I thought this was a site for 1 photo a day for 365 Days !!

January 7th, 2013
Ok so I am new to this site but I thought the idea was to take fresh photo's every day for a year and post 1 of those photo's on this site. Only been a week and I can't believe the amount of people who use it like an alternative to Flikr etc. Just posting loads of holiday snaps en bloc.
Does this not defeat the object of this site?
January 7th, 2013
It kinda does defeat the purpose of this site, but some people just do it because they have a busy week and won't have time. Or they are just missing the point of this site!
If I don't have time to post during the weekend, I will wait until the weekday to post for the weekend that I just missed. But we all are different!
January 7th, 2013
You are correct Hugh, the front page states the very same. But some people do use it like Flikr. Just follow people whop post pictures you like. Sometimes people will have no internet and will have to catch up with a big upload though. If you want to follow me I am a photo a day man :-)
January 7th, 2013
Perhaps they have been away for the holidays, no computer etc. so are uploading when they get back. Is it really an issue?????
January 7th, 2013
I have tried this project a few times before, once successfully for over a year and once less successfully. This time around, I have decided before I started to upload just twice a week (although I will be taking daily photos) as I know how much time it can take to choose, edit and post my photos. I suspect I'm not the only one who does this.
January 7th, 2013
I try to post once a day, but sometimes I miss out on a day due to lack of time ( family, work etc.) but some people have up to 3 albums so if they post in all 3 of them only once a week makes a lot of shots. But I don't know any of these people
January 7th, 2013
Hi Hugh. I'm a newbie to 365 but could not resist the opportunity to pay to have two extra albums one of which I'm using to showcase photos that I've taken in France. But my default album is still 365 which is the fundamental principle behind 365 I believe - as you suggest.
January 7th, 2013
Well something like 2% survive the whole year Hugh, 98% having dropped out, so when you've done a whole year posting one a day in the specified way then come back and wax lyrical about the proper use of the site. I spent a year shooting daily then another year shooting with models at the weekend and posting the shots on a daily basis. I can't shoot with models every day, and I refuse to take photos of my breakfast. Also its a well heeled subject, and for future reference if you wanna check if a subject has already been discussed you can use the search bar at the top of the page.
January 7th, 2013
We have this same discussion on and off till about March and then people seem to realize it is their project and use it in a way that meets their own personal growth, objectives and fullfillment. There are two sides to this the rule followers and the rule breakers. I shoot nearly everday, but am so a rule breaker. Some of my favorite photographers do nothing but find new ways to break the rules.

Second frequent posting is to make negative comments about how often the popular page is full of photos of pets, babies, flowers, bugs and globe shots.

Welcome to 365.
January 7th, 2013
@swguevin And water crowns, don't ever forgot the water crowns
January 7th, 2013
It is still early days for me and I am going to try hard to stick to the photo a day rule just to see if I can succeed! I have signed up as "ACE" and would like to know if I can use the other two albums for "non daily shots" rather like a showcase for my thousands of pictures. Can someone please comment/assist.
January 7th, 2013
@chewyteeth --- You could take pictures of your feet. ;-)

@felix2013 --- I'm well into my 3rd year and carry my camera daily. I have given myself some freedom to do whatever I want to do now. I can say that I do take pictures most days. 365 is personal to everyone. It's not a competition but a place to grow as a photographer and share your images. If you want to show a whole month of Uncle Fred's retirement party, so be it, but do keep in mind we are very social creatures and kinda fickle. If you want to really take full advantage of the opportunity you have here, do your best to keep things fresh for both yourself and your followers otherwise you will find it a very quiet and lonely place. In order to make this work, do your project in the way that works for you. Don't be so rigid that you will burn out due to the fact that you can't be perfect. Just have fun and give yourself time to become the photographer you want to be.
January 7th, 2013
@swguevin and don't forget the direction a cat is looking makes a difference. the PP cats are generally looking up. LOL You also forgot to mention swans and sunsets
January 7th, 2013
@genesis_one With the ACE membership you have three albums and this could explain why many post up to three pictures a day.

I am using the main 365 album for a picture a day. One is for themes and challenges and the other is for creative attempts. I like how I am using these albums.
January 7th, 2013
@genesis_one --- You can do anything you want with them. I have a previous year and a current year. The third I only use for special postings and that's it.
January 7th, 2013
I'm new here too - My goal is to post something every day - when I did a 365 blog a few years ago there were times that I had to play catch up. So I'm not going to create too many rules for myself...life happens! :-) As long as I'm shooting, I'm happy!
January 7th, 2013
@genesis_one Of course you can!!

@felix2013 I sympathise as I get irritated when the whole dashboard is taken up by one person but the solution to that is to hit the 'unfollow' button. I don't find many people use it like Flickr - why wouldn't you just use Flickr - so I think you've been unlucky.
January 7th, 2013
Daily feet project. 365 pictures of my feet. Will you be my first follower?
January 7th, 2013

January 7th, 2013
@jase_h @jsw0109 Looks its a two-fer thread! Maybe we can all just pile on and get this out of the way!!
January 7th, 2013
Thanks for all the replies and different views on the subject. It has given me a good feeling for the way the majority feel about the project and the way it should be approached.
January 7th, 2013
@chewyteeth --- ;-)
January 7th, 2013
Hugh, I don't want to create bad feeling here but there is know way the project 'should' be approached. Do what you want, follow who you want to follow and above all enjoy the process. As soon as you stop enjoying it it's time to get out. There are some amazing photographers here and the community is wonderful but as far as I'm aware Ross hasn't, as yet, employed any photography police to make sure we only post one shot per day. The longer you are here the more you'll realise how life interrupts sometimes and posting every day isn't always possible.
January 7th, 2013
January 7th, 2013
@chewyteeth Yep, nailed it.
January 7th, 2013
My feeling is that it is each individuals project and they can decide how they want to approach it. If I want to post more than one photo that I got one day (maybe I have a couple I like), then I will. If I miss uploading a couple days and want to get caught up, I will. If you don't like the way someone is going about their project, don't follow it. To each his own.
January 7th, 2013
@chewyteeth @swguevin @jase_h @jsw0109 You forgot the butterflies...

March is not going to come soon enough for me. I'm about to start going "Tina" on the discussion boards. :)
January 7th, 2013
@cmc1200 :D Do it, I've been remarkably restrained so far
January 7th, 2013
There is lots of arrogance floating around here. I think the nice thing about this site is that there are no "rules" - except, I suppose, you have to post your own stuff. How you use it to develop your photography is entirely up to you. If you want to shoot in film on a 1936 Leica, fantastic, I love that stuff! If you just have an iPhone, that's also good, at least you're taking photographs and (I hope) thinking about composition!!!
January 7th, 2013
@jase_h Eh, being the "passive-aggressist" (I just made that up) that I am, I just make comments like that and leave. And you have been quiet...welcome back!
January 7th, 2013
Being very New I will be sticking to ONE Photo every day. I do take lots of photos each day since joining this year and I keep these in my own albumn set aside for 365 Project. The hard part is choosing which photo to place on my calendar for each day. I enjoy this part the most as it makes me closely look at my own work and either by deleting or re-taking photos to then select just one will hoepfully help me improve my photo skills.
January 7th, 2013
god it would be nice to actually go on a site where people dont use it to have a moan theres seriously something very wrong with people who just dont enjoy life sorry but i was really shocked to see negative comments when i have recommended this site to so many because of its friendliness and great community spirit.I was excited to showcase my photos i did put a lot on but dated them from last year however iv slowed down and just put one on a day but i really dont mind how many anyone puts up i really enjoy looking at them
January 7th, 2013
@peadar nail hit with unerring accuracy right on the head!
January 7th, 2013
@bluefirebucket Mick, that's two of us, then...
January 7th, 2013
I think people can use their project in whatever way suits them best as a growing, learning photographer.

I myself did complete the 365 project of 1 per day -- from September 2010 to August 2011. That kind of daily commitment became almost a full-time job! But, I completed it and I felt good afterward.

As it it now January 2013, I don't feel the need to "follow the rules" anymore and I feel like any shots I post now are "extra credit."

Everyone is different and has different photographic expression needs. But, I agree, follow people who inspire you and don't follow anyone who doesn't.

Hope that helps.

January 7th, 2013
@felix2013 some times 1 is not enough! I upgraded to ace when i first started in 2011, it expired... then i started again in nov 2012 and yesterday i went to ace again because i had 2 photos i wanted to upload couldnt decide which to choose for the day so i picked one for my 365 and the other i put in my other "bits and bobs" album so i could get some feed back on it and show the world the photo even though it didnt make the cut into my actual 365... iykwim.
There used to be people doing 3 projects at once using the ace accounts albums...
anyhow.. each to their own, just find your own groove and dont worry about others :)
January 7th, 2013
@chewyteeth I'm pretty sure I have seen a 365 feet project before!
January 7th, 2013
I have so many photos on my computer that I want to work with, that looking through my files is like a treasure hunt. Plus, being fairly unschooled in the digital darkroom, it is an adventure with each photograph. For me it is all a learning experience and fun to find photos I shot and forgot about.
January 7th, 2013
@thewhiteroom very sorry you have taken so much offense at my statement but from my point of view I was also recommended by someone to join a great site where you commit to taking photo's each day and posting a 365 day album. It's a big commitment yes. But actually in reality not many people actually do it. as I have discovered. That's not being negative it's perhaps disappointment at finding that the 365 project isn't actually a 365 project at all to a lot of people _ Fact .
January 7th, 2013
Idk, arnt websites sposed to be for whatever you want them to be for? If you don't like someone posting more than one picture a day stop following them right? I dont mean to be blunt or rude, im just saying.
January 7th, 2013
@cmc1200 Hahaha awww Tina! I can see now what everyone was talking about last year at this time!

And don't follow me I group post all the time...I'm a natural rule breaker :)
January 7th, 2013
@chewyteeth Wow! Only 2%! And I'm one of those for my first year!! With no fillers! Wheeeeee!!!

@jsw0109 Swans!! Don't forget swans! It seems like every swan shot makes PP!

Hugh, you're going to have a great year! It's a fantastic experience. I now see the world around me in a completely different way! Enjoy!
January 7th, 2013

If we're talking about weird project, did you ever see the poo guy? He picked up dog dirt for a living and made sure he took a picture a day. No kidding, ask anyone whose been around for more than 18 months they'll tell you. Literally, he'd be like, 'saw this curly white one today, thanks for favs and comments....' and don't even start on the poopy afterbirth midwife project.....yeught -
January 7th, 2013

2% baby, high five. and I think 1.5% carry on.
January 8th, 2013
Well, I joined this site to do the 365 project, and that's what I'm going for. I want to try to upload a picture every day, taken on that day, but I expect life will intercede at times so I'll occasionally have a backlog to upload. It seems important to me to actually take the picture every day though, otherwise the point of the project is missed.

In terms of any other use for this site I'd say that if the owner(s) are happy for other uses to be made of it then that's fine. Whatever turns you on.
It does seem illogical to just show misc. pictures here when there are other places for that,and the name suggests a specific use - but, hey, I'm not going to get wound up about it. People are a funny lot on the whole, and do funny things.
January 8th, 2013
@chewyteeth Thanks Dave! I'm into Day 7 (or 8 depending on Leap Year counting) and couldn't even think of not finding a shot for the day! :))
January 8th, 2013
@chewyteeth are you serious?! I've been on here for almost two years and i never heard about that one. That's very... uh... unique! ;-)
January 8th, 2013
@cmc1200 You just made me Lol! Love it!

For my 2 cents...I did the 365 thing in my first year, no fillers. But as many who have successfully done this (and many of the contributors to this thread have), I've stuck around without so many self imposed 'rules'.
Taking a photo and uploading it everyday sounds easy in theory, but its not. I've done it so I can say that with conviction. Sometimes the realities and struggles of life get in the way.

Good luck in your 365 journey Hugh.
January 8th, 2013

Well, I know almost anything can count as 'art', but pictures of sh*t? Naah!
January 8th, 2013
@johnf @soxfansara

its real. I'll take a look around but I bet its gone now. I'm talking spring 2011 I last saw it. some sweet curlers, and he got maybe 20 comments on each picture. madness. I've seen a few midwives on here who take pics of some mucky work based entrails. for realz.
January 8th, 2013

do you remember the poo guy? from 2 years ago, an Aussie street-hygene worker guy?
January 8th, 2013
@johnf @soxfansara

no dog poo, but there's some crazy shiz if you look around, or there used to be.
January 8th, 2013
@chewyteeth Yeah wasn't he a skater as well? I seem to remember him saying something along the lines of "Don't waste a year taking pictures of crap, I should know" in response to someone post.
January 8th, 2013

hahahahahha. I miss the old days man.
January 8th, 2013
@chewyteeth Haha, awesome
January 8th, 2013
@chewyteeth oh my gosh that's amazing in it's own special way. Now I'm curious about all the weird 365 projects that might be out there!
January 8th, 2013
and it all ties in perfectly with Hughs question about shooting a daily picture. ;)
January 8th, 2013
@felix2013 What I've seen repeatedly in my 8 days here is.. the only rule is post your own work. So what if people want to use this place more flexibly than to post a photo from each day that day? I can't see how it affects you, don't follow those guys. That said, I'm posting a photo taken on the day every day, and so are the majority of the people I'm following. I certainly couldn't say from my experience of what I've seen that 'actually not a lot of people are doing that.' Actually, a lot of people ARE doing that. And if I find I have to change how I'm doing what I do, I will - without feeling bad that I'm letting down the spirit of the place. The spirit of the place is about looking at others work, learning from others work and supporting them to grow as photographers as well as growing myself... well, that's how it feels to me! I am quietly sure that's lots of us newbies will quietly disappear over the next few months. I plan to see it out, but if that means I have to change how I'm working, so be it. Good luck with your project.
January 8th, 2013
@chewyteeth I actually found that placenta really interesting... but then, I got my own in the deep freeze! (No, I'm not planning to eat it, we'll bury it one of these days), but the dog poo leaves me cold. I could post pics of what's in my son's nappys each day, that can be pretty fascinating, they can tell quite the story... some stories aren't for sharing with the world!
January 8th, 2013
Well spanky Jane, you dun talk a lotta sense for a new one. Your first message I mean. Placenta makes good pate, tastes like liver.
January 8th, 2013
I'm in the 2 % club, did year one taking and posting everyday. Hey you could have posted my placenta pic not just the link!! You beat me too it. There's another one in there as well!!

Thanks Mel :)
January 8th, 2013
I saw someone eat some once.......I nearly threw up
January 8th, 2013
@felix2013 I joined two days ago with the same intentions....Point, focus, shoot, and post one picture for the next 365 days. 365 was recommended by a friend... At first I was overwhelmed... so many images...challenges... themes... I wanted to see and do it all!!!
BUT I teach, so time is very limited. I am doing a picture a day, enjoying the creative minds and beautiful images, and participating in GET PUSHED to become a better photographer! I hope you photo journey is a positive one.
January 8th, 2013
After this thread I am so eager to shoot cats looking up from my feet with swans taking dumps in the background. One a day, workin' on that poopoo bokeh. @chewyteeth @soxfansara @phillyphotos
January 8th, 2013
@emsabh if you did that you'd automatically become my hero. Just sayin' ;-)
January 8th, 2013
I try to post pictures that are daily shots. However, life does get in the way and I don't always do this. During December, 2012 (my 2nd year), I decided not to take and post pictures from each day, because I might go crazy trying to do the holidays and the picture taking. I took shots from about 4 different photo shoots and used them during the month. It also drives me crazy to shoot a picture, do any needed processing (such as cropping) and post my picture all on one day. Almost all of my 365 pictures are taken on one day and then posted on the next morning. This saves my sanity.
January 8th, 2013
@judithg Thank you
January 8th, 2013
@chapjohn Thank you
January 8th, 2013
@dmortega Thank you
January 8th, 2013
@felix2013 it is your account so you can do what you want with it, I am about half way through my 2nd year now, my 1st year I stuck with the one shot a day policy & though hard at times really enjoyed it but this year am taking it easy & posting a photo when I feel it's worth it!
January 8th, 2013
@peterdegraaff well said
January 8th, 2013
Y'all are a hoot. I lasted about eight months in 2011 and then - boom - it happened. I missed a day. It was DEVASTATING. But I got over it and realized the goal was nice, but it wasn't the whole package.

Have fun. Share. Learn. Meet some cool people. Be inspired!
January 8th, 2013
January 8th, 2013
@doyouseewhatisee yeah! Meet some cool people...be inspired! Love it!
January 8th, 2013
@chewyteeth Om gosh! Who knew?! Thanks for the tons of laughs. I now know where to go when I have nothing to shoot. I have three dogs, I could make a collage of poo! Or perhaps the toilet....friggen crazy! (I'm still laughing)
January 8th, 2013
@chewyteeth it's not gone!! looked it up the other day to show my boyfriend! He didn't believe me lol... but the guy stopped doing poop and started shooting "regular" things lol!
January 8th, 2013
@felix2013 In this age, a photo a day is entirely possible. When you work 60+ hours a week, a good photo a day is not. There has been days when I would rather post a better and more interesting picture from my one day off rather than a picture of my breakfast. I would never want something I love to become a ballache.

But as echoed, it's what you make of it. I look forward to seeing how your remaining 99% pans out :)
January 8th, 2013
@peterdegraaff Oh stop - if only I could find one photo every three weeks I would be happy at the moment. I actually contemplated photographing the dog having his booster vaccination yesterday. The only sunshine I've seen for months is in your photos....I propose an exchange program - we northerners get to spend a month in Oz and you lot get to spend a month doing 'brown'. (Am I selling it well?) And don't go thinking you can pick beautiful snowy Montana for your exchange destination :0)
January 8th, 2013
@judithg well the dog had some teeth out and a vaccination but I dont suppose you want to see his stitches. It was 44C or 111F here today. Big bushfires 50miles south of here and evacuations. A cool change would be nice.
January 8th, 2013
@peterdegraaff Oh yes it's making the news here....frightening stuff and 50 miles sounds too close for comfort. They say it's going to get cooler for you but I'm guessing a great big rain day would be better. Boring brown has major advantages....
January 8th, 2013
@felix2013 There are no rules here except don't post other people's images and claim them as your own. The idea is to take a new image each day but life gets in the way of that for many people, so we do what we can. Personally, I started this project with the intent to post a new image each day, but work and life got in the way so while I still post an image every single day, most images I now post were not taken on the day I post them. Works for me and my friends/followers. YMMV. Good luck with your project.
January 8th, 2013
So far I have taken a picture every day for my project, I'm usually late on posting.... I take a picture before work and since I work swing shift by the time I get home its the next day...
January 8th, 2013
@felix2013 It's perhaps worth bearing in mind that some of us use film, at least part of the time. I can get colour 35mm developed on the same day, but as for 120, not a hope.
January 8th, 2013
I would like to thank everyone for there contributions to this thread. It was a question I asked in total honesty without realizing I was about to unleash the Chimaera from it's mountain stronghold. The tone of a fair few replies was that I should not have raised this dirty question, all I can say is that you appear to me to be justifying your deviation from the quest of 365 for whatever reason.. What will I personally do when or if I hit that wall of being unable to produce a daily image, I don't know at this stage. I did try once before and ran into trouble, so quit rather than move the goalposts. But as you all say it is your project do as you will. Many Thanks Hugh
January 8th, 2013
@thewhiteroom Well said Faith. But human nature being what it is, we all like to squabble....... [Grins].
January 8th, 2013
yeah i suppose we never stop being kids really any way they do say it clears out the rubbish in your head having a right old gripe xxx lol
January 8th, 2013
@judithg I would like to apply for the exchange program.............:-)
January 8th, 2013
@felix2013 Well said Hugh.
January 8th, 2013
@felix2013 There are no '365 police' - it's YOUR project, do it how you like!

I was ill after Christmas so got very out of sinc. I try to do a photo a day - but I don't beat myself up if I can't.

I LOVE 365 and would hate it to become a chore :)
January 8th, 2013
@judithg My supper soup was my paltry offering for yesterday. Desperation some days. @felix2013
January 8th, 2013
Im just glad Hugh has asked his question ..... all the replys are amazing and some indeed are very funny .... this I believe is what makes the 365 great , the family community is strong here.
Project 365 ..... your project , your ideas , your views and your life .... the way YOU want to play it ! .... and most of all having FUN ,,, which at the end of the day is what life is about !
January 8th, 2013
I'm glad you asked it too, Hugh, made me reflect on what the point of this project is for me and how I'm going to make it work for me... at the end of the day, each of us has our own project and our own idea of how it should be done. I never want this to feel like a chore - I'll be leaving if it gets that way, I have plenty of chores as it is, (which are currently being a bit neglected for photography and for checking out things here!) I don't think you can get it wrong, as long as what you post is your own work. And I also had some good laughs reading these posts!
January 8th, 2013
is it a rule really or more of a guideline? I'm new too and since I'm still learning how to use my camera I will be really surprised if I actually pull of taking a picture every day. Oh sure I could do it if I'm content to say use my cell to take a pic of my diet coke or something but I want to use this to learn how to take pictures not just snap shots.
January 8th, 2013

'justifying my deviation'

I wanna get that on a t-shirt, that's brilliant. That's politician speak for explaining why you failed! just take some pictures and have some fun Hugh, you'll find your niche.
January 9th, 2013
@felix2013 I've been on here 1 year and 7 days and have never thought this site was used like flickr. Like most people say, it is our our project, so own rules. People can do what they want, except post other people'*s photos and claiming them as their own
January 9th, 2013
@emsabh LMAO I'd love to see that!
January 9th, 2013
@jasonfury Here Here! Very well said.
January 9th, 2013
I for one @judithg am not enrolling in the exchange program :P Your freezing weather and boring brown have not sold me :) I will however continue to take photos of my beautiful country for you to envy :D
January 9th, 2013
@judithg Oh and this year I am off to New Caledonia , Fiji and New Zealand if you would like photos of sunny beaches :)
January 9th, 2013
Well I am in my 2nd year of doing this project. I did a new photo everyday the day I took the photo. I had no fillers and I used a different song everyday.

This year I'm doing the same thing and I have a 2nd album that I use for other new photos everyday. Again still using a different song everyday.

For me personally this is the way I see "my" project. I don't think anything bad of anyone that does it differently. But this is the way I want to do it. :)

And don't forget fog and trees on the pp page. ;)
January 9th, 2013
okay. I post what I want to post, when I want to post, how I want to post... and above all I learn from the fantastic people on here. I tried that one a day thing.. Whew.. By March.. it was history!!!!! and I want to see feet a day for 365 @chewyteeth GO for it!!!
January 9th, 2013
As they say at Outback, 'no rules, just right' ... That's my motto here.

I try, but don't hold myself to this inflexible standard of posting a fresh photo from the day. If it's from yesterday or the day before, well, big deal. I'm not going to stress over it. Got enough stress in my life as it is!
January 9th, 2013
@tammeray Well don't go changing your mind in May when it's idyllic here! ;0)
January 9th, 2013
hi hugh like you i thought ok try and do a photo a day but working 12 hr shifts esp nights doesn't always make that possible, will post the occasional older shot of somewhere think i'd like to be instead maybe ;). but i'm hoping it will make me get out and do and see more rather than just sit at home at the end of the day. i would like to look back in a year and feel i have achieved something or at least had an interesting year.
January 9th, 2013
@felix2013 that is how i feel. i took on this project as a 365 for 365. not posting a photo i took from 3 years ago. January 19th ends my 366(leap year) and i am proud to say every photo posted was taken that day. there were days i wasnt feeling creative or inspired so i took some generic stuff. i did miss one day due to my appendix surgery. it was the day i came home from the hospital and was all drugged up and in a lot of pain. i realized it the next day so this is what i posted on the day i missed...

January 9th, 2013
@jsilver Wimp! I spent 10 days in hospital having major spinal surgery and on morphine, then 4 months almost continuously in bed and completed my 365 with a photo every day. The photos are absolutely rubbish, but that's by the bye.

P.S. Just joking :D
January 9th, 2013
Here is a suggestion I made in reply to a comment on one of my pictures which seems to have several people agreeing. If anyone wants to complete the project as it is supposed to be approached ( I per day for 365) then that person is assigned some kind of distinguishing avatar next to there profile picture if they succeed. If you don't want to be bothered with the 365 challenge and are interested in the social networking then fine. It's a challenge for a reason. :)
January 9th, 2013
You seem so down on people that aren't playing by the 'rules', I find it a bit weird... why not just focus on your own project? If posting a photo from that day each day is super important to you - and clearly it is - then by all means, go for it! You'll get a massive sense of satisfaction when you succeed... or a crushing sense of disappointment should you fail, and no doubt stop all together, as 'what's the point when I missed a day?' As I've mentioned in this thread already, I'm taking and posting a photo a day, but I'm not interested in tying myself up in knots should it not work out that way. Life goes on, with two small children I can see that the day may come when I don't manage to get a shot in. That won't mean my project has failed, not to me. And it's MY project, after all! If I make it to the end and have improved and enjoyed myself... SUCCESS! More rules do not make life better, not my life anyway.
January 9th, 2013
@spankyjane Is that not what I have said Quote ... If you don't want to be bothered with the 365 challenge and are interested in the social networking then fine." end of quote , Have a good project
January 9th, 2013
I already commented but wanted to add - one of the things that is important to me is challenging myself with post-processing also. Sometimes I will pull a shot from a few days ago and work with it in LR and post it as my photo of the day - for me, posting every day isn't about shooting every day as much as it is being immersed in my photography in some way (even if I don't get a shot I want to use for my 365) every day.
January 9th, 2013
This site is not about social networking for me. The connections I'm making are awesome, but they are all, at this stage, based on sharing photos, critiquing images and supporting each other in getting better in our work. If I do manage to continue to post a new photo each and every day, go me! I won't need a gold star to commemorate that achievement. That's just me though. Lots of people that have been here for over a year and posted a new shot each day say so in their blurb, it seems easy to share that success if that's what success is to you. If lots of people like your idea, it certainly won't make me leave if it's taken up... it's just not something that's important to me, I'd rather have intrinsic rewards. Your photos are looking good, btw.
January 9th, 2013
@felix2013 The day they start handing out avatars is the day I quit. That is the stupidest damn thing I have ever heard. You seem like a real dick. What do you mean by "If you don't want to be bothered with the 365 challenge". I take that as an insult! Why do you care what people are doing with their projects? I can't believe this is the top thread!
January 9th, 2013
@cally i know, i am a baby. :)
January 9th, 2013
@pammerritt Thanks for your point of view

I care because when scanning the LATEST board the other day practically 2 people had the whole page devoted to there images, The whole purpose of the 365 project according to the site administrator is " one photo a day for 365 days" see http://365project.org/blog/what-is-a-365-project

However what I don't care for is someone who can't communicate on a forum without resorting to offensive remarks

January 9th, 2013
Hi, like you i joined on the 1 jan to do the 365 project but do not have a problem with other people posting more than one photo or older shots.I joined for me so that I would use my camera every day instead of leaving it in the bag until whenever.I also wanted to be able to look at other peoples photos to get ideas and inspiration so the more they post the better for me.Also you get 3 albums if you pay so i will eventually open the other 2 but will keep my 365 project separate.How other people use the site is up to them really but I will post a new photo a a day even if I would not have used the photo normally but use it to improve my technique and composition.I welcome ant constructive tips, ideas and criticism.
January 9th, 2013
@felix2013 I think I will say whatever I like in this open forum on this SOCIAL NETWORK that you have CHOSE to join. Now STFU!
January 9th, 2013
@felix2013 Hi... This site has been running perfectly well for over 4 years without the need for a distinguishing avatar next to people's profiles.

There are many different reasons for multi-posts... Members can have upto 3 albums, so there's 3 shots already... Members may have been on holiday, so have done a mass upload of the days they were unable to upload.

When it comes down to it, this is essentially a FREE website. I've been inspired by many photographers on here, have had fun conversations with some. There is a sense of community. Don't get upset about mass if there are mass uploads, just click next... Or grab your camera and find your shot for the day.

Oh... And @pammerritt because of this topic I discovered your amazing photos. Consider yourself followed. And as a bone-fide Englishman, can I say your last comment was true NY cliche?! All it needed was a 'Fergetabhatit'....
January 10th, 2013
@pammerritt Amen, lady. Amen.
January 10th, 2013
@pammerritt Awesome, we like you
January 10th, 2013
@felix2013 Okay, so let's go with this idea that everyone should have to post a photo a day, or, say, they don't get access to their account - which I think is a fairly foolproof way to police it. Let's say the web administrators were to place a lockout on your account such that if you failed to post a photo taken on each day, every day, you lost your account.

I'm willing to be that there would be many, many frustrated users. The membership would leave in droves, and only a fraction of people would remain. Profits from Ace membership would dwindle significantly and the site would become a ghost-town of purists who think the only valid way to exist on this site is to post a photo every day.

If it really bothers you that much, perhaps you should look elsewhere. Or, start your own "pure" 365 site.
January 10th, 2013
Its almost like old time's again :) Now if only someone would post a "supermoon" shot
January 10th, 2013
haha "pure" 365 that does make me laugh, i upload several images at once because i dont always have time to come on 365 that day to post that image, some of the images are on 35mm cameras, I will never get those developed in the same day that i took them, so when i use the 35mm cameras i make a note of the date and time so I can accuratley update my 365 etc. I think its crazy to expect everyone to update everyday but then again it depends on how anal you want to be. each to thier own n all that...its not for me!
January 10th, 2013
I joined for me and to be inspired. So far.... it's working.
January 10th, 2013
I see the Forums are doing that strange emboldening thing again... (Unless everyone's just very emphatic, all of a sudden?!)

I haven't wanted to post in here until now; this topic has come up plenty of times before, and will always provoke discussion, as people have such differing opinions.

In @felix2013 's original post, he says:

"Ok so I am new to this site but I thought the idea was to take fresh photo's every day for a year and post 1 of those photo's on this site. Only been a week and I can't believe the amount of people who use it like an alternative to Flikr etc. Just posting loads of holiday snaps en bloc.
Does this not defeat the object of this site?

Maybe you should check the EXIF data for those holidays snaps? They may well be "fresh photos every day" - just uploaded all at once, because of not having had internet whilst away, for example. I know that I often end up uploading several days' worth of pictures at once, because I've been away, or I've been too busy to do it every day - that doesn't mean that I didn't take those pictures on the dates for which I've uploaded them, it just means that I didn't have a chance to do anything with them until that time.

Really, though, there are very few rules surrounding the use of this site, and people aren't all going to have the same way of approaching it as you do - you can't make them do it "your way", any more than they could make you change your views on it. The best thing, really, is only to follow the people you want to follow; if you don't like the idea of people using "filler" pictures, or of people uploading a week's worth of 365 photos in arrears, so to speak (like I sometimes do), then don't follow people who do that! (Although, if you follow that policy to the letter, you'll risk missing out on a lot of really awesome pictures! [Not mine.] Still, that's your choice, isn't it...?)

The last photo I uploaded was one from 7th January. I didn't any pictures on the 8th (too busy), but I did take one today (9th) although I haven't uploaded it yet, as it's getting rather late for such things, and I shall upload it tomorrow instead, along with (hopefully) tomorrow's picture. Does any of this matter? No.

Incidentally, the photo I posted on the 7th has some more stuff in the description regarding my approach to this project. If you would find that at all interesting, you can check it out here:

January 10th, 2013
@manek43509 I am feeling very emphatic. In fact, you are lucky I am not shouting at you in capitals.
January 10th, 2013
@felix2013 I'm puzzled. The site won't allow you to upload more than one photo per album for each date so how can people... "use it like an alternative to Flikr etc. Just posting loads of holiday snaps en bloc."? My suggestion is to find members whose style and philosophy are in synch with yours and follow them. Then just use your homepage to connect with them and don't look at the work of people who annoy you. Although I can't imagine why you would let a pleasant hobby site like 365 get under your skin.
January 10th, 2013
@felix2013 @allie912 Hey Allison..I know how they do it, because I am sort of doing it. :0) Last year, I did my 365 of "post a photo taken that day" challenge. I made it. yay! When faced with Year Two, I was either going to have to quit, or alter how I did/relax a notch or two because I just do not have time to do it the way I did last year. At times, I was so busy taking, editing, and posting my pics, I never got to go see others' pics or comment on them. As I still have so much I want to learn this year, and I DO want to keep in touch with some friends, the educational discussion posts, the challenges, etc. I chose to keep going, but just not obsess over the "rules" of the challenge. I have been there/done that. . SO....I sometimes "break the rules." LIke I traveled all over the place the last two weeks of Dec. Vegas, two family parties, drove over 6 states on a trip with my brother....So now, I am finally getting them edited and ready to post. I am not posting them in their "correct" slots back in Dec. No one will see them. And, it is dark when I leave for work, and dark when I get home...and I work like a fiend. I am now posting three of those "Trip pics" from end of Dec now. I still take LOADS of pics every day/most days. I usually try to mix in one "current" one with my older ones (what we all here call "filler") but don't worry about that too much either. ...Does that make sense? :0) I would hate to have to leave the site because I no longer have time to commit to the "challenge."
January 10th, 2013
@espyetta Well you sure won't get any criticism from me. I think we all agree this is a site to enjoy photography and there are no photo police patrolling that I'm aware of! I'd hate for anyone to leave because they've been intimidated by a cranky pants.
January 10th, 2013
@allie912 Are the Photo Police in the same precinct as the Grammar Police? ;-)
January 10th, 2013
@allie912 I won't be leaving. Unless Ross kicks me off. :0)
January 10th, 2013
@felix2013 Of course that is the intent of this site, and in my experience most people do take the challenge very seriously. My motto is live and let live so I don't really care how people chose to do their projects. My best advice is to start small. This isn't Facebook. Having lots of followers is not the goal. Find some people who treat the project in a way that makes sense to you and whose vision of the world is one you want to see every day. I've been on this site for two years now and have met friends who are so dear. I've also learned a ton, which was why I joined. Welcome, and good luck!
January 10th, 2013
I just know I'm going to kick myself for putting my two cents worth in...but... the idea is to take a photo a day. No-one ever said you had to upload the photo on the day you took it. While we accept that this is the norm we need also to accept that sometimes it just isn't possible. Check out the Home Page...take a photo a day...
January 10th, 2013
@jase_h @chewyteeth Hahahaha! You guys just made me laugh about your poop guy. Now I cannot "unsee" all that! Thanks for the laugh! He is one unique person. LOL
January 10th, 2013
@pammerritt love it
January 10th, 2013
oops think i may fall into the category of uploading more than one a day (luckily for 365 not holiday snaps, that even bores the family, let alone random people). Oh well, more in life to worry about, c'est la vie!
January 10th, 2013
can i take one photo a night instead of one a day?
January 10th, 2013
The purpose of these projects is to get people to shoot more and get better. Anyone can take a picture of their lunch or shoes or the flower pot on the front porch everyday and say they completed the project. Are they better photographers, no so really that defeats the purpose of a project like this. I would rather take decent pics twice a week for the whole week where i can put time into learning more off camera flash or reflectors, posing etc then post 365 snapshots of just crap that i didnt learn anything with. I took 20,000 pictures last year. Do i feel like i cheated because the 365 i put on here werent taken everyday, lol. Nope.
January 10th, 2013
People uploading photos from the wrong days doesn't bug me. I did it this year (I did take a photo a day in 2011, was happy, then relaxed, maybe too much!) I do get a little annoyed when people bulk upload and knock my photos off the latest page within 30 seconds (talking about people uploading ten or more in one hit), especially when I'm really happy with one of my photos.

But whatever. People are always going to do that.

The worst thing though is someone uploading something that isn't their own. Well done, you have learnt how to save an image that isn't your own and put it online. But that's a whole other kettle of fish.

Thank goodness for tineye.com.
January 10th, 2013
@soia Bravo! I agree 100% with your very well written post. I've been a photographer most of my life, but my work has measurably improved in the 9 months I have been on 365. And that came from making friends with some very talented folks here who "raised the bar" for me. I have refined and improved my own personal photographic style, but this did not come from taking an image of my lunch each day just to say I got my picture of the day!
January 10th, 2013
I've had fun reading thru this thread. As a real newbie to the site and a uber-amateur photographer, I was wondering how people really used this site. I'm not in the habit yet of taking pics everyday - I remembered very late last night that I hadn't taken any shots, and just seemed silly to snap off something inane like a picture of my TV . I'll be fine with uploading a pic I took the other day, as it was inspired by this site.

Don't have many followers yet, so feedback is always appreciated. I am hoping my skills, knowledge and eye improve by participating here - for me, that's the real prize !
January 10th, 2013
Make up your own rules, then break them as the year goes by. Thats how I have done it.
January 10th, 2013
May I apologise on behalf of my sister and her husband, who have both just completed a mass upload of photos. I will of course disown them immediately, before having them taken out and shot.
January 10th, 2013
Yep, I agree with what everyone else has said- it's all about what you make it. I just finished my first year and managed to do it with a picture taken on each individual day of the year. Were they all uploaded the day they were taken? No. I was out of the country for over a week and had no internet access so I had to upload those shots when I got back so they all came up together. Wasn't using it as a Flikr-type site though. That was just the earliest I could get them up and it resulted in 9 or 10 shots being uploaded one after the other. It happens.
January 10th, 2013
@edpartridge WE will require photographic evidence of that, just don't upload them all in one go ;)
January 10th, 2013
@soia Agreed!
January 11th, 2013
I forgot to mention last night (because it was getting late) one of the other main reasons for my "mass uploading" would be if I've been using my film SLR instead of my digital - I take a photo a day, but I don't then get them developed until I use the whole film, meaning that by the time I can actually get the pictures onto the computer, and uploaded, there could be a backlog of up to two weeks needing to be uploaded and organised.

Is that bad, just because I'm shooting film instead of digital?!
January 11th, 2013
This has been a really interesting thread, I've enjoyed reading it. Mostly for how passionate people are about their own projects. I, however, worry for our safety in the summer months when we all come back off our 2 weeks holidays :P

@twocups Well said.

I fear @felix2013 you may have made a rod for your own back. And I hope none of the people you've chosen to follow have taken any offence at your comments. Nevertheless, I wish you luck in taking, and uploading one picture every day. I'll be interested to see how your year goes.
January 11th, 2013
@jase_h @edpartridge it has to be an arty 'being shot' photo though.
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