who did you first follow on 365?

November 10th, 2011
think back now... to the very first person you started following on this here site. now don't think too hard... just go to your profile, click on "following", then scroll all the way to the bottom. the very last person is the very first person you started stalking. an added bonus. share a pic from their project that you really like.

here's one from my first... @hull2474

November 10th, 2011

This goes way back! Ines @beelzeboss was my first follow! I loved her work!
November 10th, 2011
I dont really understand this thred, but the First person I followed was my mum , I joined on the 5th of september and on the 5th of september she uploaded @doorknee71

November 10th, 2011
@orangecrush Jerry.. i am LOVING her work... bout to start following myself!
November 10th, 2011
@halkia I have enjoyed seeing Leiden NL through her eyes. :-)

November 10th, 2011
@5unflow3r it is extremely rare for me to follow a person from one picture. Trina, you just did that for me.
November 10th, 2011
The first 3 people I followed were family members. Here's my cousin @pintopony

November 10th, 2011
Mine was ⒿⒶⓎⒹⒺⒺ, @gavincci :)

November 10th, 2011
@beautifulthing thanks shelly ....
mine was slava ..... @slava, shes really good in portraits and nature ... and this is her photography page : https://www.facebook.com/pages/Slava-Bowman-Photography/173349859376385?ref=ts

November 10th, 2011
Diana (@ladydi53)
November 10th, 2011
Suzi @swoop

November 10th, 2011
November 10th, 2011
@killerjackalope Adam was technically the second person I started following but the first person I followed stopped uploading a week after I followed, so I dropped her from my list. I have been following him just as long though, clicked follow on both within minutes. I found 365 through them at www.instructables.com I believe he is still a regular contributor over there.

November 10th, 2011
@cath - my dear friend and 'sister' who got me started on 365 :) !!!

November 10th, 2011
I first found 365 when a mate of mine posted a link and his first 365 photo on Facebook back in January last year. I joined up, and added him as a followee straight away. However, he never posted any more photos, and his account has been removed, so I can't even post the one photo he did take! LOL

So, like @shadesofgrey, I'm posting from my *second* followee - rain rubin @tabatsoy - here's his latest:

November 10th, 2011
Don't know what happened to her, but she was my first!

November 10th, 2011
I first followed @kerristephens, and she is such an awesome person, an amazing friend and an absolutely wonderful at photography.....

Kerri is so beautiful...She is as beautiful a human being as she is in this Selfie...
November 10th, 2011
my friend Denise, who got me started here. She has so many wonderful old cameras and is a true artist! Here's one of my faves!

November 10th, 2011
Mine was the lovely @andrewdearling ... he takes a bloody good picture so a favourite is hard to choose, but I have always loved Trevor.

November 10th, 2011
my daughter Sophie, @sophiesproject, she doesn't get on here all that often because of all her exams but she keeps her account going and I'm sure she'll be back
November 10th, 2011
My mate Bonnie @kloud, we both started this project together!

November 10th, 2011
@sjodell awesome, Sarah.... i'm following her now, too!
November 10th, 2011

Whilst Lisa wasn't the first person I began to follow, she is the first person I began to follow who is still active and who's account hasn't been deleted.

Here is one of her photos which I adore

November 10th, 2011
I thought it was someone else, but the list says it was my mother @mejbronant
I really liked this one she took -

November 10th, 2011
My first was Gary Meus @g_meus

He's got a lot of amazing photography.

November 10th, 2011
@grecican Too bad you weren't my first :P
November 10th, 2011
@jasonbarnette hehehe... i see what you did there
November 10th, 2011
November 10th, 2011
@grecican Cool! :-)
November 10th, 2011
@emmar84 Thanks Emma :o) The first person I started following was Donna @lilbumblebee She posts loads of photos of yummy food but I love this shot

November 10th, 2011
my husband was on 365 before me and followed him first, and I love his work, still! So many pictures untaken....

November 10th, 2011
Rainee Paz, Peter Van Allen, princesslove and Dalia Destruction
November 10th, 2011
@wrighty was the first person i followed. she's a friend in the 'real' world and was the reason i joined this project in the first place!

here's one of the photos i love of hers:
November 10th, 2011
Kelly @gesshoku was the first person I followed. This is one of her photos...

November 10th, 2011
@eliserose781 was the first person I followed and this was also the first photo that I faved. Once I saw it this photo, I knew I had to sign up and start my project.

November 10th, 2011

Deb Sulzberger started the day after myself. I suppose it took me that long to navigate my way around the site. This is Deb's first photo from that day.
November 10th, 2011
November 10th, 2011
The first person I started following is @rayswrld
I love this photo ... just looks so peaceful!

November 10th, 2011
@tinatmmc was the first person I followed! I still love seeing your work Tina!

November 10th, 2011
@woodsy999 was the first person I followed, after I'd enticed him into joining up!
This is one of my recent faves of his.
November 10th, 2011
@chriswang Wow, I had no clue I was the first person you started following! Thanks Chris!!
November 10th, 2011
@becky_tamm This is her most recent shot!
November 10th, 2011
my fav selfie of her:
November 10th, 2011
@ parisouailleurs- first person I followed becasue I saw these amazing photos and they were taken in Paris, which I had just recently visited and loved it, so it was a little bonus. Love all her photos
November 10th, 2011
@sburbidge, I have him to 'blame' for getting me into 365

November 10th, 2011
@psychographer Aww, thanx so much!! X I've not posted food in a small while.. hmm. Haha

First person I followed was who introudced me to this site! She is a fab girl who has come so far with her photo taking - I am proud of her. Sarah, or Sassy.. @dbsphotography. Looking through her pictures I can't find a favourite though :o/ They are all good! So I'll post her recent one ;o)

November 10th, 2011
The first people I followed were my teenage daughters. Don't make me pick just one...
This is @beamqueen

and this is @honeybees
November 11th, 2011
I first followed @Karens68 she got me interested in the project.
here is one of her many wonderful shots!!!!
November 11th, 2011
My husband--he's the one that dared me to join this site. @johalmm

And this was one of my fave pictures he did.
(I married the one in the middle, by the way. The one that looks like Mr. Bean, lol)

November 11th, 2011
The first person I followed was my friend who inspired me to join with her wonderful pictures! @nimi

Here is my favorite
November 11th, 2011

Bill Dodsworth I love his work, he is taking a break but you can still find him on the web!
November 11th, 2011
That's Wendy- my daughter- I hope she'll add more photos to her project. I liked this one a lot:
November 11th, 2011
The first person I followed was my daughter, Cathy K, who talked my other daughter and I to join in the project, but Cathy got so busy with her baby, she stopped posting. Come back Cathy. This is a picture of my granddaughter.
November 11th, 2011
The first person I followed was @amyhughes with this picture and processing:

November 11th, 2011
The first person I follwed was @beamqueen - she and her sister told me about the site :o)
I love this one of their dog Jake!
November 11th, 2011
@sweet_tooth was the first person that i followed, she introduced me to 365 and i love it

this is one of the many favourites i have
November 11th, 2011
My wonderful friend @kaisisland was the reason I joined this site and I'll be eternally grateful to him. He was, of course, the first person I followed. Here is my favourite shot of his:

And here's another one that was taken during one of our photowalks:
November 11th, 2011
I followed Frouckje @frouckje first. She's a true cat-woman! the pictures of her cats make me smile!

November 11th, 2011
@geertje Thank you so much. This makes me happy!
November 11th, 2011
@httpgeffed Bill was one of my really early ones!!
November 11th, 2011
I started with @mariettedejong
She posted her entries at Facebook and this is how I started 365. I love the way she pictures her ordinary, daily live with so much love, hope and eye for detail. I admire her for takings such good care for her grandparents, her grandfather in particular. He is the star in her oeuvre!

November 11th, 2011
i first followed @kailynparish
this is one of my favorites
November 11th, 2011
The first person I started following was @dhartley She takes amazingly bright and vibrant photos and it is always a joy to see her shots.

November 11th, 2011
Love his work!
November 11th, 2011
@exposure4u ditto, Wendy... following him now, too... thanks!
November 11th, 2011
@grecican Thank you Tina for checking out his work. I was just wondering why I hadn't seen any of his pics for a while and went to check out his last post and am was very saddened to see he has passed away. The last photo from his camera was posted on Oct. 23. A definite loss.
November 11th, 2011
@exposure4u jesus, Wendy... i didn't realize! wow
November 11th, 2011
If my last one is the first I followed it was Emily @eholle I still enjoy her photos including current.
November 11th, 2011
The first person I chose to follow was @glendq I have never been disappointed in her awesome collection of photos !
November 11th, 2011
aw, I'm such a dealer! haha :)
well, I first followed @luxvivens for she'd brought me here!
the pictures of her bird (bot also others) are really amazing!
November 11th, 2011
I started this project with my sister @e.gad who talked me into it. She was my first follow. It is hard to pick a favorite shot since we discuss them at lengh, my nephew is often the subject of her photos, and I am often with her when she is taking her pictures. I decided the objective thing to do was to go back to look at the ones I've faved over the course of her project and pick one of those.

While I love a bunch of her photos this one really speaks to me. Knowing my sister, I was so proud to see her post this - It was really hard for her. It is wonderful to see her embracing herself and putting herself out there so others can see what a wonderful, caring and loving person she is. That is something she should never hide and always be proud to show.

I love you, E.

November 11th, 2011
@sburbidge Is the first person I followed.

November 11th, 2011
Kim Suzanne Kelly @kimmiesue was the first person I followed - her photos just amazed me - and continue to do so just about every day! So glad to see the beauty and diversity on my homepage every time I tune in - I have been delighted to find lots of awesome photographers since then but yes, Kim was the first and this is her first picture I fave'd.
November 11th, 2011
My old friend @brizmako invited me to join, we've not seen in each other in 20+ years but reconnected a couple of years ago online and ever since have been sharing a passion for photography. He has given himself an additional challenge of posting a haiku everyday along with his photo. He works night shift so a lot of his photos are at night, some of my favourites involve light painting or burning steel wool ... like this one here
November 11th, 2011
@sarahimmel - this was my first fav of hers and the one I started following her because. I just really like the photo. Love the POV and the color.
November 11th, 2011
@sydyneybeier my first favorite on February 24 2010
November 11th, 2011
@mtol was my first person I followed. She joined this site days after I did. We were friends in high school, friends on facebook and distant cousins in real life.

November 12th, 2011
Lauren (@lauren211 ) was one of the first I followed :D

November 12th, 2011
My 15 year old niece is the first I followed...My brother, her dad, shared her photos at times on Facebook. I linked over to see them and commented. She said "now I'm following YOU!" That was in June. Since then, I have many times thought how this project and taking pictures have saved me from total despair about my mother's death in July. It gives me something to plan, to talk about....I love it! Erin has lots of wonderful photos, but I love this one as it is one she took of herself! @ehenry
November 12th, 2011
I am totally going to steal even her words! @cfitzgerald was first person I followed! I joined this glorious community because of her, and have SO much enjoyed being able to reconnect our lives through this project! "We were friends in high school, friends on facebook and distant cousins in real life." :)
November 12th, 2011
Smelly Eli (@iandec ) is the first person i followed - she is the reason I am here at all. She is a lovely woman, I like her immensely!
This is her Petrol head
November 12th, 2011
My first follow was Jim Carleton @foxinsox47 He is a good friend of mine and pointed me to the site.

November 12th, 2011
@emilymarieley was my first! I somehow found this photo and fav'd it then followed!
November 12th, 2011
@threeplusone awwwww that's nice of you xxxxx
November 12th, 2011
@swoop a great friend of mine and a great photographer
November 12th, 2011
@izythunder was the first person I followed and this is one of my favourite pics :) http://365project.org/izythunder/365/2011-05-14
November 12th, 2011
@kbradbury is the first person i followed, love her work..this is one of my fav's. :)

November 12th, 2011
Julie (@aromatics) was the first person I followed. This is my favourite picture of hers ....but she has tons more that I love. They are all very creative and inspiring.. .......
November 12th, 2011

Sciroccojade who introduced me to 365
November 12th, 2011
Milly Moo (@funkyclio) was the first one I followed and I love this shot of hers...

November 12th, 2011
I told my husband I was going to join and he decided to have a go too, so we joined together. He'd not really been interested in photography so much before but now he's as hooked as me.
This was his very first photo (and one of his favourites too)

November 12th, 2011
@grecican I looked at my list of friends and I'm certain that my first follow is not on there! The last person listed hasn't posted since April, so it seems pointless to pull up a picture of someone who's not really on 365 anymore. I'll have to think about someone who's still here that I remember from my earliest days- maybe I'll check out who first commented on some of my shots- I'll be back!!
November 12th, 2011
@grecican Well, after a little research, I'm certain that my first follow is no longer on my friends list nor even 365 for that matter. However, here's a shot from @digitalrn aka Rick Schies who was one of the first people I followed, although not technically THE first person, on the day he first commented on one of my pictures.
November 12th, 2011
I'm proud to say it was Andy @andycoleborn I didn't know where to begin and found him posting photos of places I knew on the south coast of England, that's a good start! Little did I know he would become one of THE 365 members with his wonderful London shots, it's been a pleasure!
November 12th, 2011
My first follower was my dad @gkf2 and i absolutely adore this picture
November 12th, 2011
@sunnygreenwood my friend Anne invited me to join, and so very glad she did! She has an amazing eye for detail, as you will see in her many macro shots. She's also a walking encyclopedia with tons of back-info on her shots!!!! : ) ONe of my faves:

November 12th, 2011
I started with @foolmoon

November 12th, 2011
i've started following so many people due to this thread... thanks to everyone for sharing!!
November 12th, 2011

I started following my gorgeous friend Lesley @kiwichick. We became friends in Perth,Australia when our boys were first born. Now she has moved to Canada and i miss our cuppa and chats xx
November 13th, 2011
November 13th, 2011
I first followed Nadine! I don't always get a chance to comment on her work, but I think she has a great eye and I was very inspired by her when I first started! :)
November 13th, 2011
November 13th, 2011
Thanks to Pat Janik for introducing me to 365...because of her, I am here ;-)
November 13th, 2011
Caroliene was the first person I followed @caatjeg
It was difficult to pick out one fave but I've gone with this...
November 13th, 2011
I don't think Loni was actually the very first I followed; I've probably cut off some dead weight since the beginning. But she's definitely among the first and one of the few originals I hung onto! She was/is incredible!
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