Is it cold enough for you?

January 27th, 2013
That phrase is likely to get an "uff da" from someone here in the Red River Valley of the North. So what is the weather like where you are this January 2013? Here on the Minnesota/North Dakota Border it has been below zero for too many days, we get "sun dogs" even my first graders know if the sun shines here in the winter it is going to be cold.
January 27th, 2013
We've had a couple of chilly days here but it is pretty much between 70 - 90 degrees here in Tucson, Arizona
January 27th, 2013
Not cold at all on the Western Australian coast :)
January 27th, 2013
We've had several 'below zero' days in MI and non stop snow, but a couple weekends ago, it was in the 50s!

Here are some MI winter shots!

January 27th, 2013
@onie Wow this looks awesome!
January 27th, 2013
@mamasoo Oh that poor little boat, brrr I feel your pain stay warm!
January 27th, 2013
@httpgeffed you too! I love your shot, I'm not sure I've ever seen a 'sundog' before!
January 27th, 2013
Below zero is crazy cold. here on the East Coast USA it has been in the teens all week, had a frozen pipe in one of the bathrooms, so we are hoping for warmer temps, it is a balmy 26 today. Maybe the kids will wnt to go out & play with the dog today.
January 27th, 2013
@httpgeffed Nice sundog's. Mine are always too blown out. Hopin for some warm up today!
January 27th, 2013
Its been a little crisp in this part of Canada. Very beautiful though.
January 27th, 2013
Between minus 17C and minus 20C without any wind. Clear sky and crunchy underfoot. Warming up next week to a totally tropical minus 8C...bikini here i come :-)
January 27th, 2013
@jannkc I was thinking about trying the challenge about lighting and try some shots if we get more sundogs, but I am sick of being out in the cold. I hope today is better. Stay warm.
January 27th, 2013
@k1w1 I just LOVE this, well done.
January 27th, 2013
@sunshinephoto5 Aww, what a sweet pup, looks like he doesn't mind the snow! Great shot!
January 27th, 2013
@huvesaker Oh goodness, that better be a "fur lined" bikini! LOL Stay warm!
January 27th, 2013
@httpgeffed I'm on vacation this week so I'm hoping for some more shots like this from different areas around here. Hope you and your family are all doing well!
January 27th, 2013
@httpgeffed I have never heard of a sundog lol! @onie :P @mamasoo awesome pics! @k1w1 can almost hear the ice in that one.
January 27th, 2013
@k1w1 We are surviving, thankfully, mom is a bit better with meds change. Hooray enjoy your vacation.
January 27th, 2013
It's been pretty cold here too. Although last night it rained and now most of the snow has gone :-(
January 27th, 2013
that is one cold chain. great winter shot @k1w1
January 27th, 2013
It's been in the single digits this week in Wisconsin. Here's hire cold it is inside ...

And outside!

January 27th, 2013
@httpgeffed I think the response is uff da ( then clap your hands together or pound on your legs and jump up and down) ya you bet cha.You been out ice fisken lately.Then with the answer of.Oh ya for sure theys been bitten real good on_____lake .Got me's some real nice sunnies.Could've gots more put ran outs of waxies.Then the talk about hunting last fall.
January 27th, 2013
Cold here in Massachusetts usa it is January and its suppose to be cold! I love when the river freezes!
January 27th, 2013
It's been so cold out that my daughter rarely takes off this hat, even sleeping in it at times!
January 27th, 2013
It's starting to warm up a little here in Southwest Michigan it's up to 28 degs right now. This shot was from the other day at Lake Michigan.

January 27th, 2013
@5unflow3r Love that hat, I want one. Really I want one. :)
January 27th, 2013
lvely ice pick...i shall never complain i am cold again@k1w1
January 27th, 2013
It¨s winter but a steady 25°C
January 27th, 2013
We've had snow and frost here in York since the 14th

It all changed today though, with warmer weather overnight and virtually all the snow has gone. The temperature today is up to 7 degrees centigrade.
January 27th, 2013
@archaeofrog I need those gloves for my job. Brrrr.
January 27th, 2013
January 27th, 2013
@httpgeffed "Uff da" sounds very Norwegian... my mother used to say that all the time. Not so cold here at the moment (+4C at the moment) but it was colder last week:

January 27th, 2013
Taken after a night of -15 C

January 27th, 2013
So weird, there was inches of snow yesterday, but it started raining last night, and today, not a scrap left!

January 27th, 2013

It has been in the single digits to below zero every day the past week :(
January 27th, 2013
It's been around -20C (-4F) for a week or so here. Finally started warming up a little yesterday!

January 27th, 2013
it was -11 celcius when i was out at the crack of dawn (literally!), but it's heated up considerably since then...
January 27th, 2013
January 27th, 2013
January 27th, 2013
January 27th, 2013
Ours hasn't been too bad, but we have just come out of a cold snap. The snow and fog looked beautiful together last week!

January 27th, 2013
@gemtumble Beautiful snowy shot!
January 27th, 2013
@archaeofrog Hey we where that inside in MN too! Stay warm! Pretty cardinal too!
January 27th, 2013
@cindyrez Wow great shadows!
January 27th, 2013
@5unflow3r Oh I love this one!
January 27th, 2013
@cally Gorgeous wintery shot!
January 27th, 2013
@manek43509 Wow this is stunning!
January 27th, 2013
@kmrtn6 This is great POV and look at all those frosty webs!
January 27th, 2013
@cassiadawn Lovely deer herd!
January 27th, 2013
@amandakay129 Keep warm! Nice work!
January 27th, 2013
@amyamoeba Haha this little bunny is too cute and a snappy dresser!
January 27th, 2013
@nickshore Nicely done, it looks very frosty!
January 27th, 2013
@helstor LOL We have many Norsks here in the midwest, actually I married one, his given name is Thorvald. They do say some funny things. Your swan pair is wonderful!
January 27th, 2013
@loragill Oh dear that looks like it might do some damage when in unfreezes, nicely captured!
January 27th, 2013
@if1 Great to hear it is warming up somewhere, what a stunning river shot!
January 27th, 2013
@leananiemand LOL Can I come visit? I am not sure it is much warmer than that here in the summer. :)
January 27th, 2013
@camisze Oh that Lake can blow in some tremendous wind and cold stay warm, what a terrific capture of it.
January 27th, 2013
I live in St. George, Utah, where winter is usually around 30-60 degrees Fahrenheit. I love the warmth!
January 27th, 2013
@jocelynphotography Excellent selfie and light, enjoy your warm!
January 27th, 2013

We had a "cold wave" this January, it means that it was at least 5 nights below 0°C and 3 days (actually it was closer to 2 weeks)
It has been a few years since we had snow in January. And this year the snow didn't melt for two weeks! Today was the first day it was warmer so the snow started to melt :(.
January 27th, 2013
@luka365 Nice barren landscape, terrific night scene...stay warm spring is sure to come.
January 28th, 2013
Southern California has been pretty warm. It's been in the low 60's a couple of times but nice and warm over all :)

January 28th, 2013
It's been very cold (lows around 0 degrees) in Pennsylvania with snow but is supposed to warm up a little this week.
January 28th, 2013
After about a week and a half of days which didn't top 10 degrees we finally cracked the freezing point today! It made it seem soooo warm! Here's a shot from last week's snowfall. Remnants still cover most of the backyard.
January 28th, 2013
We're in the midst of summer here, so no snow, frost or ice for us. Until a couple of days ago we were in the midst of a monumental heatwave with bushfires all over the country and I shot this at a local swimming spot.

Now we're on flood alert with the effects of an ex-tropical cyclone; but still pretty warm, just the same!
January 28th, 2013
@girlie Oh dear we have battled a few floods in Fargo over the years, stay safe and yuck on the clean up...the photo is great!
January 28th, 2013
@olivetreeann I do love this processing!
January 28th, 2013
@mittens Oh dear that looks cold and snowy, hope the warm up comes soon!
January 28th, 2013
@nadahfeteih Great driving down the highway shot, well taken...enjoy the sun!
January 28th, 2013
I wonder every day, why I live in Maine?
January 28th, 2013
freezing cold here!!

January 28th, 2013
@smevvy Nicely processed and great vanishing point!
January 28th, 2013
@mandyj92 LOL Ask myself the same question...Are those fishhouses? Now that is a STRANGE hobby! Great photo!
January 28th, 2013
Here in NY, the temps have been in the single digits to teens. Supposed to warm up in the next few days.

January 28th, 2013
@httpgeffed Looks like I'll be able to do another one today- it's snowing again!!
January 28th, 2013
The great Canadian north!
January 28th, 2013
From Canada as well :) This pretty much speaks for itself :) hehe
January 28th, 2013

Typical view on the windshield in the morning around here, in NE Connecticut
January 28th, 2013
Here's one from the Red River Valley of the North - just a bit further north across the border from you @httpgeffed. I have a few outdoor (snow) pictures in my project from last week when temperatures ranged from -30 to -10 celsius. Although not the coldest day, this one evokes the coldest feeling.
January 28th, 2013

It was in minus figures last week and we had lots of snow but the overnight rain on Saturday has washed it all away and today it's been 11 degrees.
January 28th, 2013
@lyoungs1023 Wow this is just gorgeous, well done Elizabeth!
January 28th, 2013
@olivetreeann Here too I am about to hibernate :)
January 28th, 2013
@gareauk1 Yikes, if my hubby saw this one he would say "hands on the steering wheel" great catch! Stay warm
January 28th, 2013
@kbalychev Indeed, great color on this one!
January 28th, 2013
@5unflow3r Love this Trina!
January 28th, 2013
@jwls Yikes is this I-29, well spotted, but I hate driving in it!
January 28th, 2013
@missmercy Excellent POV! Yikes stay warm and keep climbing~awesome.
January 29th, 2013
@httpgeffed Haha no. It is a small road on the Manitoba side of the border. (305) to be exact, about 6 miles east of the river, heading west.
January 29th, 2013
toronto's harbourfront:
January 29th, 2013
@httpgeffed I'm in Fargo and it certainly has been cold! Today would have been a dream to have a model shoot during the beautiful snow in between the raining ice shards.
January 29th, 2013
@sarrasanbornphotos LOL indeed the snow outside is beautiful, but wow they ice was not any fun!
January 29th, 2013
January 29th, 2013
@harley84 Super peekaboo flake, excellent macro Katherine!
January 29th, 2013
I've never seen thick frost like this in Utah! (Could be, I've just never looked.)

January 29th, 2013
These folks at the Bear Lake Polar Plunge in Garden City, Utah found out it is cold.
January 29th, 2013
It is so cold here in Montpelier, Idaho that when someone talks, you can't hear the words until they thaw out in the spring.
January 29th, 2013
Maybe I'll have some snow pictures on Weds, but today and tomorrow in Missouri, it's going to be 70 degrees! (We seem to live by the motto: if you don't like the weather today, just wait, it'll change by tomorrow!)
January 29th, 2013
@httpgeffed great topic!!! can't participate atm... Summer here, had our hottest day on record 45 deg c the other day!! and in winter... i also cant play! LOL! no snow here - which you are ALL making me VERY jealous i dont live where it snows!!
January 29th, 2013
@cmc1200 This is just awesome, I often missed many things before 365
January 29th, 2013
@sam_cr Oh we will take photos of winter of EVERYWHERE, I would love to see some warmth, it snowed 8 inches last night Ugh!
January 29th, 2013
@rvwalker Hahaha, I am going to use that today at school, the kids will love it! Well done frosty photo. Of course hubby's real name is Thorvald...and has done 2 polar plunges so I am in love with the water photo! Great winter captures Ross.
January 29th, 2013
@rvwalker lol
January 29th, 2013
It just feels cold in this pic!

January 29th, 2013
@httpgeffed 8 inches!! Gosh I'd loved to trade you for a season! Lol!!! I can't even imagine waking up to that! Sounds fun!!
January 29th, 2013
We had -10C for a week or two in Berlin but its suddenly started to get warm and most snow has melted today. Very unusual. This photo was still taken yesterday:

January 29th, 2013
@leananiemand Haha. Love your humor ;)
January 30th, 2013
@sassyinma Brr, we are headed back into the deep freeze tomorrow with a high of-5 below...hope it is warmer there, stay warm and great cold photo!
January 30th, 2013
@sam_cr Until you have to shovel it or drive in it LOL, but it sure is pretty!
January 30th, 2013
@synke Great black and white, love the bird trying to get out of the photo LOL well done!
January 30th, 2013
@httpgeffed thanks! We are having a strange couple of days. In the 40s today and 50s tomorrow!
January 30th, 2013
Ive just had 5 days of very pleasant high 20'sC all blue sky and sun at the beach :)
January 30th, 2013
@emjay8 This is beautiful, great composition and color...can I come visit? :)
January 30th, 2013
@httpgeffed THe weather here in NYC has been cold but it hasnt stopped me from getting out to take pictures.
January 30th, 2013
@denn_ice Well, let's see some NY cold ;)
January 31st, 2013
@httpgeffed I'll try my best to capture the cold.
February 1st, 2013

Now presenting a Sun dog in brillant color -9 degrees and -28 degrees windchill, brrrr it is cold outside!
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