorry you're leaving. Hope things sort themselves out for you
December 14th, 2012
So disappointed to hear you are leaving. I have loved following your work even though most of the time I cannot comprehend what you have done to achieve the result. I hope that the New Year brings you a new camera and a brighter horizon.
December 14th, 2012
Tracy, I know I wasn't able to comment on a lot of your photos, but you've been a huge inspiration for me. When I decided to pick up the camera again, dust it off and try this project, I thought it was only about snapping pictures. Maybe making them more refined, more colorful. But then one day early on, I saw what you've created with images. You opened my eyes and mind to an entire world of possibilities that can be held within the lens of a camera. So thank you. Good luck on your journey. May the road under you fall away, and allow you to soar where your soul wishes to fly.
December 15th, 2012
Sorry you're leaving, I wish you good luck, Tracy.
December 15th, 2012
I totally support your decision to leave 365, but I will miss your creative genius. I also want to say that in my book photo manipulation is still photography so there is certainly no fraud there. You are just able to take your photos so much further than most of us! I will miss that creativity, but I wish you all the best... and I will be watching for your art commercially, whether in a book or individually framed pieces... :)
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