Creepy message

October 1st, 2011
This evening I got 2 identical comments from someone who apparently joined 365 just to post creepy messages. This person requested that I send her my email address so she can send me photos. Is this happening to anyone else?
October 1st, 2011
It happened to dad too.
October 1st, 2011
I didn't get one, but definitely wouldn't supply my address. Chances are if you look at the profile it is either very small or non existent.
October 1st, 2011
@sassyinthecity Well then i'm in good company!
October 1st, 2011
@allie912 Ross deleted one spammer overnight. If your messages are still there today (I looked and couldn't find them) then this is another one.Please let him know so that he can get rid of the account.
October 1st, 2011
@allie912 i got one today. profile name is 'mary' no pictures, no followers, nothing... asked for my email, so we can 'go on from here'..... creepy, indeed....
October 1st, 2011
@allie912 So far nothing on my account, but that is creepy and I would let Ross know asap.
October 1st, 2011
yep...i got one was on a very old photo.
October 1st, 2011
from a miss.Mary Dion
October 1st, 2011
If you haven't alerted him directly Allie - suggest you include ross - @scrivna - in this discussion so he can check it out.
October 1st, 2011
I got one yesterday. Ross deleted the account and the comments. My name was different. It sounds like they're trying again.
October 1st, 2011
@robinwarner well poo, whats wrong with me that they dont send me creepy messages....
October 1st, 2011
@nikkers - I'm with you Nikkers, where's my SPAM!????
October 1st, 2011
@bobfoto . lol I showered today and all, AND still nothing.... !
October 1st, 2011
@nikkers - sh*t yeah, I even washed my hairs!
October 1st, 2011
@bobfoto . Ha ! I shaved my legs.... took 45 minutes, 3 rolls of toilet paper, and a blood transfusion.. but I did it !!!
October 1st, 2011
@nikkers - I trimmed my 'stache!
October 1st, 2011
I didn't get one. See, now I just feel left out...
October 1st, 2011
I got one, too.
October 1st, 2011
yes, me too from the 'mary' person
October 1st, 2011
It happened to me fact I came here looking for a way to contact Ross to tell him about this...and yes..."Mary" is who I also got the post from...posted on a photo from over a year ago...

@scrivna (please note)
October 1st, 2011
No creepy message for me. It's hard to explain the confliction of relief vs rejection this causes me.
October 1st, 2011
I had one yesterday as well, although its disappeared now... my first weirdo.. aww!
October 1st, 2011
Yup, I ignored it.
October 1st, 2011
yep me too! wanted to be my friend and everything....!
October 1st, 2011
thanks, i've deleted the account, these people wind me up!
October 1st, 2011
I just got one now with a new account - @Scrivna mary
Hi,Good Day;
My name is Miss.Mary Dion, I saw your profile to day at ( and was moved and become interested in you, I will like you to send me an email to my address ( so that i can give you my pictures for you to know whom i am.

I believed we can move from here? Remember colour or distance does not matter but LOVE matters allot in life). Reply
me back with my email address ( hope to hear from you soon
yours Miss.Mary Dion!
October 1st, 2011
I was just about to start a thread on this very comment ... I two have had two e-mail alerts from pepole who don't have accounts .... one is mary4ril and the other Happ4u .... really odd. Sounds so plausible but when you go to their supposed page there's nothing there!
October 1st, 2011
Just had two messages this morning. There needs to be a block function on profiles.
October 1st, 2011
Just checked now and have another from same person on a different photo posted just 9 minutes ago.

@Scrivna I agree with @electricwriter that having a way to block a person is a good idea.
October 1st, 2011
Now I have one as well, so I'm part of the in-crowd! ;-)
But on a serious note, I got it just a minute ago, so she still isn't blocked...
October 1st, 2011
I am being spammed too :(

October 1st, 2011
I got one too. Was about to start a thread on it. It's exactly the same as the message @jo365 posted:

Hi,Good Day;
My name is Miss.Mary Dion, I saw your profile to day at ( and was moved and become interested in you, I will like you to send me an email to my address ( so that i can give you my pictures for you to know whom i am.

I believed we can move from here? Remember colour or distance does not matter but LOVE matters allot in life). Reply
me back with my email address ( hope to hear from you soon
yours Miss.Mary Dion!
October 1st, 2011
It's sad, I saw the notification and got all excited to have a comment on a photo since it's months since I last posted, but then I found this. :-(
October 1st, 2011
Nothing so far but thanks for the warning.
October 1st, 2011
I have just got a second one!!! Link from different photos and old photos
October 1st, 2011
This is the reason I wish we could block members we don't want to view our photos.
October 1st, 2011
I've now gotten 4 identical messages so I guess Mary has not yet been blocked. Surely no one ever responds to some one like this, so what is the pay off for them?
October 1st, 2011
I got one too.... no, I didn't respond to it . Maybe we ought to set up a thread asking who has responded ! There must be someone who has or why bother!
October 1st, 2011
mary4ril said:

“Hi,Good Day;
My name is Miss.Mary Dion, I saw your profile to day at ( and was moved and become interested in you, I will like you to send me an email to my address ( so that i can give you my pictures for you to know whom i am.

I believed we can move from here? Remember colour or distance does not matter but LOVE matters allot in life). Reply
me back with my email address ( hope to hear from you soon
yours Miss.Mary Dion! ”

must think we don't have 2 brain cells to rub together!
October 1st, 2011
Yep... I just got two of those on two of my photos... I'm going to go in and delete them off those photos...
October 1st, 2011

I got the same message
October 1st, 2011
She just did it again!
October 1st, 2011
yup. my message was exactly that. on an old photo. it's gone now.
October 1st, 2011
me too!!!! Creepy! I just got one from her too! Ikes!
October 1st, 2011
just got one here too, from miss mary dion. she seems quite desperate, haha
October 1st, 2011
@Scrivna Hi Ross. I've just had the same message on one of my older pics. Same name, Miss Mary Dion!
October 1st, 2011
@scrivna - She's come back - mary4ril
October 1st, 2011
This has got be a spam bot. I'm being spammed by 'her' too. We definitely need to be able to report spam and block!
October 1st, 2011
@allie912 When checkinig my notifications this morning I found 2 of them Allison- so I'm contacting Ross- thought you'd like to know you're not alone!
October 1st, 2011
She's back on my posts, too. Very persistent, isn't she.
October 1st, 2011
You are not alone. I got one too
October 1st, 2011
arghhhh!!! what's with these people, over 1,000 today already. Not funny.
October 1st, 2011
Yes, I have been receiving them all day too! All deleted unanswered.
October 1st, 2011
I'm spam-free, but funny reading these messages, this Mary sounds like an interesting character, but her Grammar needs some work. Today is one word Mary, became is the past tense of become. I 'would' like you... we capitalise I...there's just too much to even mention. Maybe some of the ace members fees can go towards an English course for poor Mary?
October 1st, 2011
I have just received one too.
Maybe report it to 365project team
October 1st, 2011
@Scrivna once again, thanks for all you do to keep this site available for us.
October 1st, 2011
I received two messages from a Mary Dion this morning. They were identical to what @voodoochild reported. I will report this later to Ross. Poor Ross. It looks like Mary might be spam.????
October 1st, 2011
@Scrivna I had notification of 3 comments from 'Mary' - but they didn't appear on the actual page (photos from April x 1 & June x 2). The individual's account is non-existent. I assume your action has caused them to be deleted - Thanks Ross!
October 1st, 2011
@Scrivna Ross, I received two messages from this Mary Dion this morning via my e-mail (one from about 10 hours ago and one from about an hour ago. However, I did not see her comments under the two pictures she supposedly commented on. Must be spam. I wish you luck on blocking this. Thanks in advance for helping us out.
October 1st, 2011
I just came here to notify Ross... Most unpleasant find from @mary4ril !
If it goes no further, that would be good news for the day. Thanks, Ross, for taking care of this!
October 1st, 2011
Yes- I got that as well- strange!
October 1st, 2011
I received the same one from Ms. Mary Dion. I saw it in a notification email, but it's actually gone now, as is the profile.
Thanks @scrivna!
October 1st, 2011
it's spam?? aw, that's too bad. I was looking forward to a new friend lol

Now it's deleted - I guess Mary doesn't really like me :-(
October 1st, 2011
I got one too, but thanks to Ross it has disappeared!! Thank you, thank you, Ross!!
October 1st, 2011
I got one too today.
October 1st, 2011
I got creepy spam a few days ago from a different name. My spamer likes lions.
October 1st, 2011
got it. it's been removed though. thanks ross!
October 1st, 2011
@ScrivnaI I got 7 messages from "her" this morning.
October 1st, 2011
@Scrivna Just received a 3rd message from good old Mary. She really likes that July picture! ARGGGGGHHH! I will be glad when she is gone. I do believe though that this is spam, which is a lot more difficult to get rid of than a live person.
October 1st, 2011
Count your blessings. Unfortunately, I just received a comment from this lovely Miss Mary.
October 1st, 2011
She just wrote me. It seems like a computer generated message that is spamming us. on a picture from the summer. I see that she doesn't have any pictures.
October 1st, 2011
I just received the same comment about 5 minutes ago. They seem to be coming from here:
October 1st, 2011
I just googled the e-mail address this person has been leaving. They seem to have spammed other websites as well, including DeviantArt.
October 1st, 2011
@Scrivna - She's BAAAAAACK - with a new user ID:

mary2000 said:

“Hi,Good Day;
My name is Miss.Mary Dion, I saw your profile to day at ( and was moved and become interested in you, I will like you to send me an email to my address ( so that i can give you my pictures for you to know whom i am.

I believed we can move from here? Remember colour or distance does not matter but LOVE matters allot in life). Reply
me back with my email address ( hope to hear from you soon
yours Miss.Mary Dion! ”
October 1st, 2011
October 1st, 2011
Yeah, I thot she was gone, but I got a post just 32 minutes ago, again on another old photo.
October 1st, 2011
She is back on mine too! Ugh!
October 1st, 2011
Sorry for the bother, Ross, but *it's* morphed into mary2000 a different profile than used earlier. This pathetic creature would do better to go outside and get a breath of fresh air!
October 1st, 2011
I got one too! I am glad I am not the only one! I googled the name and there are loads of posts on other websites. I bet it is computer generated too. Which makes it slightly less creepy.
October 1st, 2011
@bobfoto . well hot dignity dog I got my message!!!! I was starting to worry....!!! lol
October 1st, 2011
Yep, I got one, on a really, old photo. It says:

Hi,Good Day;
My name is Miss.Mary Dion, I saw your profile to day at ( and was moved and become interested in you, I will like you to send me an email to my address ( so that i can give you my pictures for you to know whom i am.

I believed we can move from here? Remember colour or distance does not matter but LOVE matters allot in life). Reply
me back with my email address ( hope to hear from you soon
yours Miss.Mary Dion!

Booooooooooo spammers.
October 1st, 2011
Thanks @scrivna for getting onto these so quickly - they are deleted before I've had chance to report them! Would it help if you had to verify your e-mail when you register - I don't know that it would but a lot of sites make you do that and I assume it's for some sort of security?!
October 1st, 2011
Yikes! same message on one photo with 2 different identities. This is getting boring.
October 1st, 2011 is still active & sending them.
October 1st, 2011
You realize you just tagged yourself in your own comment? lol.
October 1st, 2011
@mej2011 . lol Melissa, Thats just how I roll. lmao....
October 1st, 2011
Awesome! I roll too. HA!
October 1st, 2011
@mej2011 . lifes hard enough as it is, need to roll every so often.... heheeheh
October 1st, 2011
@Scrivna Ross, I am not trying to be critical b/c I know spammers have all sorts of tricks up their sleeves, but I am still getting msgs on old photos from "Mary" as of 1 hr ago.... so how could she do this if her account was deleted? Is "she/he/it/some computer" constantly signing up again?
October 1st, 2011
i also have those.... but got deleted ...
October 1st, 2011
seriously? I'm starting to feel really bad. what, I'm not good enough? not pretty enough? feeling so UNINCLUDED. . . damn it. again.
October 1st, 2011
@cglist ok thats creepy
October 1st, 2011
Why is Mary not "moved"by my photos? Why does she not want to give me pictures so I can know "whom" she is? I thought love mattered "allot" in life to her. This is all very hurtful. Screw you Mary.
October 1st, 2011
I got 3 of those loving messages... @pwallis I will gladly pass her along to you as I don't want her to be "moved" by my photos or know "whom" I am... ;-)
October 1st, 2011
I've just had a message alert pop up telling me that my comments are spammy! Charming!
October 1st, 2011
@pwallis I am getting a multitude of messages from good old Mary. I will be glad to share Mary with you. I am getting a bit sick of her!
October 1st, 2011
@daisy @marilyn lol - nope, she's all yours:)
October 1st, 2011
My sense of humor is finally returning. I had a thought. If Mary keeps targeting my shots, perhaps one of them will get on the Popular Page. Go Mary Go. NOT really. I am just trying to look at the up side of things.
October 1st, 2011
Good way of looking at it!
You are a sick, sick puppy.
Ross is working on the system. See:
October 1st, 2011
Yes, I got that message.
October 1st, 2011
Wow, Mary is active in a lot of discussion boards. I googled the e-mail address that people posted and it had over 7500 hits. deviantart, afghanunited, poemish, currenthiphop, etc. She is one busy lady.
October 1st, 2011
@allie912 I bet it happened to a lot of people...I didn't respond.
October 1st, 2011
@scrivna - it occurs to me it might help us help you (help us . . . , sorry that got away from me) if we knew what, if any more, info. it would be helpful to you to receive from us about this. I picture your box filling up with so much junk from us just talking about this.
October 1st, 2011
Add me to the list. MissMary has commented on mine twice today.
October 1st, 2011
Thanks for the heads up. Nothing for me, but this is why I won't let my off spring post a facial pic or real name - even though it has caused many arguments. Being careful with wording here, so it may sound stilted/weird/misspelled, but it's intentional ...
October 1st, 2011
Yeah MissMary commented on mine to today, well it said I had a comment from her when it was drected to the photo there wasn't a comment written.
October 1st, 2011
I got this too, and when I clicked on her she wasn't here, so I deleted the email............

October 1st, 2011
Damn!! I thought she really liked me... :-\
October 1st, 2011
I got that same creepy message. It's been deleted now, but it came through to my email. From under what rock do these weird folks crawl????
October 1st, 2011
Wow this is so good that I am not the only one !!! She is one weirdo !!!
October 1st, 2011
Gee we got home from vacation today and the first thing I saw when opening up the computer was Mary's message..she must be going through our calendars as she referred to a March 2010 picture. who the heck is this person??? Did anyone contact Ross????
October 1st, 2011
I received a comment on one of my older photos from this Mary woman also, i too thought it was very creepy. Glad to know I wasn't the only one. I guess "Mary" has been busy.
October 1st, 2011
Yes Ross has been contacted. He commented previously in this thread.
October 1st, 2011
@allie912 I also had a message from Mary. She commented on a photo from March, I am glad I saw this thread.
October 1st, 2011
Yep, 3 messages so far.
October 1st, 2011
hasn't anyone heard the old nursery rhyme===Mary Mary quite contrary how does your garden grow. With silverbells anc cocklelshells, and pictures from 365---hmmmm I may have added something???
October 1st, 2011
add me to the list of people "Mary likes" .... creepy indeed - guessing it's some kind of porn phishing or other yuckyness...
October 1st, 2011
I just received one.
I thought it might be suspicious, so I looked here first.
October 1st, 2011
I got that message, too...glad I wasn't the only one. Just checked back this afternoon and the message was gone. Thanks for all your hard work, Ross!
October 1st, 2011
@scrivna shortly after I clicked on Mary's message my computer froze up and I'm unable to get into my e-mail account..could there be a virus coming in through Mary's e-mail?? has anyone else problems with getting into your e-mail account??
October 2nd, 2011
I have got he same message as follows

“Hi,Good Day;
My name is Miss.Mary Dion, I saw your profile to day at ( and was moved and become interested in you, I will like you to send me an email to my address ( so that i can give you my pictures for you to know whom i am.

I believed we can move from here? Remember colour or distance does not matter but LOVE matters allot in life). Reply
me back with my email address ( hope to hear from you soon
yours Miss.Mary Dion! ”
October 2nd, 2011
I had the same Miss Mary Dion email today, too. I am somewhat relieved that it was a massive spamming and not just the creepy email I thought it was when I first got it.
October 2nd, 2011
@bruni I did Bruni, but so far I haven't checked my email, so I don't know if he replied yet. However, I notice a new message from Mary in my notifications. I am not going to open this one though. I also sent a copy of what "Mary" sent me, so Ross could see it. I'm sorry to hear about your computer though. That didn't happen to me.
October 2nd, 2011
yes i got one yesterday from a Mary Dion... very weird request for email address ...I deleted it...
October 2nd, 2011
Look at who the first teacher of the school was...,_Minnesota

October 2nd, 2011
Got one too. Thanks for the thread here. I had deleted the e-mail was just odd.
October 2nd, 2011
@indiannie_jones Oh, this info makes it extra creepy!
October 2nd, 2011
@lisjam1 I was curious where they'd picked the name from. Oh, and the same message you guys got appeared on several networking sites too!
October 2nd, 2011
@indiannie_jones You may be on to something!!
October 2nd, 2011
I got two notifications from this mary person (but the message on the pictures I posted was already gone)...just found out yesterday and glad I read this thread so I know what it is...thanks for the thread and for Ross for taking care of these spams.
October 2nd, 2011
I got that too and just ignored it, I thought it was odd but its really interesting to find out that everyone else is getting it too.
October 2nd, 2011
I got the mary message as well, glad to know im not alone!
October 2nd, 2011
I received several messages too :(
October 2nd, 2011
ok, so i modified the comments code to detect these sorts of behaviour, hopefully we wont see too much of that any longer. i'm now going to close this so we can all move on.
Thanks for your participation, this thread has now been closed.